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The Homes Of America

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It is not a mere accident that fehe homes of America are the most comfoi-table and comforting on earth. Nor are these home comforts due simply to mechanical skill or economie judgment. A country which has limited the powers of its government to stimulate society, and higlüy moral society produces the most perfect homes which humfh eyes or poetic visions can behold. No one knows the American system well whodoes notknow the American home. Our political Bystem is publicity ïtself ; American society has never yet been f ully characterized ; while the best result of both, the perfect home, ha3 been praised in general terms, but not described and explained in its true f ullness. Tlie novel writers, from whom 8uch descriptions mighfc be expected, have failed ignominiously in their attempts at showing the maturest resulta of our social system. Yet this system is unique, and it is a marked advunce upon all European models. The English home approaches the American home, while the Germán home approaches the English ; but the ideal American home, not rarely realized, has a comfort, a character and dignity all its own. It may seem to be wanting n the graces, traditions and responsiïilitles peculiar to the best English ïomes; it surpasses them in moral digïity; it differs f rom all the others in 3eing the result of a highly reüned jivilization; it is the best and purest jutcome of our ethnical system. There tías been much pleasant banter about the great American novel that is to Mme. Let it not dweil too much on politics; Britlsh politics are larger than ours. Let it not teil too much of busy people; the French are as industrious and industrial as we are. Let it not confine itself to analysis of character or sentiment; other nations have both in abundance. Let it describe the purest and sweetest of American homes, and let it describe, not an ideal but that reality which distinguishes the American home from all others, and shows it to be the best outcome out of our tory, poütical institutions and our social


Old News
Ann Arbor Democrat