
Peace weary iiearfc ! The wi,v' wt long 1 f ore thee; Lay down thy burden. say to BOtrow: Cense, Soe yoa blue heavn bami sereiiely o'er thee, Tbe shilling border to God's sphereot peace. Peaceaching lieart! The hasty wwd may grieve thee; The cruel word may coldly pro be aud pierce, The Lord who suflered more wlll never leave thee, He pours His peaca upon the fewr fieree. Peace troubled heart ! Tho' marr'd t!:y best behavior, To thy ieop ye?rriHg, tliine asptrin? cry, Listens thy high-born Kiusmau, stül thy bavHealet'h thy heart-hurt, wlpeth tby teara dry. Peace lonely heart ! be patiënt Thou'lt eee, waiüns, How perfect sympahy and love raay ruset: Be patiënt, waitlne, all life's discords grating, WL11 mere at last to love, divine, complete. Peace doubting heart! O, coward weakly t;hri:ikili!r, , Bacil from the chrlsm, salnts' aud martyrs The chrism of suffering. Eurthward poorsouls siiiking, , Yearn for tho heavonly joy thro' hnman ueod. Peace fearful heart ! See yon strong f hips all sailing Thro' sun and storm, ou o'er thesolemn soa; Thro' summer calma, thro' wlütry tempesta (luailini?, Th us gailett thou out to innnity. Peaee asklng heart ! Beyond these ohilllng breezee, 'Mid is!e3 of I'aradise, ia airs of balm, Where cruel wiud ov word ne'er wounds or froezes, Thou'lt gain at last the everlasting calm. Peace hunianpieart 1 ir rainor notes of saduess , , Tremble thro' nature's voicee, every slab. Quickeus the anthera of herniigtitier gladness, Foretells fruition perfect by and by. Peace human heart! Llfe's ever mocklng seeming, , , Life's -weary doarth, life's achlng sense of Are fitfüï phantoms of lts trauslent dreainiog, WhUe Faith tranafiaurod stands before the cross. „ „, .
Old News
Ann Arbor Democrat