A. L. Noble

Next to A. Kearney'sCrocery Store, is now the place to fïnd the STAR CLOTHING HOUSE. WE ARE PREPARE AT OXJR NEW QUAR. TEBS, 4 IOORS SOUTH OF THE OLD LOCATION, TO SHOW YOU THE HAND8OME8T LINE OF STTITS FOR SPRING WEAR FOR, MEN, BOYS AND CHILÜREN, IN WASHTENAW COUNTY. OTJR Boys' And pros' Dptint Is our special Pride, and t has been our constant endeavor to carry a line of goods suitableto all tastes. EVERY MOTHER can be sure of FINDING JUST WHAT SHE WANTSjind at low figures. Remembering We have made a great effort to supply their needs n all STYLES and PRICES of CONFIRMATION SUITS. A Magnificent Display of Spring Overcoats and Ulsterettes Ranging from $5.00 and upwards, Allow me at this time to return thanks to triends and the general public for the extremely liberal patronage during the past five years. Your kindness has placed us at the head of the Clothiers of Washtenaw county. We trust on our part that we have given our customers the worth of their money, this has been our aim at least. Xjegtci:cLg CloÍ33=Lex.
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