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CITY ITEMS,' Douglas, Heudersou & Co. havo just reccivetl a splendid line of Spring Suiis tor „Men, Youlhs and Boys, whicb they will sell ut lower pricea thau any house in the county. Dr. W. W. Xiebols is gomg to flt up in splendid order the rooms over J(e T. Jacobs' store, for ao oiliee. and expecta to move about the flrat of April. Hack Line. - All ühdehs left ut Browo & Co. 's drug store, or at Hangsterfer's State street restaurant, will BS PBOMPTLI attended to. Hesidence No. 10 Mayuard street. Thad E. Thompson. If you want to please your baby, gel a set of combination high and low cuair and eart, at Koch ik Haller's. For everything "uobby" in Flirnishing Goods go to Douglas, Hendei sou & Co's. Go to THE An.n Ahüok nurseuy for apple trees, grape viues, and for cverylliing else for tbc garden and orehard. Pnces the lowest in the cily. Jacob Ganzhorn, proprietor, at tlie bead of Bpriotr St. Baby Carriages- a nice assorünent just received at Kocb & Haller's. I sell apple trees, G to 7 feet high, (nice trees), for )5 cents eacb. less by the hundred. Concord grape vines one and two years old from $y to $ö per 100, Jacob Gauzhorn. Douglas, Henderson & Co. have received their Spring Stock of Wall Paper and Windovv Shades, and the stock is pronounceit to be the finest ever shown in tbc city. Somelbing new. Pa'.ent loot rests for rockers, at Koch & Haller's. WOKKINGMEX. Before you begin your henvy spring work atler a winter of relaxaüon, your syslem needs cleansing and strengtheuing to prevent an attack of Ague, Bilious or Spriug Fever, or sume other Spring sickness that will unrit you for a season's work. You will save time, much sickness and great expense if you will use one bottle of Hop Bitten in your family this mouth. Don't wait. - Burlington Hftwkeye. JIY GOOD WüMAN Why are you so out of sorts, ni-ver uble to teil folks Ibat you are well? Ten toone it's all caused in the iirst place by habitual constipation whicti no doubt, linaüy caused deranged kidnys and liver. The suie cure lor oonslipation is the celebrat ed Kiduey-Worl. il is also a speeilic remedy lor all kidüey and liver diseases. Thousauds aie cured by it every nionüi. Try it at once. - Toledo Blade. Thousands of women have been entirely cured of the most stubborn cases of female weakness by ibe use of Lydia E. Piukham's vegetable compound. Send to Mts. Lydia E. Pinkham, 383 Weitern Avenue, Lynn, Mass., for pamphj leta.


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