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School Laws

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Parent Issue
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1. A director has no more authority than any one member of the district board. The law gives the district board the authority to employ teachers It is necessary to valid official action that a board meet in its capacity, and that every member oí the board have notice of such meeting and an opportunity given him to te present. 2. Au assessor is not obliged to honor the orders of the director and moderator unless he is satisfled that such orders are drawn in a legal manner and for a legal object, if, however, he has no suflicient reason for refusing to pay such orders, he makes himself liable to tho penalties prescribed for rof using to preform duties. 3. The assessor of a school district nust give bonus that can be approved ay both the moderator and director, ind neither of these offlcerscan beconie uretyupon fuch bonds. If, at any time, either of them flnds reason to rejuire additional surety, or bonds for a greater amount than contained in the original, the assessor must give that which is required, If he neglects to furnish such additional surety or bonds, when so required by either the moderator or director, he vacates his office; and the board or the district may fill the vacancy. 4. Globes and maps are considered '■apparatus', under the law, and if a district lias uot voted a tax lor purchasing such, the district board oversteps its authority in so purchasing. If it is desired to use district funds (for this purpose) that vvere raised for some other p"urpose, the consent of twothirds of the tax-paying voters of the district must first be obtained.


Old News
Ann Arbor Democrat