
Democratie Nominations. STATE TICKET. Kor Asocíate Justiceof the Supreme Court-AUGUSTUS C. BALDWIN. For Resents of thp University- GEORK, V. t. LOTHROP, HENRY FRALICK. Democratie Judicial Convention. A Democratie Judicial Convention will be held at theOourt-houm, in the city of Ann Arbor, on Thnrsday.the 24th day of March 12 o'elock noon, for the purpose of nominatin a candidato lor judge of the twenty-second judicial district. In tais convention the county of Washtenaw will lm represented by 14 delegntes, and the county of Monroo by 10 deleeates. Bï The C'ommittee. Uated Feb. 14, 1881. Democratie City Convention. The Demoor#tic City Conv.-ntion for the purpose of nominating candidates for city offtcers. for the city of Ann Arbor, will he held at the nnirt house on Saturday, April 2, 1881, at 7:30 o Vloek p. . Eachwardwil be entitled to the followlng number of ilelegates: 1 s t a rd '2 Al ' .IS 3cl " 12 4lh " M 5th " 9 etb ■' BY ORDER OF CITY COMMITTEE. The W&rd Caucuses will be held on Friday evenins. April Is!, 1881, at 7 1-3 o'elock at the following places: 1 st ward C. Weitbrecht's store. 2d " Leonard House. 3d ' Court House 4th ' Firemen's Hall. f tli " Engine House. 6th " McDonald'B store. Ann Albor Town Democratie Caucus. A caucus of the Democratie electora of the Town of Ann Arbor, will be held in the basement of the Court House, Saturday, March 2t at 3 o'elock p. M., to nomínate township offieers. By Order of the Town Committee. Northfield Democratie Caucus. A caucus of the Democratie voters of the township of Northfleld will be held at Walsh's Corners for the purpose of nominating township offieers on Thui-sday March 31, 1881. By Order of Committee.
Old News
Ann Arbor Democrat