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The Legislature

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February 22. - The seuate passed senate Wil 17, relativè to the forme of deftdB and uaortgages; senate joint resolution No. 8, amendlng aectlon 8 of artlclo 6 of the constltutlon, relative to rcqniring judies of the supreme court to ronder opinions at the request of the poveruor or either house of the legislatnre. The house passed bilis to reincorpórate the village of Mil ford; to provide Mibjei'ts for dissection; to authorize the township of l'osi'n, Presque tele coonty, to horrovv inoney. House joiut resolution for a prohlbltory amendmentof the coostitutiou was laid ou the table. One hunÖred and tweuty bilis were Introduced in the Imuse, aml abont onefourtb of that numher In ihseual. February 28.- In the senate the foUowlna bilis were passed: to incorpórate tlie villa? of Milford; to amend the BLt to provide subjects tor dlseeoüon; Jamee '... Plttman was ooufirined metropolltao pólice cominlsioner fot Detroit, John J. Wheeler meinlrer of tlir board of Gorrectlona aod cliarltlea, Thomas F. Moore niauagor of the state house o' correctlon, Win. Hu inphrey warden of tuéstate prison; mombera were also confirmod fnr Qettaiu state boards. The remaludet of Uw moming st in the senate as well as the whole session in the house was oecupied with the IntrodacUon of bilis. February ::+ -The .-".ïate roooired b QDinhet of petltioos, and i'iisseil senate joint resoiution No. 6, for the transfer ot certatu artioles the Btate llbmry to Ihe (iuartermasterg i afliep. In the bouse the joinl rcsolution for a prohibitory ameudioent 1" tixe constitutie loet,61tn32. A. WH incorporattoit the tí of Fort Qratiot pawed. Bötb bousea adjoorned lill Uonday cvej-.ius oext Marc'j 1. - T!:e nenule coufirmed the i oruin; - tion o' a nnmbei "' outario { u ' ) i -, rl raved the fi'oïiin:: büli' : imcndir.g wnipiler' feotion C9(V. ïolit'v tci t1;: ncj of wiLncCH ; Emf tdinjí ctm;-l ï'd Bctio:i C630 reUtive to proceedioga a a-i ;.t pnblic hodici baviiu c r ain w rporate potrera; uorgan zi' s the 11 th and !2th jodioial ciroaitaand oieati g tb26th; ftoihorsios the auditir-enrral ti ibíaÍM s ;it in ?::t vi tü !e to the Detroit and Hilmokc riliod ar.; incoraor t k the riilwca ei Kort flratiot, Gajlonl. N-r:h idsllls and N 1 h Bcuicb; Irnsfetringihe8olt canal tn tbt - . "rat (;i veroi:ie:.i; fao'liiatinf! t!:e i.'ikïi'g of rïepr-i'iüDS. The jid ciary cemniittrp rtedin tho c toitfd j rction caBe r m ihe Hti dtutriot favoring Mr. L vel', the f j '.'hm iik or. In the h:n e tbc foilowing blllswire pn=scd: re i'iir.nR r , .- n Wayne c.unty oñit;ps to be kpt open ti 16u'clock; amending Kotlön 5,8'27relutiv. toj'iitioes uL tho p-Hco, ameDdiug iha act reltive to cousolitiarhi and reffrrinjj c-auscf ; uv.thuri?. np; the b'.ard 6f tdüca tion of Bi; Kapids t i teil ccrlain rul ota'e; araen'ling Btciori 5 Ü") rcia'iye to prucc:dii g b"foie jatic'H of !hi! i eïc; irc irjoii' ng lbo villagc of Bloomingdalf, Garücld, Gay lord and MaDielUpids or.;aniz ug Oioodfv cour.ty orgau:z':ng ihe iowiirthip vf Ithaca, Gratiot county; pr.ipoiiüg an amer.dmsnt to tbc cuuetitutiou re'a'ive to oli"m ngainst counties.


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Ann Arbor Democrat