
Hiucitlirr Liquid or Dry Form ih-ih atH ■ ■ the aaine time ou IhediwOMfH of the I HLiver, Bowels and Kidneys..U ■ This comhined action qivcs it toonderu! m power to cure all dúeases. H WHY ARE WE SICK?L II Jieaitttfi toe allow tluse great orffant to be WÊ WWrome cloggedor torpid, and poisonoitn hnmors WÊ Mun Uierfjoreforced into thebleodtliatsliould II WÊ hr' exelUd naturally. m iiiudism:", piles, conhtipation, I 11 KIIWEY COMPLAINTS, l'RINAKY I 1USKASKS, FIIM Al.P. WKAK NKs-i. W% AND NEIÍVOUS 11-i): Dl .1;. mÉ by caisingfree action (f these organê ui'rj 1 rextWutfj tttir jKjirer to üvwwtffáXiStBM Wliy Suffer BIIIouk paiiiH and arh-s.' ■ Wh y tornicntcd nlth Piles, Constipstiont U II Wlij frighfened kt dlnonleriMl K iiliuysí H I Why endure nrrrous or Kick lii'nilarhes! Il Wliy li:ur sleepless ni;htsl U Q UseKlBtiEY-XVOKTaniliijuif in tualth wk 3 „i!J5Jsj5it!;pin?'ï?e?t"?eForiiintlnPJ Afl OTcaiM on packa of whfch 1 % i H ÖTofniedicIner 1 "Ai?0!''?" Form,Tcry Oonoentrmtcd, H IV lyfor the convenicm'c of ttuwo thut caunotlV W9, ïtrtnjtthrrjorm ■ ■ GET IT OF TOUR DltUOQIST. PRICE, fl.OO. fj n WELLS, KICHAKDSON 4 CO., Prop', I j (Will mnil the dry pont-lil.) KlRI.I.VHTIHi, Vt Ifrou aro a ninñVir yon . 1H T of V intuí qf !■ Pfl ■ Oned by thestrain of V terstoilin;. ■ your dutle avoid m niíflt vork, to ras Btimulants and ub W tore brain nervcauu Hop Bittere. ■ waate, oaa Hop B. If you are younf? and I sufTeriiijí f rom any ín iliüiTtitioii or dinnipa H tion ; 1 1 yon an murríed or Binólo, oíd or ■ youutf, sufftiriiitf f rom pooruriilth lmiicnili H iiijí on a btU oí túckoesg, roly on H o pB Bittere. Whoerer you are, A Tbouwinds die you fwl .(1 II nually fioin bohío that vuur hvtt! 11KU funu iI Kldlicy ni i J i'ii mi 1t tJiii?' " ttl'lt nfia lnff or stiraulaUnff, ■ El liftvebcennroni-iitcd without í ii f oj'fVuírtff, JRm. bv tlmcly uso of t ako H op MBÈlLS. HopBItter Bitters. Jfmmf rB TIftVR you jfflB gBS iirlil Híip' ?L??& You will Be niTTrnn tobaceo.or curedlfyoiiuw I III i umootks. Hop Bitters K 1KN IfyouarrsimU" ' UIIU Soldbydnrloií.l.intc.1.tiy NEVtR CircuUl-. ?.k?Ísí; FAIL saved hun-, RnAwtw, . T. d red S. gi) j AToronlo, OuL MRS. LYDIA E. PÍNKHAM. OF LYNNI, MASS. DIíCOVERER OP LYDIA E. PINKHAM'S VEGETABLE COMPOUND. Thc Posltjve Turo For all Female Complaints. Thla prepftration, as its ñamo pipnitlrs, consista ot Vegetable Pro)crtlcs tliat are banuless to tbe most delicateinvalid. Upon one trial the menta of this Cora uound wiU be re(oj?nizcd, asreliuf is immediatc ; and whon ita use is continued, Ín ninety-nine cases in a hun. dred, apErnianentcureisefrectcd,asthoU!Winds wilt tcstify. On aocount ofits proven merits, itisto-dayrín commended and prescribed by tbu bet pbysicians in the country. It wiU cure entlrely tho worst form of falUnR of the uterus, Leucorrhua, irregular and painful Mt'nstrufttion.all Orarían Troublcs, Inflnmmatlon and Ulceration, Floodings, all Displacement a and tbe conBcquentspinal weakness.and is eapecially adapted to the Chango of Ufe, It wffl dissolve and expel tumors from the utcrusinan oarly stago of development. Th tendeney to cancerous humora thero is checked very H(n-f -dily !y ita use. Ín ír.i-t it has proTcd to he the prentest and best remedy that hay evr been discovernd. It penneates evcry portion o'f the nystcm, and Kive now lifeand vigor. It removes faint-ncss.flatulcncy, deütroys all craving for stiniulauts a ml relieves weakness of the stomach It curea Bloating, Hearlaches, Kerrous Trostration, General Debility, Sleeplessnesa, Deprossion and Indigestión. That feellng of bearing down, causing pain, weight and backaclie, is alwayti pernianently cured by íts use. ltwillat all times, andunderall circumstances, act in harmony with the law that goverus the female eystem. ForKidneyComplaintaof either sex this compound is unsurpassed. Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound Is prepared at 233 and 2S5 Western Avenue, Lynn. MaMt. Pnce $1.00. Si x bottlcs for $5.00. 8cnt 1y mail in the forra of pi lis, also in the form of Ixmwmiks, ou receipt of prioe. $1.00. per box, for either. Mra. PINKHAM freely answernalllettorHof Inqulry. Bond for pajnphlet. Address as atxve Mention this paper. Bo famlly should be without LYDIA E. PINKHAM' LIVEIl PILLS. They curo Contiiation, Uiliousness aii'i Torpid'ty of the Liver. 25 centa per box. Sold by C. E. Holmear Cook hoteJJblocfc. LECALS. Notice to Creditors. O TATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Washtenaw, O ss. Notice is hereby given, that by au order of the Probate Court for the Couuty of Waakten1 a w, made on the 28th day of iebruaryx. d., 1881, six months f rom that date wereallowedfor creditors to present their claims against the estáte of Jeremiah Peek , late ofsaid couuty, deceased, and that all creditors of said deceased are reaulred to present their claims to said Probate Court, at the Probate Office in the city of Ann Arbor, for examination and allowance, on or bef ore the áWth day 'dl August next, and that such claims will be heard before said Court, on Saturday, the 38tli day of May and on Monday the Ü9tli day of August next, at ten o'clock. in the forenoon of each of said day s. bated, Ann Arbor. 1-Vbruary 28, A. D, 1881. 1 WILLIAM I. HARRIMAN, Judvce of Probute. Election Notice. TO THK ELECTOBS OF WASHTENAW COI'XTY. You are hereby notified that at the Election to be held on the first Monday of April, 1881, in the State of Michigan, the following oflicers are to be elected, viz: A Jufltlce of the Supreme court in place of Isaac Marston, whose term of office will expiro December 31. 1881. Also. two Kegenis of the University in place of Edward C. Walker and A mire w Cliinie, whose term s of office expire December 8J, 18tl. Also, a Circuit Judge for the t wentyecond Judicial circuit, to rhlcfa Washtenaw county is aitached, in place of Gouverneur Morris, whose term of ofttce will expire December 81, 1881, The followiug amendment to the Constitution is also to be submitU-d to the people for their adoption or rejection: An ameitdment to Seclio 12 of Article 18. relative to penal flnea, provided for by .oint liesoiution No. SÍ5, of the Ieifis laturfl of LB79. E. w. WALLAGE, Sheriff. Ann Arbor, February 17, 1881. Notice to Creditors. STATE OF MICHIGAN, Couuty of Washtenaw ss. Notice is hereby give-n, that by an order of the probate court for the county of Washtenaw, made on the ïilst day of March A. D. 1881, six months from that date were allowed for ereditors to present their claims against the estáte of Louis Gerstner, late of said coimty, deceased, aml that all ereditors of said deeeased are reqtdrad to present their claims to said probate court, at the probate oflloe in the city of Ann Arbor, for exaiuination and allowance, on or befare the Sist day of September next, that such claims will be heard before said OOUrt on Tuesday the 21st day of June, and on Wednesday the21st day of September next, at ten o'clock in the forenoon of each of said days. Dated, Ann Arbor, Man-h 11, A. D. 18H1. ' WILLIAM 1). HARK1MAX. Judge of Probate. Notice of Chancery OrderSTATE OF MICHIGAN- The Circuit Court for the C'ouniy of Washtenaw, In Oh&ncery. Christiaua Bchuholx, coiuplainaut, vs. Andrew Schuholz, defendant. Suit pending in said court, It satisfaetorily appearing to this court by affidavit and the return of the sheriff that the residence of the defendant is unkuown, and out of the jurisdiction of this court. On motion of Patriok MeKernan, solicitorfor the complainant, it is ordered that the defendant cause nis appearance to le entered in this cause wlthin three months from the dato of this order, and that in case heshall appearhe cause his answer to the complainant'a bill to be (lied in this cause and a copy thereof to he served on the complainaut's solicitor within tweiitydays nftcr service Upon him or his solicitor, of a copy of said bill of complaini and uotlce of this order: and in default Ülereof that said bill of complaint be taken as confeased by said defendant, And it is further ordered, that within twenty days f rom the date .il iliis order the said complainant cause a copy of this order to be published in the Ann A munt Dexoo&at, a wrekly newspaper printed in said county, and that the publlcatlon continué at least once in each week for six succesive weeks or that she cause a copy of this order to be served personally on said defendant, according to the rules and practice of this court. Dated March ü-'nd, 1881. HO WA Hl) STEl'HKXSON, Circuit ('ouri Commiesloner, in and for Washten aw ruuntv. Mich. PATRICK McKERNAN, Solicitor for eomplninant. ríeal Estáte for Sale. STATE OV HIOEDGAN, Uounty of Washtenaw, ss. In the Matter of the Estáte of Andrew MuehliK. Minor. Notice is hereby ven, That, in pursuance of an order granted to the undéraigned Guardián of said minor by the Hou. Judsre of Probate for the County of Washtenaw, uu taetwetfth day of Febniary A. I). ïsni, thnre wlll he sold at PBDUc'Vendue, to hih.-sr liii der, at the east front door of the oourt-house in the city .f Ano Arborln the county of Washten'ï i aaid State on Satnrday tho second day of April A. l). 1881, at ten o'clock in the foreaoon ofthatdAT (subject to all encumbrances by Diortyage or otherwlse ezlsüng at the time of me sale) the foUowlng described Heal Bstatel towit: All the ri'ltt. titlc and Interest of said minor n tlins' errtjun tracts or pareéis of land sitúate In the city of Ann Arbor, oovntr of Washtenaw, State of Michigan, knowo and described as folinws inivii: Commencüig at a polnt twenty tw tfci nortlï .f tlu'sonih west rornerof lot number two c-'i, in block number two (2), south of Huron streel and range four (ii east, thenoe running: nortli twenty-two ('.'p tfet. theme east to the alley, thenoe sontfa twenty-two (SS) feet.and thence west t. the place "t" beklnning. orin other words the oenter one-thhrd (1 :;i.f said lot niunber two V-). FKEÜKK1CK 8CHMID, Dated Feb. 12,1881. Guardian. Estáte of Thomas Shekell. STATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Washteuaw, ss. At a sessiou of the probate court for the County of Washtenaw, holden at the pro bate office in the city of Ann Arbor, on Thursday, the Sd day of Haren in the year ene tlinusftml sïffhl Imndn-d and fiu'liiv-one. Present, Wllliaiii D. tlauiuiau, Jmlgeof Probate. In the matter of the estáte of Thomas Shekell deceaaed. On reading and (iling the petition, duly veri Bed, oí HyronW. Porbes praylng that lie may beliceosed to sell the Real Estáte rhereof said deceased deid seized. Thereupon, t Isordered, ttaat Honday, the28th da; of March instant, at ten o'clock in the f oreiiiKin be assigned forthe hearing ofsaid petiÜou and thai the heirs at law of said deceased, and uil other persons interested u said estáte, arerequlred to appear at a sesxion ofsaid courl then tobe holden at the probate office in the city of Am Arlior. and show cause ii' unv there be, why the i prayer of the petitloner should ooi be grauted I Amlit is further onit r.-ii that iald petiUoner giv notice to the persons Interested In sald estáte ol the pendeney of said petition. and tlie hearinf thureof, by oausing a copy of this order to be I publtshed m the Ana Arbor Democrat, a newspa perprintod and drculatedin said oounty, threi successive weeks prevlous lo suid üay of hear Ing. WILLIAM D. HARRIMAN [A t rue copy.] Judge of Probate. Wii.uam U. 1oty. Probate Reeister. Estáte of Aaron L. Feldkamp. i OTATB OF MICHIGAN, coiinty ol Washtenaw, O ss. At a session of the probate court the county of Washtenaw, holden at the probate otllcein the city of Ann Arbor, on Wedneday, the 'Jth Uay of March, in the. year one thousam eight hundred and eighty-one. Present, ïlliain l). Hurrinian, Judge of Pro bate. In the matter of theeslate of Aaron L. Feld kamp, deceast'd. Un reading and flling the petition, duly verfoei of Rosina Feldkamp praying that administra tion of said estáte may be, granted to Johu G Feldkamp or BOme othersuitable person. Thereupsn, it is ordered, that Satnrday, the N day Of April next, at ten o'vlotk in the fore noou, be assifcncd for the hearing of said petition, and that the heirs-at-law of sak deceased, and all other persons interested in sai estáte, are required to appear at a session o said court, then to be holden at the probate o: fice, in the city of Ann Arbor, and show cause i any there be, why the prayer of the petitlonei should notbe granted: And it is further ordered that said petitioner give notice to the peraonj interested in said estáte, of the pendency of sak petition, and the hearing thereof, by causing a copy of this order to be published In the ann Ar bob l)KjiociiAT,a oewgpaper printed and clrculat ing in sald county , three successive weeks prev ious tosaid day of hearing. WILLIAM D. HARRIMAN (A true copy.) Judge of Probate Wm. (!. Dorï, Probate Register. Real Estáte for Sale. CT ATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Washtena Oss. - In the matter of the estáte ot' Flanees Mand Lashier, Minor. Notiee is liereby given, that, in purauance 0 an order granted to the. uudersigned Guardiai of sald minor, by the llon. Judge of Probate for the County ol Washtenaw, on tlu lst. day of March a. ., vtil, there wil be sola at Public Vendue, to the hlghest bidder at the east front door of the court-house in tht city of Ann Arbor. in the county of Washlenaw in said state, on Saturday thelöthdayof April i. . 1 vm ;l ten o'clock in the forenoon of t hal day (subject to all enuumbrances by mortgage 01 otherwise existing at the time of the sale,) Al the right, title and interest o!' said minor in tlu following described Real Estáte, to-wit : A par cel oí land located on the west hilf of the north east quarterof seetion.twcntyi.-M.i, lonn four I i south range six (ii) east, in said county dcsciïbei as follows: Coinmenclng at a point four an ninety one-hundredtlis chaina (f 90-180) east of the center of said section, running thence easi live and forty-four one hundicdths (5 44-lUü chains, Ihence north tiveand ëlghteen one hm dredths(fi 18-100) chains, thenoe weel Bve an forty-four one liundredths [8 ■14-HIOJ chains thence south flve and elghteen one-hiindreills [5 18-lOOj chains to place of beginning. Coitain - Ing twoand elghty-two one-hundredtbs [S 88-1U0 acresmore or less.CHHISTUPHER C. LA8HIF.R, Dated March lst, 1881. Guardian Estáte of Robert Speechly. QTATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Waahtenaw O ss. Ata session of the Probate Court for the county of Washtenaw. holden at the probate offlci in the city of Ann Arbor, on Thursday, the 17th day of Slareh in the year one thousand i'iht hundred and eighty-one. Present 'illiam D. llarriman, Judge of Probate In the matter of the estáte of Robert Speechly deceased. On reading and filingthepetition duh verlfled of Charler Peaeh praying that administra tion of said estáte may be granted to soine suitable person, Thereupon, it isordered, That Momlay. the 18th day of April next, at ten o'eloek in the forenoon, be assigned for the hearing of suid petition, and that the heirf at law of said deceased and all other persons interested in said estáte, are retniired to appear at a session of said court, then to be holden at the probate ofllce, in the city ol Ann Arbor, and show cause, if any there be, why the prayer of the petitioner should DOt be granted. And il is further ordered.thut sai. petitioner give notice to the persons interested in saidestate,of the pendency ofsaid petition and the hearing thereof. by eausing a copy of tliis order to be published iu'ïVie Ann Arlior Demoorat, a newspaper printed and circulated in said coun tv three successive weeks previous to said day oi hearing. WILLIAM D. HARRIMAN, (A trae copy.) Judge of Probate, Wii. G. Doty. Probate Register. Estáte of William Wheeler. STATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Washtenaw ss. At a session of the probate court foi the county of Washtenaw, holden at the probate office in the city of Ann Arbor, on Tueeday, the lst day of Marco in the year one thousand eight hundred and eighty one. jjl'resent, William I). Harriman, Judge of Probate. In the matter of the estaie of William Whet 1 ir, deceased. John Conlan, executor of the last will and testament ofsaid deceased, comebinto court and represents that he is now prepared to bifl final account as sueh executor. is ordered, that Saturday. the 26th day of 31arch instant, at ten o'clock in the forenoon be assigned for examining and allowing such account and that the devisees, legatees and heirs-at-iaw of said deceased and all other persons interested in said estáte, are required to appear at a session of said court. then to be holden at the probate office, in the city of Ann Arbor, in Raid county and show cause, if any there be, why the said aecount should not be allowed: And it is further ordered that said executor give notice to the persons interested in said estáte, of the pendency ofsaid account, and the hearing thereof , by causing a copy of this order to be published in The Ann Arhttr Ih'nuicrftt. a newspaper printed and circulating in said county. three successive weeks, provious u said day of hearing. WILLIAM I. IIARRIMAN, (A true copy . ) Jndge of Probate. William (. Doty. Probate Register. Estáte of John Hall. STATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Washtenaw, ss. At a session of the probate court for the county of Washtenaw, holden al the probate office in the city of Ann Arbor.on Monday, the luh day of March in the year one thousand eight hundred and eighty-one. Present, William U. llarriman, Judge of Probate. In the matter of the estáte of John Hall. deceast'd. George C. Page, the administrator of said es tate, comes into court and represents that he is now prepared t reuder his li.ial account as such aaministrator. Thereupon, it is ordered, that Friday, the 8th day of April next, at ten o'dock in the forenoon, be assigned for examining and allowing such account, and that the heirs-at-law of said deceased, and all otherpersons inierested in said estáte, are required to appear at a sesxiun of said court, then to be holden at the probate office, in the city of Ann Arbor, in said county aud show cause, if any there be, why the said aOOUnt should not be allowed: And it is further ordered thatsaidadniinistratorgive notice to the persons interested in said estáte, of the pendency of said account, and the hearing eausIdje a copy of tius order to be publiahed in the Anx Arbor Democuat, a newspaper printed and clrculatingül said county, three successive weeks previous tosaid day of hearing. WILLIAM D. HAKRIMAN, (A true copy) Judge of Probate. Wm. G. Doty, Probate Register. Estáte of Frederick Lee. STATE OF MICHIGAN', county of Washtenaw ss. At a session of thi; probate collrt for the county of Washtenaw, holden at the probat office, in the city of Ann Arbor, on Saturday the twelfth day of March in the year oue thousand eight hundred and eighty-unr. Present, William l. Harriman, judge of probate. In the matter of the estáte of Frederlok Lee deceased. On reading and filing the petition, duly verifled of Levi U. Cee proying that he may be licensed to sell Boal Ettate wbereof said deceased dled seized . Tuereupon, it is ordered, that Saturday, the !th day of April next. at ten o'cloclc in the forenoon, be assigued for the heariLg of said iftitiiin. aud that the heirs at law ot' said deeeased and all other persons interested in said estáte, are required to appear at a s.-ssion uf sald court, theo to be hulden at the probate office, ín the city of Ann Arbor, and slum cause, if any there be, why t he prayer of the petitioner should not be granted: And it is further ordered, that said pettaonergtve notiee to the persons interested in said estáte, of the pendency ofsaid petition, and the hearing thereof, by causing a copy of this order to be published in Th A ii ii Ai imr "DenuienSL a newspaper printed and eireulated in said county, three SUCoasstve weeks previous to said day of hearing. WILLIAM 0. HAKHIMAN', (A true copy.) Judge of l'iobate. Wm. G. Doty, Probate Reeister. Estáte of Nicholas McCarty. OTATE OF MICHI(AN,;i'oimty of Washtenaw. O nu. At a session of the probate court. for the county of Vashtenaw, holden at the probate office ín the city of Ann Arbor, on Saturday the IStO day of April in the year one llio'usand eight hundred and eightv-one. Present, William D. liarrimau Judge of probate. In the matter of the estáte of Nicholas .Mc Carty, deceased James H. Lyman, the administrator de bonis non of said estáte, comes into courl and rej-re sents that he is now prepared to render his final account as such admiuistrator. Thereupon, it is ordered. that Tiieéday, the 12th day of April next, at tèno'clock in theforenoon, assigned for examining and allowing such account, aud that. the heirs at law of saiu deceased, aad all other persons interested in said estáte, arerequired to appear at a session of said court, then tobe holden at the probate th'ce, in the city of Ann Arbor, in sairt county, and show cause if any there be.why the said acoount should not be allowed: And it i further ordered that said administrator give notice to -the persons interested in said estáte, of the pendency of said account, and the hearing thereof, by eausing a oopy of this order to bc published in the Th, ,'k Ann Arbor Demoeral ■ newipapar Mnitéd and clrculatlug in said oounty, threeaucceenive weeks precious to saiil doy of heai íik WIl-MAJl 1). HARKIMAX, (A ruecopy.) _ , JiKltru of l'nliote. N si. U. Uuty, Probate Reglstt-r. LEONARD HOUSE, H" F. I.EONAKD, Proprietor, ■ Ann Arbor, Mieh. PHILIP WINECAR JU8TICK OFTHEPEACE, room No. 4, Opera House lilock, Ann Arbor, Michigan. JACOB HALLER & SON, D KALER IX WATCHE8, 0LOCK8, Spectactes, Plated Ware. Gold ivns and Fine Jewelry. Special atteotlon gl ven to tVDalring WatcHes and Jewelry. Ü4 South Main Street. Mn Arbor. For Sale or Exchange. I have a first olass mare for farm purposee or FOR BREKDING. wliic-h I will sell, or Mehanee fora FIKST CLASS buggy none. No man witfi ate of liorses need apply. P. i. I.insred meal forsale. M. Roceu, Ann Arlior, Mieli. S. T. SPEECHLY, PHOTOGRAPIIEIl NO 72 SOUTH MAIN STREET, Carda, Cabinets. Promenade and 8x10. witn Frames to sint. Background and aocessories complete. Ni'Kiitivexkept awhile for orders. FOR SALE OR RENTThe well known property of the late T A Havilaud located in the I'iltli Ward, will be solil on reasonable terms. rented, or exchanged for pther city property. The property embraces land. blauksiniih shops and woodshops. If not sold In a reasonahle time the property will be for rent. For particular inquire of Q, H Bnodes, executor, Ann Arbor, Mieh. Mrsic STORE. -The chcapest. place to buv Planos, EgteyOrgans, Vionns. Quitan. Banj"s. Tambourlnes, Drums, Pifes FUkgeolete, Zlthen, Accordeons, Piano Stools, Vlolö Bozes, tnstruction Books for all kinds óf Instrumenta, Bheel Unsia(new). 8trings,tji utuiliiy, all kinds; MouthOrgan, Bridges, Bowb, Krys and Kc.sin. Eysrytnlngin themuslc Une from a Chickerln Pianoco a Jew's Harp can be found at J. R. SaGE'S Music Store, No, i Washlneton St.. Ann Arbor. FOR SALE CHEAP. Two lots and a bliek house on the corner of North Univers:ty Ave., and Twelfth St. , known as the HARRIETJUDSON HOUSE, for saté at r bargain. Inquire of W. B. Sniitli, executor, Ann Arbor, or of L. Judson, executor, Brighton, Livingston county, Mieh. éöscarTo. sorg, HOU8E, siciX, AND Frese Pffltii PAPBB HANGING. SHOP NO. 11 EAST LIBERTY ST., ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN. ITOTÏOE I Havinx perfected the title to the property known as 'HILL'S ADDITION' To the City Of Ann Arbor, I (iiTi-r it for wvIh in lots. or bj the acre. or larger quantities. Kor furtberpartlculars apply to HENRY R. HILL, Office No. 8 Opera House Bloolc, or Wm. M. WHITE, Canaseraga, New Vork fHlÜiïYTSTORE ín connection wlththe old Pioneer Bakery you will flnd F.esh Baked Bread, and Baked Stuffs Cunstantly on hand. We also keep a full assortment of family grOC6ri(M. We niake Teas, and Spices a specialityinthe trade. I-ook out for THE TEA-KETTLE 3IGN! At No. 2-1 North Main St. Tliankful for pust j:Uronage we would still solirit your favois. BeBpectfully Yours, A. R. HALL. M. U. L. BRANCH MRS. O. O. BALL, (Pormeiij' [rs. Bcacli.) Dress and Cloak Vlaking, No. 90 south Main stref-t, over AVinew & Worden's. Havini? JQSt received Ihe La tost Sprinu Styles. would respectfiüly BoHcit au iiispfction of the sanie. I ain preparedto Out, 13a sito uil Drnpc, A f ter the l&tPSt designs aiul all orders promptlv. The TAYLOR SYSTEM Of Dress Cutting tamrht. Thankful for past liberal patronage 1 would niost rospeotfully sólicit ;i cQntinuance of the same. MDOO ON THB OLD HAT." A. A. TEEHY, HAT8 ANN ABBOB, MICH. I HAVE OPENED A NEW FLOUR AND FEED STORE Atthesouth-east co -ner of Ann and Fourtli strcfts, and will Bell at WHOLESALE i EETAIL ! An)'thiHg in my line. GOODS PROMPTLY DELIVERED To aii3T part of the city. J.ltOSS, l'ltdl'lll ETOII,, Ann Arbor, - - - Michigan. Closii Ë Sale To my custonicrs in particular, -ind the citizens of Washtenaw couny in general, I beg leave to say tliat I have coacltided to retire 'rotn the retail trade in this city, and lave fonned a co-partnership in the city of Detroit for the sale of goods it wholesale. I will, therefore, offer ny stock of Groceiues, Siiklfgoods, Boots, Shoks and RuBBBR joods, together vvitli a full line of Ladiics' and Gents' IIosieky and Undehwkar, at New York Cost. My stock will be open for inspection froin and after this date, and will be closed out at once. Special Barcains offercd in the Boot and Shoe Link. E_ IDXJ-b '_b l"ST . Ann Arbor, March iö, iSSt. Swathel, Kyer & Peterson, FLOÜR ÍNDJP STOEE. We have constantly on hniul ALL KINDS OF G1ÍAIN, FLOUR AND FEED, which wil! be promptly delivered to any part ot the city. Office oor. Fourth and Ann Streets, Anu Arbor - - Mich, Sam. B. Revenaugh, Is now takint? the Best Class of Pïoloiraplis In tlie City at Prices to Suit the Times, Ground Floor Gallery. coodrich: bloc k, East Side of the NEW COURT HOUSE. HENRY MATTHEWS" Has; the ploasure to inform the pubdc that he h ready to receire theui in lüs uev orick MEAT MARKET! ONE DOOK EAST OF LEOXARD HOUSE. Everything in lúa lino wiü be flrst-class, and At Reasonabie Ratos. He returns nis sincere thanfcs to all hls oíd custornera fortheir generous patronage, aml cordJ ally invites tliem, and all new customers to his in-w quarters, where he hopes by fairdealing to enlarge his alreadv growine business. HARNËSS_ STORE ! Chas. F. Burkhardt, aucoeegor to the 'late J. C. Burkhmdl, dealer in HARNESSES, TRUNKS, VALICES, WHIPS, BRUSHESf BLANKETS, ETC. HARNESSES MADE TO ORDER AND REPAIRMG NEATLY DONE Ctiarles F. Burkhttrdt, No 4, Hurón Street, Ann Arhor SRch iyaiu HEALTH IS WEALTH. Dr. E. C. West's Nerve and Brain Trcatment: a specifle f'r Hysteria, Dizziness, Convulsions. Nervous Headjuhe, Mental l)epressions, Loss oí Memory, Sermatorrhooa, Impotenoy, Involuntary Emissious, Premature Ola Age, caused by over-exertion, self-abuse, or over-indu!genee, wh'ch leads tomisery, decay and death. One box will cure recent cases. Kách box containsone motith's treatinont. One dollar a box, or si boxes for five dollars; sent by mail prepaid on receipt of prlce. We guarantee six boxis to cure anv case. With each order received by ns forsix boxes, accompanied with ilve dollars, we will sendthe purchaser our written piarantee to returu the money if the treatment dors nol effect acure. Guáranteos issued by lirovnL ('o., sole authorized Agts. for Ann Arbor, Mich, John C. West & Co., Sole Proprietors, Chicago, 1. Friezelle L Co. wholesale AKts., Detroit, Mich. NATUKK'H TKIUMPH. Frazisr's Root Bitters. It' vou air wi;ik or iaHgllitl, M-e PrHlieiS Hitters. II youi' llosli is llubiiv ana your complexión nallow, use Fraaier" Bitters. Il vm Uve n a malaria! district, uso Fnwier'a lütd'rs. If wom (lown witll til1 cari oí children, FraiierV Bitiera. II" yon have the bluep, use Praiier1 Bitten. Ifyou have kept late liotirs and lived cuntrary to the laws of health, uso Praíier's Bitten. Il" yon need tonina ap, take Fiazier's Jutters. ]f you have almsed iusteail of iiHed nature's gifts, use Frazier' Hit lers. If yon feel okl Bcfore your time, use Krazier's Bitters. If life has become a burdeo and yon have ploomy forebodingx, use Frailera Bitters. Ïf yonr hands tremole and your eye have grown dim, Krazier's Root Bitters will make you feel young again. Sold by all druggista every where at the low price $1.00 per bottle, JAS. E. DA VIS & CO., Wliolesale Drug(fista, Detroit, Mlch., Agents. We wlll pay the above reward for anv case ol Ltver Complaint, Dyspepsia, sick Headache, [i digestión, ConstpatonorC'oslvn(ssye eam i euro with WesPs Vegetable uver Pilis, wlier the ilirections aro strictly complied with. Tln-' are purely Vegetable amlncver failtogive batisfactlon. Sufjar Coated. Laigeboxea, contalning 30 Pilis, 83 cents. For sale ly all Druggiat. Beware of counterfeits andlmltatlom gen uine manufaL'tiireil only by John C. West & Co., "The Plll Makers," lli I88W. UadlsonSt. ('hjcago. Free trial package ssnt by mail prepaid nrecelptofOrSceut stamp IINEYiN THE GKEAT DISCOVESÏ FOH DISSAEES OF IH3 KIDNEYS. BLAODER AND URINARY 0RGANS. A reraedy tlmt wül positively cure DIABETES, GRAVEL, 030PSY, BliiGHTS DISEASE, H1GH COLOREO URINE, (MOCNl iHENCE AND RETEWION OF URINE, NERVOUS SEBILITY and FEMALE COMPLAINTS whon NOIHIpiQ ELSE CAN. lts success proves the ollicacy of A8S0RPTI0N. It saved the llfe of lts discoverer and Is savlnif the 1ÍT69 of thousatids of others. For Bule by Drusrgiste or flunt by mail on rooeipt of tha pnce, ;iJ.oo. OAY KiCNEV PAD CO., Sole Propiietors, ïolixio, Ohlo. tSSf Send your addresa fcr our pamphle, "How a Llfe was Saved." or baie Dy EBERBACH & SON. Druggists. Chicago & ■ asiera Is tho OLDEST! r. . . EQÜIPPED1 . !■ bon.uthe fEAILWAY, [wtesti Itis the short and best route bctwoen Chicago and all pointe in Sorthcrs ü'iaois, low, Dikria, WWad;?, "oïris::-., :a;if:rci, Orec, ri:::. -.5, liostae. Novaii, i=d ftr COUHCXL 3LTJÏTS, OJÏiLHA Salt Lake, San Francisco, DEADWOO, SIÖ1TX CITY, ledir Hipidj, EoSííoir.:s, Coiuritus, fni all Poiiits in tb Torritorias, ud : :, far 4ilï"i'Jl;5O, Grooii Bs;, Oshkosh, Shctsrcv!. Muouetti, ■': 1 ds li:, WatMwn, 3o.iglito2, Keciih, Moniaii, .';. EauL WaiuipoUt, : '.'slji, Firgo Ei:a:r:ï. Wlsoa, LiOrsssi, Owaless. all Foiats ia iliimsjtij, Eito'.a, VliMi3ia aal ao Notit we:t. AtCoiinfil Blufïs the traiti3 of tlie Chi. ■■■■ North-Western and the U. P. K'ysdefrtfroni, arrive at and use tho same j Dint L'niou Oopot. At Chicago, closecoiineitionsareniaile with tho Lake Shore, Michleaa ('Oiitral, Baltbnore & Ohi: : t. Wnyno ancl i'oiinsylvania. and Chtcag raiiclTninlc Ji'ys. liiid tho Kunknkeo and ilandlo Routes. CloMconneoÜOTOinaíJeat Juucïion Poiats. li is the oniy liuu runnig Pullman Hotel Piniïïg Car, BJB B ' tl CHICAGO AND CÜUNGIL BLUFFS. PILI.MANSI.EKI'KRS ON ALL NTOÜTTBAirs. Izudstvpon Ticket Ageuts seUiiis you 'i i vla this roud. Ëxajoiliie your ücïiets, and rui'ii l bny if tliey do npt read ever iho CtdCSgO -1Nonh-Weetem Rail Jlyouwisiithe H .-t Acforamod.;" yauwill buyjrourtii kci bj tlus route, aji:i wlll iv Ice none othfr. All ïitka Agci.ts sell Tickets by this Uae. A1AUV9X ii';aiiri', 2id V. P. üsn'lliane'r, CMesJO. Í'K + (tOni'" clay nt home Samples i0 10 J)ZU w,.rtii ?.■. fi-.-, Addreas, Stin bN V Co Portland. 3l;iitte. _ & C CZli wt't''c '" "il umi loii ti 'IVl'ins jünl $"i JOOoiitiitsfivp. Address, II. Hallbtt ü LV.. 'ortlaud, Matue.
Old News
Ann Arbor Democrat