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Aildilional local oti second pago. Nancy Bell s in town. Lent commenced yesterday. Ed Pierce has gone to Kalamazoo. C!apt. All;n was in the city Monday. Mrs. Prof. Ten Brook s n Washington. Ilon. E. D. Kinne returüed to Lan.sing Monday. The schoten will soon enjoy a week's vacation. Republican county oonvention next Thursday. Rev. Mr. Alabaster lectured in lonia last evening. A. L. Noble rcturned from New York Monday night. An adjourned meeting of the R. T. of T. this uvening. Alex. Morrison caught a black coon the first of the week. And now Manchester business men are talking teleplione. Peter W. Carpenter returned from Fiint this morning. The A. U. telegraph office will not be closed for the present. E. Cranson is preparing to bnild a residence near Delhi Milla. Regular meeting of the city legislature Monday eveniug. Next Monday night the regenta wül meet in special sesion. JaBper Imus bas rteeived n handsomo hound from Kentucky. TheM. C. R. R. is doing a big freigbt and passenger business. We haveu't heard anything latei; about th at greenback "organ." Martin Ryan.of Norlhfield, is to build a heree bain in the spring. Col. Chas. E. Gríseos is chairman of the state military board. F. Galpin, of Dixboro, is building ao addition to his residence. Geo. Brown, tramp, got tO days in jail Tuesday for being drunk. Rcpublican town caucus at the court house Satuaday at 2 o'clock. Mr. A. Worden has ?one to join hcr liusband, in Dunlap, Iowa. O. Schiappacasse and wife spent the first of the week in Detroit. The new office in the Gregory house will have a plate-glass front. There was two feet of water in Schumacher'a cellar Sunday night. The will of the late Joshua Cushmaii has been admitted to probate. Wm. Taylor, the evangelist, is to lwture in Chelsca this afternoon. The rain Bunday kept many f rom going to the temperanee meeting. E. Ball, of Webster, is going to build a new farm resklence this spring. rannie Davenport will play "Pique" in this city next Thursday eveuing. Col. Frank Baird, of Oliio, is to speak in the opera house next Sunday. Jas. M. Coyle, forraerly of this city, is editor of the Marshal Statesinan. A. Jackson Sawyer has gene to New York city on professional business. Village officers will be elected ia Manchester a week f rom next Monday. Sixtyseven dollars was Company A's share of the receipts Monday night. Kev. Dr. Cocker will preach in universlty hall this afteruoon at 3 o'clock. R. A. Beal will witness the iuauguration of president Garfleld to-morrow. There was a paper social iu the uew Baptist (huren basement last evening. Gco. O'arken appraisect the real estáte of Jeremiah Peek, deceased, at 2,250. Peter Carpenter. deputy register of deeds, enterad apon his duties Monday. A very Interest ing session of the pioneer society was held yo&torday in Dexter. Register Gtlbert expects to be sevcral iiKiulhs making a copy of the index books. Wilhelmj, the renowned -violinist, in university hall to-morrow (Friday) evening. ïhe masque rade buil given by the Chelsea bami Monday evening wasahuge ■flair. Prof. Wilson delivered a very able address beforo the W. C. T. U. Sunday evening. Judge Beukes is a candidato lor circuit judge. A botter nomination coulda't be made. Jacob Kitlebuss lmnished the stone, 444 perch.for the foundation of .1. Keck'a new block. Last Öaturday Newton Felch liad the index tingcr of liis Icft hanrt taken off by a Ijiizz saw. Michael Sfaulb&tch for assaultiog and lattering his wife, paid $■ fine and costs ast Friday . The Presbyterians lust evening indulged in a social at the rosidence of Rt;v. VIr. öelston. Hon. E. D. Nelson, of Marquette, was n Ihe city Friday, ami was show u througb. be uuiversity. One week trom morro w evening the Coüliiou club will givetheir llurd animal masquerade bul). Tuomey brothers who have been doing Huinesa in CUelnea, hav removed their goods to Dexter. Jas. Bowdou aged 60 years, died Friay, of pneumonía, U tlie residence of Daniel B. Brown. Cramer stands a beller chance of being truck by lightning than receiviug theominatiou for judge. Rev. Wm. Taylor will occupy the pulit of the M. E. church next Sunday lorning and evening. Rtght nominations uu the part of the emocracy mean a victory for the party t the charter election. Frank Dunlap lias goue to Saginaw where he will reinain a few days and :ien return to Buffalo. For some cause there was 110 meeting f the stockholders of the T. A. A. & G. T. R. R. last Thursday. John Smitb, ol'Ann Arbor town, is gong to build a horse barn. The work will e done by W. S. Ross. Jas. McElory, of Noitlifield, aud Mary )owns, of Ann Arbor town, were joiued n matrimony Tuesday. Yjisilanti republicana secm to be satis, fled with the nominations made by the state convention last week. A speaker by the naiue of Blair addressed the Dexter greenbackers Saturday night in Costelio's hall. Judge Harriman was iu Chelsea last Thursday hearing evidence iu the J. Cushmau will contest suit. The billiard room under the Cook house was filled with water Sunday to the depth of several Deputy register Wade left for Washington Tuesday He expeets it will take liiin lOdays to see the sights. Wood & Son have fltted up a eozy little office at their ware rooms near the M. C. R. R. in tip-top shape. A new house is to be built by Ira Carpenter at Dixboro. Thos. Hoskins, of the fifth ward, is thebuilder. v A large audience greeted Miss Charlotte Thompson Monday evening in the play of the "Planters Wife." "Insanity and the treatment of the insane," is the subject of Rev. lr. Sunderland's lecture Sunday evening. Qodfried Rehfuss, of Scio, was waylaid Saturday night on hia way home, and was pounded nearly to duatii. There was a inasquerade parly at the residence of A. McReynolds Tuesday evening, given by his son Frank. Nick Bird was arrested Monday on the charge ot selling liquor without flling his bond. Examination next Monday. That "ring" is thought to exist only iu the mind of ex-sheriff Case, and the addlcd bram of the Ann Arbor tramp. The Baptists of Manchester gave a donation last eveniug to the Rev. W. L. Palmer. Wlio wouldn't be a minister? John Laughlin received a telegram Tuesday announcing the death of his brother, Patrick Laughlin, in Montana. The juvenile band under the direction of Prof. Otto is mak ing rapid progress. The little fellows play exceedingly well. Several boxes containing oadavers addressed to H. K. Suow & Co., were received at the express office last Friday. A cominktee from the 8t. Lawrence so ciety has been appointed for the purpose of sccuring a speaker for Bt. Patrick's day. The commissioners in the estáte of Wm. Wheeler met Tuesday and linished their business, 11 being the last day of hearing claims. And now ever}1 paper in the county bas given the tramp a (lose. Like ïhe great "unwashed" his hide too, is inval' uerable. Judge Beakes, of lliis city, and Albcrt Crane, of Ypsilanti, are inentioncd in contiection with the nominalion for circuit judge. Washington to morrow will be alive with people froin all sections of the country to witness the inanguration of president Garfield. Ilenry W. Rogers, who luis been sick for 8everal weeks wiHi the erysipelas and (iiphtheria, died yesterday at his residence on Huron street. Should R. E. Frazer remove trom this city as it is rumored, the temperance cause here will lose one of ils most eloquent advocates. The gentleman who is to address the r:fcirni club Sunday comes highly recommended and will undoubtedly be greeted by a large audience. Mrs. L. Tickner, of Plttsfleld, has boiight out Waterman & Monroe, who have been engaged in the milk business for the past six years. A concert was given last evening by Prof. Wilsey in Ridgeway. Thiseveniug the professor will give a concert in the grange hall in Macon. The republican judicial convention for the counties of Washtonaw and Monroe. will be held at the court-house in this city, Friday.March 25. Our citizens will be pained to know of the dangerous illness of Jacob Vandawalker, who was prostrated Fridf.y night by a stroke of apoplexy. Mrs. Lewis, wife of the distinguiskrd orator and actor. I. O. Lewis, Esq., of Elyde Park, 111., has been visilicg her faiher, Mr. 0. II. Millen. Jas. Corwin, of Buuker HUI, formeily a resident of Sharon township, lias buried seveu children the past winter, all havine died of diphtheria. It is desirable that there be a full atteudance at the pomological meeting next Saturday, as very important questions are expected to arise. Last Thursday afternoon Jno. Muehlig's handsome hearse came very near beiug smashed to pieces by the ears at the crossing neurOsborn's. The land leaguers of thiscity are making arrangements to taTeatllsttugutehed orator deliver au address to thein sorauwbera about St. Palriek's day. Legal business must l)e av fui dull lor only niiie new suits at law havo beeu ; commenced ia the "SYasbtenaw circuit court since the lst of January. Just 29 years ago last Tuesday John Keenan paCKed his litüe grip sack and starled lor California to geek his fortune He was absent about t wo years. The discourse Suuday evening by Rev. J. Alabaster on the law profession, was a masterlv eiToit, and the lecture was Hateued to by a very large audiencc. .1 . W. Htruhle wa presented by his tonaorial artista with a handsome gohlheaded walking stick Monday, it lieing tha lOüi auniversary of his marriage. A hand Ui the Daily News office "pied' the inside form Friday which necessitaed the printing of a kalf shuet, but the next day the paper appeared as usual. August Hutzel celebrated his 75th birthday last Priday. He was serenaded by the choir ot the Germau Lutheran cliiach and the Gesaagverien sucicty. (ieo. V. liansom, in his sensational ahd comeily drama, entüled, "Across the Atlantic, "wiU commence a two nights' en guguineut in Üiis city next Friday week. Rev. Mr. Spence ia still hammering away at the uucouverted in Salem. The meetings are not largely atteufled and making chnstians is eviflently up hill work . An ex-sheriit hangiug around during court time and drawing tha paltry sum of $1 .50 per day for his valuable (?) services is one of the tliings not seen very olten. J. F. Schuil, Miss Eiama Behr and Miss Elizabeth Linderoanu, of Detroit, a guest of Miss Behr, were given a 3erenade Fridaj by the Ann Arbor Gesangvcrien. L. C. Sutton, of Northfield, kas taken the contract to build a large bain for F. S. Chapín, also one for M. Ryan. Work will couiinence as soon as the weatlier will penuit. We have said it. A man of Cramer's demoeracy eau neoer receive the nomination for circuit judge. He will see whee he stands on the day of the con vent ion - just no where. The prohibition. quesliou came witliin three votes of a two thirds majonty. Representative Kinne voted for it, and representativos Gorrmui and King voted in the negative. Everybody sUould attend the concert in university hall to-morrow evening. Such well known artists as Wilhelmj, M'lle Ij. Louwa Fritch, and Mr. Constantine Sternberg will take part. Mary E., wife of S. B. McCourtie, died in the sixth ward Sunday, of febroid tumor, at the age of 40 years. The reinaiu8 were taken to Bron.son, Branch county, for aterment. Qeo. Moas, who has been compelled to walk with a crutch tor many years, met with an unfortun&te accident Saturday night. He slipped and feil, breaking his crippled leg above the knee. Edward Coiniskie, who has been a resident of Northfield for 53 years, is verging on to 85. The old gentleman is halo and hearty and boasts that he lias never been aick enough to cali a doctor. On account of the rain and snow melting last Saturday and Suuday the walks were almost mpaasable, and persons goiag to and fiom churcli were compelled to wade ihroagb water aearly ankle deep. Cramer stands in wilfc the tramp, and the tramp with his acoustomed cheek presents Cmmer's name to the democracy as a fit caodidati; for judge. Democrats laugh in their sleeves and wonder what next. As there are a number of witnesses to be examined in the matter of the contest of the will of Joseph Rawson, Judge Ilarriman will go to Manchester next Tuesday, to wUich time the ewsc has been adjou rned. There was a fair audience present Saturday evening to witness the production of the -'Whiskey Fiend." The net proceeds were divided between the reform club and St. Patrick's temperaiice society of Northfleld. M. O. LeBeau has purchased for 500 of Airs. O. W. Bay, 67 acres on the river road, and taras his house ia as part payment at $2,500. The papers were signed Saturday. R. IJ. Weeks will move on to the place. Fred Ehnis proposes to make it interesting for certain offlcers who intruded themselves iuto liis private apartments sorae days ago : also a certain other man had better keep his eyes open or there will be trouble in the camp. Oscar O. Sorg is going to engage in business on his own account and has reuted the place now occupied by Mike Brodbeck. Oscar is a tip-top painter and frescoer, and will undoubtedly have all the woik he can attend to. Brother Beal appears to be perfeetly satisfled with the nominations for the regency. Why not? It certainly was a stand off between the Free Press and Post and Tribune forces and R. A. The programme was changad uud new men nominated. Prof. Wilsey's quartette club sing at red ribbon hall ir. Dexter to-morrow evening for the benefit of the reform club. Our exchanges speak in glowing terms of the concert given by these gentlemen, and they will undoubtedly begreeted bya full house. Pontiac Commercial: Mr. and Mrs. Penin, father and mother of Rev. O. I. Perrin, of this city, came on a visit to tlieir son last Friday. They are from Manchester, Washtenaw county, and are amoug the earliest pioneeraof thatsection of the state. We have received from a subscriber a poem on "the circuit judgeship" which is too long for publication. Perhaps Cramer's organ would be pleased to get it, and besides the tramp printer would thcn have something original on which to feed his few subscribers. We stated last week that Mi. Buchoz was a candidate for supervisor from the second district. We have since learned that although he has been importuned to accept the nomination by many republicans, he feels that it would be impossible for him,if elected, to accept the office ou account of poor health. Lewis Lamborn has a shepherd dog that lias al vvays slept arouud the house until lately, when he went to tte barn añil lay beaide a sick horse to which he was evidently very much attached, nor would he leave the horse to go and get anything to eat. For 10 days and nights he kept watch and ward. The concert and dramatic entertainment eiven at the Unilarian church last Thursday night, will be repeated this ei'enin witli au entire ehauge of programme. Those who attended the entertaiament last Thursclay eveuiag speak 10 eulogistic praise, and we trust a mueh larger audience will be present to night. A nurnber of the friends of A.lbreeht Gwinner including the juvenile band, uuder the leadership of Prof. Otto, met at tho residence of Mr. G. last Thuisday evening aodcelebrated the 38d birthday of that geatleman's wife. An elegant suppcr was given the guests and the eveniug was spent in social enjoymenl. Mrs. Mary Ann Buchoz, wife of the late Louis R. Buchoz, died last Thursday, of apoplexy, at the age of 69 years, eight months and 25 days. She was bom in Belmont, Fnnce, and came to this country at an early day. The funeral was held Sunduy afternoon from the residence of her son, A.. J. Buchoz, on Detroit slreet. Messrs. Booth, Tuomey, Irwin, McDonald, Nowland, Sumner, Orcutt.Green, Jewell and Jas. M. Hill, with their high flyers, went to Duxter Saturday afternooa and had a trot on the ice iu the nver. SU tracks half a. mile long were cleared by the Dexter boys, and there was sorae (ast trotting all round. The Arborites took the cake, beating the fast nags owned ia Dexter and Chelsea. Mrs. Jennie B. Reade has flnally agreed to the coinp -ornise desired by the defendaut in the Reade-Murry breach of promise suit, the gentleman paying all costs of snit and a money consideration besides. How inucb. the wealthy Mr. M. paid Mrs. R. for trifling with her womanly feeiings we are unable tj learn, but have reason to believe it was quite a handsome sum.- [Eaton Rapids Journal. It is astonishing how the people w.ll flock to university hall to hear some lecturer from alnoad. but whea one of our own citizens is advertised to lecture in the opera house lie has small audience.s. Ve hope it will be different nest Tuesday night on the occasion of Prof. Adams' lecture for the benefit of the reform club. The subject is oue which is interesting the people on botu sides of the ocean- "The Land Trouhles in Ireland." On WeUnesilay evening Marsh lölh, the Ann Arbor city band is to be given a benefit in the opera house. The entertainment wil! be undftr the management of Frank Hangsterfer, and whatever this gentleman undertakes he makes a success of. Our citizens sbould ïemember that the city band is an honor tothe town and the boys should be encouraged. Not only this, but the social to be given by Mr. Ha'igsterfer will be well worth attending. We hope to see a large audience present. In the Chelsea Herald of the 24th inst., brother Allison goes for the tramp printer, and in an article hesded "a mean dodge" says: "We are informed that the Ann Arbor tramp is in the habit of hanging around the probate court and gobbliug up every legal he can get withiu his reach. About tvvo weeks ago a lady from Chelsea was there, when he stepped forwaid and offerod to iusert her probate notices for a "mere song." She replied that it was for the ('hebea paper, and beat hlin out of it." Swathel, Kyer & Petersen, owners of the city üouring milis, have found it neeessaiy on account of their rapidly increasiug buaines3 to enlarge their facilities for manufactiiring, and propose to build an addition on the west side of the mili 20 by 30 f eet ana 30 feet high; also a wing 9 by 20 feet. The old wheel house is to be removed and among the improvements will be a turbine water wheel, and two extra run of stone. The work is to be done by R. K. Ailes and Wm . J. Ross, and will require an expenditure of $2,000 or more. The sluice-way at the corner of Main and Liberty streets, uot being of sufflcient capacity to carry off the water on the south side of Liberty Street, it run over the side walk and flooded the cellar of the building occupied by Baumgartner Bros. The engine was brought out but could not make much headway in pumping out the water. Several loads of manure were placed along the edge of the walk to keep the water back, while a ditch was being dug across the Street, Some one in authority thinking to better matters turned thu water into the gutter on the north sido of Liberty street, but Schleicher didn't propose to be drowned out, and opened the dam, whcn the water took its natural course. A democrat writesthat the course The Dkmocrat has taken in regard to Cramer and the circuit judgeship is to be ':ommended, and concludes by saying: This is not the first time he ha9 attempted to foist himself upon the parlies as a candidate tor office, and the forthcoming Judicial convention will set down on him, the same as other conventions in the past. Tho9c who remember hls maguificent run - behind- last spring for supervisor in the rtist and second wards, must be more then ever surprised at the amount of cheek he now displays in anking for a uominaüon of áueh great importance to iho people as that of circuit jud?e. To place Uim in nomination would insure defeat to the democracy. You rightly said, Mr. Editor, that to place his name on any ticket for a county office simply means defeat.


Old News
Ann Arbor Democrat