The Legislature

Mnreh 15.- The sánate passed Mis rep;iilatng thelaw in refwwiroto tlw transfer ot iuane soldiers to tlie Kalamuzoo Imane asyluin; requiring an ánñnal statement froin the MauIstee rlver Improvement coiapany ; and incorporatinir Bloominirdale and Port Gratiot. The houso pasíed bilis dt'UTininingthemelh. od of electiiur overseers of hchwaysin tlio township of Sprintrwells; ameuding sectlons 15, 31 and 85 of the law of 1S5E, relativo to Imr.viujr rounds; to proviáe for a standard fonn of flfo Insurance policy; niaklne crtiried copies of original service popera ev dence; lnooruoralinK the Tillare of Vonnontville; providír.c for tlie publication of suprema court ruports; providine for tho ealo of landB ty executors in cerlain cases; authoiizinK the tormation of t!ectiic iittht compauies; amrnding the act for the iucorporatiou of manufacturiná companie: reorganizinfr the lllh and 12th and creatíng t'ne 2,'jtli jualcla] circuit; to or:íuiz the township of liver, Kalkaska countj', aud Martin, llisnaukoe couuty; amendjpg Úit) charlar of Neaunee; mafciug appropriations for tha state lilirary; to niaentl th railruad luw ; relativo to oonkkíépérs and accounts; rvlntive to statistics cf the insane, deaf, diinib and blind; amending the charter 01 we vinapi of Hu'isou; for the incoiporation of Holland christian reformed churches; relativo lo cliaritable bocMíps; and a jolut n-soluiion in regard to the assas6natiou ot the czar of Russia. In the senate bilis were passed relativo 'o !oj?al holidajH; repealing secttoDB 7808-4 of tho led Lawsof 1S71; tho sale of a lot (o tho Lansing library association; to amcml eeciiou Z1S2 of tbe Ooinplled Laws, relative to corporatlonB foriuiproviugthenRviKntion of rivers; authorizius traasfors of apprnpriailiins for the state house of COirectlon; aii'.anding sectioniHöSl of tho öomplled Laws rnlotive tn normal school certificati's and diplomas; appropriating Livingston couuty swamp lands for drainage purposes; relativo to tliu contingent fund of the city of Hastings; amendiug the law fixiug tbe time when taxes shaU hecome duo from the countles to' the state; relative to electing hihway oversecrs and poondmastere in the township of Springwella; appropriatiug swamp lands to complete :i state road in Occana county; organizing the townships of Ulivcr, Kalkaska county, Brevort, M-ickinac county, and Martin, Missaukeecounty;amendin& the charters of Ncgaunee and Urand Haven; ma in appromiatioas for the support of the reform schoc!; to sottle the claim of Ethel Judd fororgauziingCo., K., lOth Michlftau iufautiy; andamendiuK the act for tliegoverument of thelonia reform school. No bllli were uassed in the house. March 17- In the senate the following liiils, etc. were passcd: For an amendmetit to the constitutlon for tho election of more than one circuit jiiiitie in the city of Detroit; for the lief of (leo. W. Jenks; connrimng tlie Utle or Ui Lausiug central MethoUint clmich to ccrtitin real estáte; transferring tenïtory from Muskepron to Lrtketon; chautjltif the Ishperniug school district boundaries; revising the charter Ol Hnrtson; and auiemliuti the act, auIhorizing Dolroit to estulilibh a park on Belle Iste. In the houee, after a brlsk discussion, the rcBolution to pay f2,' 00 for a vlcturo of Zach arlah ChRmiler waR aeffated, yesa 4Ü, naj-B 41 eight less than the neceesary constitutiona majoiity. The vote was reconsidera! and the bill laid on the taille. A resolution was dopt ed for au investigation of the state stationen contract, and certaiu charges against the con tractors, Brsulutiona concrniinjr St. Patriok' day werp adoptcd, al6O resohilioos coniiiliinrn tary to Speaker Moffatt and the speaktrs pro tem. The house also passnl bilis amemlliic the act grantlüg and dQning tlio power aiu duties of iucorporatd villajes ; organizing th township ot Montmorenci; tor a bridge acros the narrows of Glen lake, appropriatinf; fou sections of swauip lani)s;apprupriatiug fifteoi -ectioua f swanip lands for the St. Mary and Macldiiac state roads, etc. Marcli 17- ín tho semte tlie following bilis wore yassed: Approprialing swawp luuds to aid in constructing Prcsque Isle hnrbor and False Presque I!o etate road; amcndinK Beetion S018 oí C'fiinpiled Luws relative to capital stock ot warfhouseronii'iuiiofi; detaching certa u tfnitory trom tiietrict No. 1, ia Wyomlng, Kuit couuty, and attacláng tho saine to school district No. 4; autlioriziiig issue ofapateut to certain scliool lands to Samuel Wallaoe; addiuy a iiew seclion to chapter 13, Compiled Laws, relativa to divisioiu of townships; aineudinf; act of 1871 for tiie appointmeut of a board of couimissioners for tlie general supervisión of cliaritaule, penal, paupti" and reformatory lintítationa; to provide for uniform inulatiou of córtalo state iustitutions; ameuding the chaitfir cl the viiluge of Vermontville In the house billa and reeolntions were OBsei as iollows: Aihmkíuiíí section 75b6, relaüve to uffenses agaiust property: reattaching Cleon to Jlanistee county: amouiliag act of 1879, relative to eummoBiiiK jorors: to index tlio naines of soldiere trom Michigau ia tlie Utót war; to recompenso Adjt. Gen. Roberteon [ur [i'uuu 'mg the bistury ui "Mictiiau Ui the War;" for. the relief of Al f red J. West; askblf; cougresB for aid iu securing telegraph serviré between Ihe Mauitnu isiands aud the main laud; amending act 142 of 1867, relativo to iusurauw; amending the charter of Pentwater. Messrs. Priuiüe, Wyckoll and Hackett wer appointed as the special coinraittee to inveBtiifate the itianner iu wliich Richmond Backus & Co. are carrylng out their stationery contract witli the state. SInrch 19.- In the seiiato a conuminication was recehcd frorn the sovernor statius: that a llffi-size portrait of the late Gen. Dwight May had been presented to the state by the latter's family. A handgome watch was pteeenMa to Jolm T. Rich, wlio has just resigne i his seat In the senate. Iu the house a bilí was passed approprlating svramp lands to droia overflwed lands in loaco county, The bill detacliing certain territory from Saginaw county and attaching lt to Bay county was lost, ayes 37, noes 83. The vote was re-considered and the bilí laid on tlie table. Miircli 21. - The senate was not in sessiqn. The house of representatives speut most f its time in dábate, without coucluding action on iiy buis.
Old News
Ann Arbor Democrat