
Opening and Closing of the MailsMailxleaving Ann Arbor, East and West, will close as follows; GO1NG WEST. Way Mail 8.30 a. m. riu-ough aiid Way Mail 10-50 a. in. Way Mail betweeu Arm Arbor and Jaekson 4.50 p. m. N;ht Mail 9.00 p. m. GOING KAST. l'hrough and Way Mail, Night Line, . . 6.00 a. m, rhrougk and Way Mail, Sunday and Monda}', closes Saturday and Sunday night -il.OOp.m. l'hroughand Way Mail lo.25a. m., 4.50p. m. aoiNO south. Ypsilanti and Bauker's Pouch 7.00 a. m Toledo and Way 11.10 a. m. Eastern Mails distribnted at 8 and 9.J6 a. m. lm and 6.20 p. m. Western Mails distributed at 8 a. m. and 6.20 p. Jaekson Mail and Way Mail between Jackson and Ani Arbor distributed at 11.15 a. in. Monroe and Adrián pouch. 10.15 a. m. The Mail to Whitmore Lake, Hamburg and Webster leaves ïuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays at 9 a. m. HAILROADS. -1CHIUAN CENTRAL RAILROAD. TIME TABLE, DECEMBER 12, 1880. GOING WE8ÏT g á a- o S SS -5S -=S 5 _?_ _?L_ te i&_ í i. M. A. M. r. M. P. M P. M. P. M. Detroit Lv. 7.U0 9.35 5.fi5 4.Ü5 8.30 9.5C U T. June 7.15 9.55 0.1U 4.20 8.45 10.U Wnvne June... 7.52 10.29 6 tí 4.4i 9.10, 10 40 i usilauli. S.ÍO 10 48 7 05 6.05 9.421 11.U2 Aun Arbor K.40 11.00 7.24 5.22 10.001 11.17 üoxler 9.04 7 4S 5.39 10.ál Chelca 9.22 8.0.3i 5.52, 10.38 SransLake 9.50 8.32 (i 12 11.01 P. M. A. II Jarkson Ar. 10.10 9.00 11 SO JüCkson Lv. 10.20 12.15 6.55 a. m. i 12.40 (Vlbioa 11.04 12.50 7.42 12.15 1.16 Mi.rsliall 11.50 1.3U _ 8.08Í 12.40 137 P H Battle Creek.... 12.19 1.55 Y 8.41 1.08 2.00 A. M. JalBBburg 12.53 A. M. 9.15 Kaluuiazoú 1.13 2.3U 4.50 9.35 1.68 2AÏ Lawton 1.52 5.25, 2.32 üecutui S.07 5.42 2.49 Uuwagiac 2.29 tt.07 3.14 Nlles 2.55 4.04 .50 3.40 4.15 Buchanan 3.08 7.02 3.53 l'hree Oaks.... 3.88 7.37 New Búllalo... 3.53 4.52 7.40 4.45 Micu. City 4.23 5.18 8.08 5.03 5.28 Late 5.13 6.02 8.54j 5.51: 6.18 KeusinKton 6.00 6.50 9.45 6.40 7.1C líhicag Ar 6.50 7.40 10.:i5 7.30 SCO QOING EABi. _ __ __ _ "- Í &i -úl J II II _?_ Il $1 ?á ÍS Z A.M. i. M.IP. M P.M. P.M. 3hlcago Lv. 7.U0 9 00 3.40 5 15 9.1C Kenilueton 7.50 9.50 4.30 6.05 10.00 Lake 8.35 10.30 5.1Í 6.50 10.4Í Uien. City 9.25 11.13 8.00 7.38 ll.SC New Buttalo... 9.50 11.33 6.Ü5 11.52 Three Oafcs 1U.03 S.40 A.H. Unchann 10.30 p. m. 7.06 Nlles 10.45 12.18 7.87 9.00 12.43 Uuwaiiac 11.13 8.06 1.08 Uecatur 11.3 8.33 1.30 Uiwtou. 11.57 8.531 a.m I ttalamazoo 12.83 1.38 9.30 6.50 10.25 2.2f Ualeaburg 12 5 - ir 7.08 S.4B Bittle Croek... 1.2b 2.15 'n 7.40 11.08 3.16 P.M. O. Marshall 2.17 3.0' ?L 8 09 11.33 8.4f Alblou 2.4B 3.21 ■-=- 8.35 11.59 4.IS A.M. A. . Jacksou Ar. 3.45 jHCkson Lv. 3.45 4.05 7.15 9.30 12.45 5.0C UrassLake 4.10 7.38 9.50 Jhelsem 4.W 8.02 10.07 Dexter 5.001 8.16 10.191 Aiiu Arbor 5.2a! 5.07 8.40 10.35! 2.05 6.SK Vpsilanti 5.38 5.23 8 55 10.48 2.20 6.41 Vayne June... .02 5.45 9.16 11.08 2.44 7.0c a. T. June U.35 6.15 9.45 1135 3.20 7.4E Deiroit Ar. 6 50 6.30 10.00 11.50 3.3S 8.0C The New York Express, a fast train leaves Chiïafcfo at 3.30 in the afternoon and makes the fol!nwing stops, Michigan City, 5,85; Niles. 6.23; Kalimazoo 7.40; Battle Creek, 8.18; Jackson, 9.30; Ypsilanti, 10.50; Q. T. Junction, 11.35; arrivingin Ketroit at 10.50 P. M. A way frieght leaves Ie:roit at 5 A. M.; Ypsilanti, 8.05; Aira Arbor 9.55; Delhi, 10.h Dexter. 11.45; Chelsea, 12.55; P. 11, ; Francisco, 1.93 and arriving in Chicago 12.22 A. Hunday excepted. JSaturday & Sunday excepted fDaily. II KNItv C. WKNTWORTH, H. B. LïDYARD, O. P. t T. A., Chicago. Otn'l Manager, Detroit "POLEDO, ANN ARBOR & GRAND TRUNK -L RAILROAü. Taking effect Sunday, March 6th, 1881. Trains run by Columbus time. Soing North. Going South. ïxp'ss Mali I STATIONS. I Mail. Exp's A. M. P. M. A. M. P. H. t".35 t6.10 Toledo t 9.35 t".2O 7.41 fi.14 North Toledo +9.2Í) T.13 7.55 6.25 Detroit Junction. 9.20 7.00 8.08 ti.33 Hawthorn 9.12 6.50 H.27 6.40 Samaría 9.03 6.40 8.89 6.55 Lulu 8.51 6.12 8.45 7.0:1 Monroe Junction 8.45 6.08 9.00 7.14 Dundee 8.35 5.50 9.18 7.25 Azalia 8.24 5.33 9.39 7.40 Milan 8.10 5.10 9.50 7.46 Nora 8.03 4.50 10.00 7.54 Urania 7.56 J4.39 10.15 8.05 ypsilanti Juncti'n 7.4."i 4.32 M0.35 t8.20 Ann Arbor.. .. +7.30 +4,11 H. W. ASHLEY Gen'l Superintendent. rKTROIT, HILLSDALE & SOUTH WESTERN. jOING WEST. LEAVE. MAIL. t (Hilanti 8 30 a m. 5 30 p. m aune 9 00 a. m. 5 57 p. m ilanchester 9 38 a. m. 6 30 p. m iUUdale 1 20 a. m. 8 00 p. m 3ankers 1 30 d. m. 8 10 p. m GOING EAST. LEAVE. EXPRESS. MAIL. 3ankers 8 00 a. m. 2 20 p. m HUlsdale 8 08 a. m. 2 50 p. m Manchester S 38 a. m. 4 21 p. m Saline 10 12 a. m. 4 fl p. m Ypsilanti 1040 a. m. 5 15 p. m Wm. F. Pareer. Suoerintendent.
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Ann Arbor Democrat