Resolutions Of Respect

The board of trustees of the First Uniarian society of Ann Arbor, on Tuesday vening, adopted the following inemorana, and ordered the same to be spread upn the records of the board by the secreary. Welearn with regret that ourfriend.A. tfcReynolds, for nine years a mcmber of ur board, and for six years its treasurer, ïas resigned his position of trustee and is bout to remove frora our city. While esiding here for the past nine years he ïas been an earnest and devoted friend of beral Chiistianity, ever rejoicing in the rosperity of our society, and ever ready o bear his full share of its burdens. Mr HcReynoldscarries with him to his future lome in Cleveland our sincere wishes liat he may eujoy many years of health, rosperily and happiness, and we bespeak 'or him a kindly reception among the riends of our liberal Christian faith in Uat city.
Old News
Ann Arbor Democrat