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The Household

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Punipkin Cake: Tako one-quarter of a medium size punipkin, cut in large slices, and put them in a, saucepan without water on the fire; at the ftrst ebullition upset them in a towel to extract a pait of the juice rendered. Place them again in thesauce-pan witb a quarter of a poundof butter, a tablespoonf ui of corn starch mixed with a half pint of cold milk, a quarter of a pound of powdered sugar, boil till it gets thick. When cold add the yolks, then tho f our whltes of eggs well beaten up, and any desired flavor. Take a cake mold, greaae it, and bread it all over with fresh bread crumbs, put in j-our mixture and bake it in a medium warm oven from twelve to fif teen minutes upset it on a cake dish and serve hot.' Fever and Agüe: The Scientific American thus tells us how to escape fever and ague: "An acquaintance of ours, who has resided f or several years on one of these creeks, never has had a single case of fever and ague in his f mily, while all his neighbors have been more or less affected with it every season. He attributes his immunity from this troublesome disease to the se of a good flre in his house every chilly and damp night in summer and fall. When the Indians travel at niglit or early in themorningin swampy regions they cover their nose and mouth with some part of their garmencs to warm the air which they inhale, and this, they say, prevents hills and fever." Jugged Pigeons: Clean and wash well, and stuff with a dressing made of the giblets boiled and chopped; a slice of fat pork also minced fine; the yolks of two hard eggs rubbed to powder, some bread crumbs, pepper and salt, bound with a beatón raw egg. Tie the legs imd wings close to their bodies, and pack the pigeons in a tin pail with a tight top. Plunge this into a pot of boiling water; put a weiglit on top to keep it Sfceady, and cook two hoursand a half. The water should not boil over the top. Drain off the gravy into a saucepan, thicken with a tablespoonful of butter rolled in flour. Season, boil up, pour over the pigeons, cover again, and leave in the hot water ten minutes befare serving. Chocolate Cream Custards: Set to boil a quarfc of milk; mix with half a cup of cold milk two ouuces of grated sweet chocolate, pour some of the boilLng milk into lt, and then pour all back into the pan or boiling milk, stirriiig it all the time; vvhen quite heated and about coming to the boiling point, add the yolks of six eggs which have been beaten with a cup of powdered sugar; when these are nicely blended add three whites, beaten with a little vanilla, keeping the three other whites for frosting; put in cups, and a teaspoonful of the frosting on the top of each cup. Browned Potatoes: It is difficult to do with potatoes now; they are all tainted with the frosts of the severe winter. Pee1 them and steam them or boil them with not much water; strain when done and dry them first on the stove; now rnash them with a piece of butter, milk and a little salt; grease a pudding mold and put the mashed atoes in; put m oven and brown, or, ir yon have art open flre, before the flre. Poached eggs: To poach eggs is an irt. We want little egg-poachers for this process; as yet it haa to be done in a, plain pan, in which have boiling water ready, put in a little vinegar, and carefully put in the raw egg so as not to break the yoke; when the eggs have well set, take them out with the draining slico and hold tlfem.for a minute till you put tkem on the buttered toast. A little pepper suould be sprinkled over them. White jelly: Buy Swinborne's isinglass gelatine; soak half of a three-pint packet with two pints of new milk for twenty minutes or so; then sinimer up in it for a minute a couple of laurel leaves, or a little lemon rind, also lump sugar to taste, adding a drop or two of an essence whose flavor you desire. Take off the flre and stir till well dissolved then pour into your mould through muslin.


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