Koch & Haller's

1881 NOW OPENED. 1881 FURNITURE STORE. We respectfully invite the attention of the public to our large and well selected stock of Parlor Suits, Chamber Suits, (Home Manufacture), Patent Rockers, Easy Chairs, Writiog Desks, Side Boards, Camp Chairs, Lounges, Lambrequins, Wire Mattresses. etc, etc. This stock was purchased with the BEST ADVANTAGB FOR CASH, AND WE CAN SELL AT LOWER PRICES THAN WAS EVER BEFORE OFFERED IN THIS CITY. WE PAY PARTICULAR ATTENTION TO ALL SPECIAL OUDERS. -A-m. inspeotion o otxx s"boolfc s solotecL_ J IKIOCIEL, HALLEE; Formerly with Formerly with J. Keek & Co. J. Haller & Son. KocJi & Haller, 52 Soiitli Mail St. and i West Liberty St,
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