University Items

Kcmenyi is coming next year and wil] ;ive the boys another benefit. A portion of the ceiling in university lall feil during the Remenyi concert. ït eingoil to one side under the gallery 110 one was injured. Laat Wednesday night after the concert was over. the Chronicle board of ediors and the officers of the lecture association gave a "set-up" to Remenyi. In order to give Prof. Ford an opporunity to go east to deliver a course of ectures, and notwithstanding the students in the department of medicine and surgery have been given a vacation, and raany of thcm gone home, the professor keeps riglit on lecturing In order to finish nis subjects, It may be all riglit, but we can't see it in that light. The lecture board had decided to makt Remenyi the last in the course, but hav ing received an advantageous olïer from the Rive King concert company they have concluded to accept. It conprises some of the leading artists of the world. The community is to be conratulated on their chance to hear them. They wil give the concert April 1. Prof. Tyler, who is delivering a course of lectures at the Lowell institute, Boston, receives the following coraplinieDtary notice from the Advertiser: "The lectures cover the most interesting periocl of American history, and treats especially of a phase of it not of ten presented in a popular form. The subject itself is draniiilic, and loses nothing from the spinted style and manner of the lecturer."
Old News
Ann Arbor Democrat