
Additional local on second page. Register next Tuesday. Don't forget to register. J. C. Knowlton is sick in bed. L. F. Wade bas returned f rom the east. 11. K. Hill leaves for New York to-day. There will be no court until April llth. Don't be frightened for t'sonly chicken pox. Chelsea merchants expect a big spring trade. Judge Morris is holding court in Coldwater. K. E. Frazer talks of locating at St. Ignace. Judge Shipman some years ago lived i# Ypsilanti. Trams on the T. & A. A. R. R. are now run on time. Manly & Hamilton's new block will cost $10,000. Prof. Franklin was ia Detroit Monday and Tuesday. Mrs. Jas. Levan is dangerously ill of typhoid fever. Jno. M. Slater is talking of going to Detroit to live. Circuit court adjourned froin Friday until Tuesday. A restaurant is soon to be opened in the Duffy block. Col. Crawford is home from Japan on a six montas' visit. D. J. Oakley and Miss N. G Glazier were married Friday. Sheriff Wallace was serving papers in Ypsilanti last Friday. There was a social hop at McMahon's hall Tuesday evening, Messrs. Hughes ïïtad Ward are doing good work in Ypsilanti. Edward Torrey, an old resident, isvery low with the pneumonía. Jno. Pfisterfer has purchased the Slater & Graf stock of hardware. The opera house is being beautifully trinimed for the aDniversary. Mrs. O. B. Schuyler and family have gone back to Chicago to live. A number of specimen cases have been put in the homeopathie college. A number of arined men guard tlie Cook house, to prevent intrusión. Jno. Tarrell and wife, of Huffulo, N. Y., are visitiug f riends in this city. The contract for building J. Keck's uew brick block has not yet been let. Clay Peters, of Öcio was married Monday evening to a Miss Davis, of Ind. Dr. Knapp, a prominent citizen of South Lyon, was in town last Thursday. A horse belongicg to Geo. Widemnann, of Ann Arbor town, was stolen last week. The Walker Bros. will build the foundation for the addition to the City Mills. In Ypsi last Priday nijjht 105 siguature were rece.ived to the temperance pledge The democratie judicial conventio will meet at the court house to day at 1 M. Jas. Ramsey, another tramp, was give the run Saturday. He started for Chica go. "Elements of Constittitional Law," by Judge Cooley, lias met with an immens sale. The colored people indulged in a fes Uval Tliursday eveuiug at McMahon' hall. Norman Gates and J. N. Gates hav gone iuto partnership in the building busi nes.s. A . McKeynolds has gone to Cleveland wlnch place he will inakc his future home. Rev. Mr. Steele lectured to a smal audience Tuesday cvening in the opera house. Jud(?e Harriman is well acquaintei wilhtieo. ('. Qormao, secretary of the senate. 1. L. Witmmyer, law class of '80, has gone to Minneapohs to practice hs ICSSÍOIl. J. D. Baldwin, the great peach grower, thinks he is going to have a fair erop of peaches. There was au entertainment last evenna; at the residence of Waterman rüomas. The republieans of Ana Albor lownship will Domínate township officers uext Saturüay. A number of curpenters are atwork on he Baptist church putting on ihe finishng touches. Republican ward caucuses next Wedïesday evening and conventioü Friday evening. Win. Ghraham, a masón, Jied in Ypsianti Monday, (rom the effects of too ïiuch opium. The Saline reform club was addressed Junday by Messri. Castte and Ward, of be university. M. Howard returned from the west last reek, and has since been suflering witli be eiysipelas. During the nights of the auniversary, visiting clubs will probably be fed in the eading room. Chas. Kitson has purchased the old Jook property on the corner of Main and 'ontiac Streets. Gce. L. Stone, II. D., has left Keokuk. owa, and is now prauticinic medicine in jynchburg, Va. The jury in the Fisher-Wing case renered a verdict Kriday in favor of the laiutifi for $22.83. ïhere was a fight u the fifth ward Satrday, and oue of the purtieipanls bad his ose badly chewed. Mrs. M. L. Clark, of Hastings. sister of lis. N. II. Pierce, of this city, died SatrJay of pneumonía. Dr. A. C. Nicbols, of Hay City, paid a ying visit to liis brother, ut. W. W. ichols, last Priday. Sam Keveiiaugh. the artist, took the enior claS8 photos, and tlie woik gives aiversal satisfaction. A. K. Jlamuioud lias taken the conract to build a new house tor Prof. f'rieze on Ingall street. ïhere are 2.187 namesou the registraiou lists. Considerable more thaii we lave votéis in the city. Supervisor Krapf will undoubtedly be e-noruinated by the republicana of the rst and second wardii. Next Tuesday is registration day. )emocrats, sec that the uame of every gal volei is regislered. Gus Williams appeared before an YpsiIftliti stiidience lust nitfht in the play of "Our Uerman Senator." Nina, infant dauhter of Christian and Jennett Scbumacher, died Friday of inÜanunation of the luugs. VV. W. Douglaa will be re nomiuated by the democrats for L-ity recorder. He has made a good officer. ïhe heaiiug in the Smoke wiil case in the Barry county probate court has been atijourned until April 26. Edward Maxwell drunk and disorderly was let go öaturday ou suspended senlence by justice W'iuegar. lt would take half a dozen carpenters a week or more to make the necessary repairs arouna the courthouse. The viüage charter of Cuelsea has been amended, aud Ihe marshal will uow be appointed by the village daJs. R. Swartout, of DeKalb, III., has beeu called hume ou iccount of the sickuess of liis brother, Mouroe Swartout. Jas. Maloy's sidewalk Las been undermined by the recent niins, and theplaukï hang suspended by a few nails. Thora was another fearful snow storm in the west last Sunday. Each storm seems to be the worst of the season. A reporter from the Detroit Evening News has been down to Wayne and Btirred up a bad dose in the asylum. A uuaaimous vote has been extended by the reform club to the clubs of the couiity to be present at the anniversary. Dor Kellogg is goiug to Batlle Creek in a few days to iiiake a short visit. He expects to spend the summer in New York. The aiuouut of money paid out by the United States lor pensions is greater than that paid out by all the uations of the world. The band social was not well patronized Saturday evening, which was probably owiug to the inclemeucy of the weather. üaraeut L. Chase has gone into business m Toledo. He is a member of the firin of the Dr. Livingston abdomen support conipany. C. Schumacher's house on North street caught the trom a stove pipe Sunday morning. The lire was put out by a few pails oL water. Juo. J. Schairer, of Saline, has sold out his interest in the carriage business to his brother, and gone to Nebraska, probably to lócate. In Chelsea the congregation of St. Mary's church and Pr. Üuhig have been having a little trouble, but the divine carne out ahead. The names of the charter niembers of the Royal Templars of Temperance have been most elegantly written lu the charter by Prof. Haines. We are sorry to learn that our túwnsman, A. A. Gregory, is confined to the house. The probabiiity is that he will lose the sight of one of his eyes. In the third ward the folio wing streets are in bad condition: Main, Spring, Catherine and the new street running to the Catholic cemetery. Judge Ninde, of Vpsilanti, will not ac cept the republican nomination for judge. Those who are now spoken of are A. J. Sawyer and F. Emerick. The liquorsuitagainst Hauser, in which the jury stood 4 to 2 for conviction, has finally been disposed of, the defendaut pleading guilty and paying $15 cost. The candidates mentioned on the republican side for supervisors of the fifth and sixth wards are Ben. Brown, and the present incumbent, Geo. II. Ithodes. The closing entertainment in university hall under the auspices of the students' lecture association, will be giveu April 1 by the Itive-King concert company. Jas. Kenwick, a resident of Northfield for 50 ycars, and a highly reapected citizen.died of paralysis last Thursday at the age oí 5ii years, 10 months and 13 days. A daughter of R. Falan living on the Eba Whilü place was struck in the head wilh an ax yesterday by her brother who wus splittmg wood, and seriously injured. The contract tor prinling the registration notices, mayor's proclamation, and the recorders report, wa3 given to the Courier for 28.50. The Uegister bid $41.43. Frederick Paulding was certainly deserviug oí a much larger audience than the one present last Thursday evening, on which occasion he did admirably as Hamlet. luiere will be no services in the differ ent churches next Sunday evening. I is proposed to hold a unión teruperanc meeting, eitber iu the opera house o uuiversity hall; Dr. W. W. Nichols, who has an or chard of 7,500 trees has not lost a tree by the severe winter, and there is every pros peet of a large yle!d of apples, peaches pears aud plums. The superintendent of schools of Syl van township will examine into the qual itication of teachers next Saturday. The meeting will be held in the union schoo building, Chelsea. And still they come. This time it is Geo. H. Winslow who will make a riffle for thenomination on the republican tick et for recorder. There are now f our can didates in the field. The tramp printer has spoken to several prominent greenbickers about selliug them his sheet, lt is well known that he is anxious to dispose of his elephant, and he hopes soon to effect a sale. County Clerk Clark is out $100, on account of there being no court, for the members of the graduating law class who expected to be admitted, would be oblig ed to come down with a dollar each. ltev. Mr. Thompson gave the republi cans fits Sunday for not going in for prohibition. Because temperance men differ on this question it is no reason why they should be denounced for their belief. The streets in many portions of the city are in poor condition and to repair them will require considerable of an outlay. This could have been avouied had a few dollars been judiciously expended early last fall. It will not make but little difference what action the republicau judicial convention may take next Saturday. This district is largely democratie, and the democratie nomiuee will be elected by a large majority. The Pontiac Enterprise is truly euterprising, for during the past two years the :aper has been enlarged four times, and it s now a seven column folio. It is brimful uf citj' and couuty news, and is a spicy readable paper. The Krause tanning company was orgauized Tuesday eveuing, with a capital of $40,000. The followiugdiiectors were elected: Henry Krause, J. M. Wheeler, O. Mack, B. J. Conrad, D. Hiscock, E. Treadwell, and M. Seabolt. Prof. Green expects to commence about the middle of April to put up the telephoue polls in Ypsilanti and have the exchauge io running order by the last of the month. Wuen the wom. is finislied you can "go aüead with Ypsilanti." Sherifl Lewis, of Oakland county, was in the city last Friday looking lor a clue that might lead to the arrest of Jas. Gray the tramp who nearly murdered Thos. Johus in Lyon township, and then robbed him of several hundred dollars. Who the republican city convention will nominale for mayor it is of course impossible to teil The candidates talked of are Joe T. Jacobs, Dr. Smitu, Gilbert Bliss and Ben. Crane. Joel W. Hainilton is a prominent candidate for recorder. A very important meeting of the Knights of Honor was held Tuesday evening, at their lodge room. Important business was transacted, and acommittee consisting of Messrs. Handy, Kisdon and Taylorwere appointed to present certain matters to the lodge . A. D. Budd & Co., who graded most of he road bed of the T. & A. A. B. R. to Wixom. have taken the contract of grad ng 30 miles of the Toledo, Delphus & hl. Louis railroad, and want all the men nd teams they can get. Mr. Budd is now u the city looking for help. The republicans of Ypsilanti have maerial for ruavor in the persons of II. ateuekler, Vm. Iiobbins, C. Owen and Chas. Fletcher, who aie mentioned as candidatos. Oa the democralic side Frank I'. Bogardus is mentioned in connectiou with the mayoralty. A bilí has been introduced by represeutative.U orinan to compel railroad conipauies to protect their employés by blocking the railroad frogs. It is well knowu that many persons have been injured, otbers killed outrighl by catching theirfeetin "these daugerous places." A "subscriber" trom the country writes us to know to whom we refer when speaking of the Tramp. Answer - The Tramp is the alleged editor oí tliat alleged paper formerly known as the Michigan Argus. If "subscriber" will read our editorial columns this week he will be enlightenedon the subject. A number of prominent greenbuckers metal the court-house Saturday to make arrangements to publisu a greenback paper in tl is city. As the storm kept many from attending, it was deeided to postpone matturs auother week before making arrangemeuts. The paper is to be a seven column folio. J. J. Robisou was in town Monday. His sale of 23,000 acres of Arkansas land was postponod until the 9th of April. He savs the title to this land is in disuute. having been obtained through nu old grant. Tbe matter Las been in the courts for a long time,but is as yet undecided. It will go cheap. Enterprise: Judge Har riman authorizes us to say that when the testimony was all taken in the Rawson will case lie didn't care tor argument by counsel ; thai the case was as clear to him as any that ever carne before him, and that be hadn't a partiële of doubt as to bis duty in the matter. He at once sustained the will. The temperance anuiversary will commence Saturday eveuing next. Gen. Cary, of Ohio, and Gov. öt. Jobns, of Kansas, are the speakers. The usual committees have been appointed. A. W. Britton, who is to have charge of thesinging has been practicing for several weeks, and the audiences muy expect sometuiug big. Soutbworth, the Boston expert who flgured as a witness in tbe Rose-Douglas case, before judge Huntington, testiúed in the Whitaker court martial tbat he "thought he had been influenced in his lirst decisión in regard to number 27 by many circumstances which now be placed no weigbt upon." A beautiful expert. Tbe program of the reform club anniversary as anuounced in The Democrat last week, will not be materiallychanged. In addition to the speakers given Kev. Mr. Hildreth, of Grand Rapids, will be present. Keinember tbat Hon. Sam Carey will open the ball Saturday eveniug next. He will also speak Sunday afternoon and eveuing. While republicans are free to denounce democrats as belonging to the whiskey party, the democratie legislatura of Arkausas has voted to submit to the people of the state a prohibitory amendment. There were only five votes in the senate and house against submittiug the question, and the üve wbo voted "no'" were republicans. Toledo Journal: The family of Mrs. William Morris, wife of ex-conductor Morris, of the Toledo & Ann Arbor railroad, whose recent sudden death carried sorrow to many bearts, have returned from Chicago, where the remains were interred. Mrs. Morris was an amiable wife, mother and friund, aud her loss is deeply mourned by all who kuew her. We have received the first number of tbe Daily Times, publisbed by Hascall & Earle, at Kalamazoo. The paper although only a five column folio, will be enlarged as the necessity of tbe times demand. The number before us is well nnea wun locai mauer, ana lts advertisng patronage as the publishers state "exeeds their most sanguine expectations." Quit-claim deeds to the Detroit, Buter & St. Louis railroad for the right of way given by the following persons in he township of York, were filled for ecord in the register office last Friday: )rletta Muzey, Antoynett Stoddard, lachel Shepard, Almira Miller, Carnelia Lamphere, Eunicp N, Slodard, Elsie Dexer, Alex. Young, Eugeue Ckilds et al and Willis L. Potter. Th i followiug additional petit jurors were drawn last Friday: Frederick D. tathfore, Pittsfleld; Win. Notten, Sylvan: Spencer Boyce, Lyndon; Jno. Coyle, Webster; Thos. Murray, Dexter; Chas. Kendelly, Sharon; Wm. D. Bird, field; Elnathan Doane, Salem; Jno. A McDougal, Superior; Benj. Emerick Ypsilaati; Jno. Suuburg, Augusta; Cliaa Rhodes, Saline. Commercial: S. Vought had a narrow escape for his life Thursday morniug. In trying to get al)oard Uio Jackson express going east, after the engine had started, he lost his footing md was throvvu be tween the cars. Fortunately, ha caughl the railiug with his hands and managec to hold on till the cars were stopped, though his feet dragged almost under the wheel the leugth of the crossing. Dewitt C. Pall, after ayear's residence in Corunna, has returned to this city, and accepted a position as salesman in Joe T. Jacobs' clothing house. The Americau says "what is (Joruuna's loss is Anri Arbor's gaiu, for during his short residence in this city, he lias proven himaelf a worthy citizen, therefore we regret his departure. He leaves many friends here whe wish him abundant success in his new field." The Detroit Freo Press says the Detroit Butler & St. Louis railway is exhibiting wonderful activity and the line from Toledo via the Toledo & Ann Arbor track is now bringing 200 cars of general freiglit per day from Toledo to Detroit, of which trom 15 to 25 cars daily are from the Pittsburg, Fort Wayne & Chicago and from the Pennsylvania Central. A large portiou of the ireight is grain, which is brought to Detroit to relieve the Toledo elevators. Advertiser, Petrolia, Oüt. : Henry Bishop, Esq., luft here on Wednesday last for Ann Árbor, Mich., accompauied by his son-in-lavv and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Pinney, for the purpose of seeking advice from the medical professors of the university t here regarding the cáncer upon his face. We have no doubt that Air. B s. numerous friends will join with us in hoping the treatment he receives will prove successful, and that lie will return greatly beneütted and much improved in heaUh. The following is laken from the Lansïng Kepublican, and wethinkit hits Üie nail fairly on the head: "The proof of he pudding is in the eating. " and the oficial figures published in the last Repubican will greatly strengthen the tax sysem relative to liquor. To collect nearly ïalf a niillion dollars a year, an increase of al most one fourth, and to reduce the number of saloons in Michigan al the same time one-sixth, is something that cauuot be said of so-called prohibition anywhere. The democracy of Washtenaw county have a right to teel proud or their repre seutative, the Ilon. Jas. S. Gormau, of Dexter, wtio is making a spleudid record for himself at Lansing. Although_ a young rnan he is foremost in debate. Those who favored the annexation of Kochville township to Bay county were representalives Partridge, Cobb and Gorman. The correspondent of the Free Press says an incisive, logical and eloquent appeal was made by Mr. Gorman, whose speech commanded the undivided altention of the house, and waí, perhaps, one of the best eiïorts of the session. The Ypsilauti Commercial pays the following couiplimeut to a dislinguished raember of the Washtenaw county bar aud a life-long democrat: Among the ïardest workers in the democratie party n days gone by, can be truthfully named Jnauncey Joslin. While he is the velern of thejbar, he is is yet in his prime - a ctiouary of legal lore. Washtenaw ounty of right claims, or should claim he candidate lor circuit judge. The emocracy of Washtenaw county will lonor itself by selecting Mr. Joslin. If ïard work for the party, if eminent fitess for the position counts, Mr. Joslin will receive the uomination. it is to be hoped that the votéis at the April election will take especial pains to ote "yes" on tueproposedconstitutional mendment relative to the appointment of lie clerk to the supreme court of this tate. The clerk is now appointed by the lerk of Ingham county. Why the clerk f Ingham county should have any more uthonty to appoint a clerk for the suireme court, than the clerk of Kalamazoo ounty, is one of those things difflcult to xplain. The amendment provides that ae justices of that court shall have the ower to nppoint their own clerk, and thus te aole at all timos to secure a competunt one. The vote in favor of this proposiüon ought to be unanimous. There are ibundant reasons in favor of it and no good ones against it. The change will uot add to the expense, and is in every way desirable. - [Kalainazoo Gazette. Horner Andrews alias Geo. Gray, who comniitted the assault on Thos. Johns in Oakland county last week, was tracked to the residence of his uncle in Séneca. Lenawee county. A special lo the Pree Press says: The sheriff and a deputy went in and inquired of the woman if Andrews was there; she replied "no." The officers then begana search, the deputy going up stairs and the sheriff iooking below. Wtiile the sheriff was looking in a closet Andrews came in the room by another door. The sheriff supposed him to be a neighbor, and Andrews coolly weut out of the back door and made for the woods. The deputy recognized him and iïrert his revolver. The sheriff also flred five shots, but Andrews escaped, though four men were outside watching. The uncle came home from Morenci soon after with a revolver, bowie knife and ammanition. He was arrested and is now in jail. Andrews is in the woods. The high school junior exhibition last Friday evening was well attended. The hall was beautifully decorated. Those who took part in the exercises acquitted themselves with honor. The following was the program observed : Recitatiou, " Kiug Volmer and Elsie," Mary M. Alabaster, Aun Arbor; " The art of making people happy," Charlotte II. Brown, Ann Arb Dr ;" Purpose," Lillie Baessler, Ann Arbor town ; "School life," Alice A. Cochran, Aun Arbor; "Benefits ofhigher education," Albert E. Jenkins, Ann Arbor; " Grumblers," Orpha A. Calkins, Imlay City; " Plea for Lady Bluebeard," Lucy K. Cole, Ann Arbor; "Music," anny M. üowner, Ann Arbor; " Waste f intellectual power," Dwight II. Ranisell, Bellville; " What kind of spectacles o you wear?" Carrie W. Frazer, Ann Aror; " Tlie heathen Chinee," Satia J. lyde, Ann Arbor; " High aspirations," Hark W. Williams, Ann Arbor town; ecitation, " George and the dragon," Hay Whedon, Ana Arbor. The hall pre ented a beautiful appearance, due to the aste and energy of the members of the enior class. The music was uuder the irection of Prof. Wilsey, aad was well endered.
Old News
Ann Arbor Democrat