News Of The Week

The body of the wife u( Capt. ïobu Wllklnson of St. Juseph, who inysteriously disappeared last Octeber, lias been founcl in the St, Joseph river. The verdict of the coroner's jury was accidental dvowuniff. She was Rddlcted to drink, and it is supposed that whiie under lts influence she feil iuto lito rivor, She was about 10 ycars old. Samuel Lewls, a well-known mlnlng siicculator, killed hiniself wi th strjclniiiie atDeadwooii. He formerly lived at Ann Arbor and Tpailauti. Old fiBhermen say tliis te the bes), scasoii Uiey have ever bad. There is yei. about 80 lnchesof Ico in saginaw bay, and teams ui' crossing daily, but a break up is expectod. and thu fishernien are worklng towaril the shore. There are now 1,000 ehantics on the ice, and fish are seliiug at two cents a pound. William Francisco was arrested at Muskecon. charcred with the murder of Joseph Araon in Holton towusliip. Arson was murdered wlth au ex, aud theu robbed of 8300. Linshig has 07 teleplione3 ui lts exchange 3'rcuit Arcliey Case, uear Au Sabio, Saturday, had an arm broken by a rolling log. At Graud Rapids, Sunday, there beinff an alarm of fire, a mau in fireinau's uniform juinped into a cutter occupii by a little boj', aged 12, took the liuea from the lad aud drovo at raciug speed for the fire, overturniug the cutter, throwing out andlnjuring the boy, and then letting tbe horso go and smash the ris to pieoes. Tho fireman lost his bat, tlirough wbich his name was discovereil. Jackson has raised the required araount of inoney to secure the stato fair. Mrs. J. R. Scott comraitteil suicide at Willianiston, Mich. At Harrisvilie, Micb., tliree bueiuess buiMlngs were burueil; tho Roview office and postoffice dainaged; loss $3,(XX). The Detroit Republicau city conventiou noiuinated Recorder Svvift forre-eleetion bj a oearly unaniuious vote. Fred. ï'oote of Battle Crcek, wbllo visitiiiff his unde, A. M. Morton of Vennoutville, Micb., got into a quarrcl with him and Bhut hiui tbrough thebead aud band. ï'oote fled; Morton will prebably recover. In Dr. Bali's testimony in the Chrlstlancy dlvorce case ue furtber slated that he Uad, at the request of Judge Clnistiaucy, topt hlinself inforined of the Rctions of Mrs. i. lirisüancy, and learued of mauy tbings derogatory to ber character, but was told thatoniy uiatters relative to her alleged adultery with Giro were of importance. He deposed tb it the clerk at the SU James hotei told him tliat the woman who visited Giro's room there was Airs. Christ.ancy. The Bancroft house, at East Sa. iuaw, is now llghted in its maiu ofiices by tin Maxim flectric light. A wim ueer lan acrons lúa ice oí me mm u Bay City, and got tangled íq a picket fence, wbrreit was captured. Malignaut scarlet fevcr is reported to exist in one of the wards of Grand llap ds. At Lexington a 13 year oíd son of A. Sw iízer had is leg bo badly crushed bya failiDg tree tliat bis lile is dlspalred of. His (IiírIi was literally BUiashtd. S.Poiter, a dentistof Eaton Rapids was arrested Friday ou the charge of assault with intent to commii rape ou a young girl named Rogers on the Uth lnst. He was ada-itted to bail in the suui of ?2W. Thos. Jobns, a graln dealer of Wlxoin, Mlch. was assaulted aud rcblid of f 500 by a farm band named "George." John's injuries are probably fatal. The murderer fled, but bas been traced nearly to Aun Arhor, where ho stole a Lorse. A reward is offsred for bis capture. James J. Craig, a floriet, Hviust In Detroit, missed liis little boy, James J. t'raig, atred U yeaTs, Weduesday aftenioon, and UtUouj;'' 'lüigentsearch was made untll miduiglit, no tidings of his wherealiout? carne. Next norninc about 7 o'dock the dead budy of the boy was found lying iu tho alley west of Woodward avenue, between Alexandrine avenu and Campbell street. There is a strong euepicion that tbe child was run over by the wagou of soms teamster, and that tho iimly was dragged iuto tlie alley. Passenger traiii No. 10 ou the Lake Shore road, which leaves Detroit at 7 o'ciock iu the evening, etruck two men named Kudolph Mahrau and John Fraser at the Vlnewood crossing Fraser was instautiy killed aml Mahrau suffered a írattureof the bones of the left legand of the right hand. Thelatter has a wife an i six children. Fraser had nis back broken. He leaves a wife and one child. The man now coofined iu Detroit for fraudulentiy ohtainin goods on tho pretnee that he was a merchant of Casevillc, named Craw ford, is supposed to have tried the same game iu Grand Èapids last montb, representiug himself to be a merchaut from Ithaca, Sophia Lyons, alias "Kate Loranger," etgated a sensation by an attempt to blackmrtil Mr. George Hendrie, secretary of the Detroit city railway, eHforciiig her deinand for inoney by a random pistol shot. Charles E. Miller was honorably discharged in the Detroit pólice court, bis lnnocence of the charge that he personated F. J. Shipley to rtofrnd Philetus P. Birch lieiug clearly establlshed. 'iho examination of the allesed mnrderer:? of Anthony Miller, at Norris, in 1878, begau before Justice Borgman of Detro't on Friday. A meetiug of the Jackeon and Ingham couuty bars, Thureday, favored Eugene Pringle for judge of that circuit Som men near Moscow found a pebbie In the heart of an ash tree, 20 feet from the ground, where the tree was S0 inches through. An Iron grating in froDt of a Bay City store brokeandl"t James McMahon fall iuto the cellar. He was picked up unconscious. Mrs. Morse and Mrs. Eldriege, two young wives of Battle Creek, left that place togethor two or three days ago, it is alleged, to meet lovers somewhere out west. According to the Journal, their contluct is the result of vlclousness of cbaracter only. A dispatch from Stanton gives the partleularsof the murder by Henry Uprlghtof his wife in a sheet of tb t town. Sho was a girl of 19, and he left her as a ssrvant at a hotel while he went into the woods as a luinbermau. He saya that she confessed adultery to bim, and after trying to get "satisfactlon" from th alleged seduc r, aud failiug, he looked her , fonnd ber hoarding at the Stanton house, fol lowed her as she was trying to escape from his threats, and killed her in the street. It seeins to ha7e been a very brutal murder. Flres:- At Battle Creck, house owned by John Boot, one halt occupied by Henry Van Huyeer; Ioes f 4,000; Insurance #1,000.- At Hillsdale, the Hammond block, Methodist chiirch and other buildings; loss about 8,000; mainly lnsured. At Eaton Rapldti Morgan Vanghan, a wellknown ex-banker, has been arrested on a capias, charged with malioious libel on Chas. E. MerritL It is daln1 that Yaughan wrote to Isaac Maynard of LtiCï, N. Y., chargiug Morritt with trying to secure some of Maynard's property and that Vaughan pubüshed a damaging article in the Eaton Rapids Journal concernmg Merritt He is out on bajL A shooting aflray occurred at Saglnaw City ín which John Cunningham wasserit)usly,aiiil perhaps fatally, wounded, and Pardee Hall was sligbtly injured. The men, together with three othe, were passing up Water treet, wheu one of them threw a briok through the window of the shoe shop and residenee of James fiyau. Byan's brother Patrick armed hunself with a double-barreled e pistol, loaüed with bucksbot, stepped to the door and fired wice into the crowd, with above effect. Thé shootist has been arrested. Mrs. J. B. Scott of WilliamBton was found dead in her bed last Tvesday, atd it was supposed that slie bad shot hersolf. Later eridence, however, has developed the theory that she was niurdered, and Johu Finí, Mrs. Scott's orother, was arrested ou thecharge of murder. He bas not jet oecured bail. Trouble In regard to property is thougbt to have boen, iu either case, the cause of Mrs. Scott's deatb. (ïreat tucciteinent prevalía in the cominunity. lire. Mariila L., wire of M. H. Clark, editor of the Hastings Democrat, died Saturday uight, aged 50 years. Her rematas wero taken to Grand Rapids for burial. At Marshall Satarday'o storm lifted the greater part of the tin roof of O. S. Barrett & Co.'s doublé store, inflictlng a loss of nearly $8J0. The rain poured tbrougli in torreuts, but none of their furnlture stock was dainageil to any gieat extent. Williara N. Neneen, the Saglnaw deputy sheriff shot by William Ciark ou the 13th inst., died at St Mary's hospital of hls inïurieB, havipg liever recovered from the sliock sustained by liis syslem wheu he received the wouml. A upirates' cave," occupled by serení I yonng hoodlums, supplied with beer and düne uovels, has been discovnred under a building: on tlii island at Grand Kapid. The "pirales'' fleJ before the pólice got there. Prof. MosesCoit Tyier of tbe Michigan university gave a lecture at Lowell, Mas., institute a few days aco ou American lilorature. The lecturo is liighly spokeu of hy the Uostoii press. The Buchanan Record sjiys tbat I'r. Slocnm employed a tluuer to put up a stovu iu lüs of fice and cut a new hole in the chlmney, which was on th other side of a partiüon, in which to ut the pipe. The tinuer fixl it Noveniber 25. March 1, after using the etove all winter, the doctor was uut doors amt noüced snioke pouricg out of every crevice In the top of his office building. Investigaron showed thatthe tinuer had uierely put the pipe through tlic latli and piaster partition, and had never made any holelntlio cliimrey at all, f the amoke was8:mply goineop icto tlie Kr:ir:et tehlnrt the latb aud piaster uil winter, lucklly without setting the building on fire.
Old News
Ann Arbor Democrat