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Tlia Indiaas in northeni Mexloo areagain on the warpath anl coiumitiing tnany outrages. A hand of Apaches were followed into Mexioo ly United States troops under Lieut. Morey, fout were not overtaken. Tlie Arkausas house of represeníatives has passed a resolution proposing a prohibitory Rmendment ín the state constitutiou. Slxtoen occan steaincrs and 203 sailiug veesels were lost duriug December. The factiona iu Pennsylvanio have agreed on John I. Mitchell óf Tioa eouiity, tor U. S. senator. Jiidges Prummond and Blodgett, of tlie ünitod Stat9 circuit court at Chi&iuo, have decided that al! the barbel wire fencing made in tlie wiist is au iufriugemeut of the Washbunie :mi .1ü"U patenta. A correspondent who bas lteen investigatini the etfects of the severe winter in the raitlc ranchea of the southwcst "cjiorts that ihdiisaods of beeves lin the norUteru bank ol tii Arkausas, bavinf diiricii In fromtheüortti, aud tliey are iim) iu great uuuibei'9. The pork dealen s,'.y that the demand for pork is fully eqwü to tiiesnpply, and that the actiou of FraBCe ta torblddlng llm importation of American pork will iiave no eifect oa tho nuuket. The total iinount of legal tenders thus far depoEibed by New York banks to reduce bank rirculation Biuce tlie passace of the fundiug büi !■ tbeseoate is Ö,68Ö,000. John J. Mitchell was elected senator for IVtmsylviuiia on the tliirly-fifth ballot, the üameron and anti Gaineron factions haviug accepted liim asa compromiso caudidate. i 'ol. ;is!i of Sinitli i'arolina, who killed CoL Shauuon iu a duel, has been indicted ior mi.rler. Seffretary Sheruian announces hls intentiou of meeting the banks wh!cb are trylng to cou'ract tlie currency by usiug the greenbacks vvnicli timy turn In lor that purpose iu the purciiaae of bonds. Senator Matthow H. Carpeuter of Wisconsin died in Wash ugtou Friday morning. His funeral in that city t'jok place Sunday, and his rematas were placed in the cougressioual vault until after the inauguration, wheu they will be rniiuved to VVlscODsin. The New Vork Btaie assembly has instructed th'j attoruey goueral to iustitute a (juo wairau(o against tho proposed wateriug ut stock by the wtegiaph cuosulidation. The price of nails lias heen ailvauccil to f8. A worthy chrlttiaD, member ot Uooke'a churoJ), Toronto, whoobjected t" Ihe innovaron r a oew i'TOin ia llie cburcb, obUined iu císs to theorgan lort :i few dajs ago and [wured li"t Ki"1' i"'-ri tll(1 Instrumeot Inaucb a manneraa to effecluaUy ruin t. Tbeüvaili of Senator Carpenter (flves t!ie I neinocrats a tnajorlly In the seDate, and the power of organmng that bot! y i f called to. gethor liy the Pregfileul before the L2th of March, whlcb is Uieearlleet date ou whkh hls succussor can lie chosen and reeoh Washuiston. Mr. Mahone's atgm at Richmond publlsbed an artiole ïaturday. iirniDg Wisconsin leg isliiture to elect Mr. Oaipenter's Buccessot al once, ;.iid RTKuing that it had a rlRlil i do ao. ïhis if lu'ld to demónstrate that tien. Mahone will net with the Repubücaus in Ule oianizatiou of the. se.nate. The (MiifereucucoiiiMiitu'p on tüe appropnaUon hul lüivint; talled t effect any (■■iinprowist', it Las been agrei'd I'J' tlio Deinoor.tls td l-t tliat l)ill drop uutil the funriiu; bilí lias aeteil upoii. Fires.- At Ureenfleld, Ol, reeideoce of T. W. Allen; loss $3,01)0; InBnrance fl,500. Miss Belle Alien jamped noto a wtndow and re Oeived prolialiiy fat.'il injuries. - At J.íiconia, N. HLacoola eax wort; loes $00,000; lasuronce $ Ki,000.- M Wllbur, N. e., Saline counte Imnk, etc.; loe 926,000. - Ál .S:ui Franciaco, Uooreí McLaren's grain warehouse, loss 020,01 0. Norvin ( i reen, yresident of the Western Union teleeraph oompany, malies affidaTil tbat his company has, sinci! Septemer, 1 .v 7 7 . practicaliy owned ths Atlantic and Pacific lelecraph coinpany, and has controllel it ns cotuplotelj as itcoulJ do aitur consul. (Uitioii. BoViecl: H3C, uperintendunt of t!ii Woodruff slosplng cftra at üK'V.;U:xi raet with a hortible déath uó Pud'y. Heslipped nixl fel nn.ior a train oí' uioviug c:vra and hi bady was f rightfully zntnglel. Roceipts at the United Stae tri-K?'ir: : 1 :- tñrnl rcT.'m e, il 6.0 6;#cn8toms, iGT-,4-7; nütionnl bank notes received for redcuiputm, Ï18,O 0. The stemmer IjeverJoiiH, comirj; np h Irj near U+ltimnre, ran i&to and sauk the rcLo me r ÜJTid S. Wolf. Th-i ciptaio of the sohoiiner acd two men were lost. The (ïe !mship Oregon. coming ap the Ooi" OmbiariTCI Hindy ni;rh:, ran down and sai k the utenmboat Cltzep Caief. Ti.e national bai k .dep i'tcd fit Wathl Rt n Taefiday, for tU retirement of ciriiiattuüji1),O6),"lO. Aircga'c to eiste, 037,133,079.


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Ann Arbor Democrat