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Women Who Use The Foils

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It is u peculiarity of the young womau of the niueteenth century that slic apes the yoimg man oí the same period. H is aot Burprising, tlien, that t!ic young vvomen of New 3Tork are táking to fencing; Men fence, then wliy not woineii'i Aml wo thcy have gone into th gpMt with a vini. l'hysicians agree that there ia ao better cxercise for persons of' sedenhuy habits. Tliose who have practiced it say that they have böeh beaftted mvrch, and they reoommend it with enthusiasm. "Ah, it. is a great tlüng for a wouian to leaiü Ui lener," saii! Col. T. II. Monstery yeaterday. Ftaevèlopsthéirchests and muscles, malees tlieiii graceful, supple, and healthy. Half the ills that womankrnd ia heir to would disappear if our young ladies would lmt exercise more. Fencing seeins to be just the thing, and a good many ladies in this city are finding il out. JToung ladies come to me, and say thal theyWïshtolearnto fence. Sometiiiii-s iln'v ionii i elass anmiig tliemselves; sometimes fchey desire private lessons. li each case i teaeli them just is I would men. First the positions. They brinc into play all tlie musclee, particularly thoseof thewaist, stomach, and legs. StiH the ëxerciseis not violent, li raakes a yromao active i - quickto see; gives her cömmand ot' lier lünbs, cnaiiles her to protect hcrclf in the street, to move quickly and wkh ceiiainly. She sees i rimaway horse, and can get out of the way. Her muscles becoinc finn, lier chesl bl'Oadens, her itmgB expand. it brings color to her cheek, elasticity to limbs, and add.s yearsto herlife . ■■! iiave taughtmany actrêsses iuiny time, Erom Lola Moiitez down. Lola Montez became aq expert swardswoman. Helen Ternple was another of niy pupils. i?he never fenced on the Btage, luit merely took leBSODB in order to strengthen her voice. I taught Ada [saacs Menkeii. Vou remember lier - at 011e time John ('. Ifeenaii's wife, and thegreatesl "French Spy" we ever had. Ah, you ouglit to liaye Been her and .lulitis Brutas Bootli fenee in the duel siMie m the "French Spy." He was the best amateur swordsinan in A.meiica, and made up into n aplendid specimen of the Arab. The two, Menken and Booth, made a perfect picture of beauty and grace as they fenced. it .is no ordinary stage-fencing, I can teil you. "We are talking about vromen, imt let me teil you one incident about Booth Junios liniius. [Ie carne tq me to learn to fenCè jusl because he had been badly injured in feqcing on bhe stage. Once he gol a badcui on the forehead. You sec his opponent forjsot his cute, the 'one, t v. three' business, and su wlien Bootli cut down, as hè shoiild have done, the man 'iii hiin ayfir the lii.ul. At anotliet' tiini he waa cut badly in knee, uincli Ln the sameway. So be carne to me to learn the art t' feucng in self-defenso. And what a superb.swordsmán he became. "ÏIow do yonr pupUa dréfffl for feucíng?" ■■Mmli as fiir gymnastiíS. In a loóse :ist and short skirt, coming a little lelow the knee. 1 only want to see the position of tlie leg belaw the knee to tel] whether il is coiTect. Ofcoursé the clothing must be loóse, and of such a eharacter that the liinbs can have free


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