
Williatn P. Frye has been elected senator trom Maine. Calis for meetings to lndorse the asslnation of the Czar Alexander have been issued in St. Louis ai:d New York. Kiifus Hatch, the iudefiitigaMe, has begun another injnnction suitagainst th telegraphic consolldatloD, and has obtained a teiuporsry ÍKJuoction. Ida Lewls (the American Grace Darlluc; who is now keeper of the Lime Rock licht house, olí Rhode Island, has been presentet with a medid by the Massact.usetts humane society. Ground haalbeen brokenifor a nsrrqw ffuago railway in the Catskill mouutain región, peuetrating to Huntor, N. Y,, to be fiuished by July L Brevot Mnjor General Emoiy Cptnu of the üuited Statts army, tho author of "UptoiiM Revised Tacti'.'g," c nimitted suicide Monday niifht at Presidio, California. U ís supposed that the act was caused by grief at the joss of hls wife. Another theoryls that he fanciod that Iiis book was iifailure. The Bepublican senatorial caucus proceeded with the work of assigning Reputilican senators to üie tnajority places aud chairmauships of the sonate coinmittees. Tbere is no doubt now that these assignments will be confirmed by the full senate by the casting vote of the Vice President. Mr. Ferry t named for chair man of the committee on rules and postofflce affaii's, Mr. Conger for that ou manufactures, Mr. Logan for tliat on military atfairs, Mr. Ca inwon for that on the uavy. Tho Democratie caucus resolved to accept the situation and select tho miuorlties on the coinmittees from thcir own uuinber. It is undi-rstocd 'bat Mr. Mahone wlll vote for the Repuulican candidato for secretary of the Benato aud will iu return have the Republican support Tor a Virginia friend of bis fo&sergoant-at-artns. The Cincinnati Price Current publishe9 a generally favorable report in regard to the winter wheat erop. It is undaretood that President G.irfield will reappoint Fredericlc Doulass, wnose commisaton expires, as marshal of the District oí Columbia. Articles of incorporation of the 'Uniou Elavator coinpnny," capital $500,000, have bwn DIed in Council Bluffs to erect uiaininoth riain elovators. The ncorporators are Sldney lillon, UoionPacifle; A. L Hopkins, Wabaah; A. lCft-p, Cliicacoand Northwetorn ; Hugh llkl.lle Chieaao, Ilock Island aud I'acific; and C. E. Perkins, Chicago, Burllugton and Quincy railroads. The army of t!ie TunnpsM) holde lts fourteeniíi annngl uiseiing In Cinolnnatl. April 6th aud 7tb. The memorial etatue of cíuu. Mc Phersoa, wliidi is to be placed on his gr;ive at Ciydo.OÍilo, will be uuveili-d at Uiig meeting. Gen. Slicrmau wl!l preside. President Garfield says that the publicaüon of cabinet secreta will be a lost art during his administra tion. A tornado in Kan Bas and Missouri blow down 15 DaUdlngS in Galena, Ks., and morially injured two people. The larce tabernacle and several building at Joplin, Uo„ were destrojed. A Spuuisli Rlrlnair.ed Last;! Abarta shot her seducer, i'. ii. Forstcr, deaa at Loa Ángelus, Cal The Toledo, Delphos anil Burlington Rud D.yton and Southeastra raihoad ooinpanies nave lin.'ii Cims(iliila1i. Senator Edmuuds hns paired witb Senator Vanee for the remainder of the gession and goue to Florida for his health. Tlio prospecta of nn extra sesslnn of coufrress m to ncrease. lts cliiof object, f ealled, will be the passasro of a fundiujr bil'. The negoti.it i.-p s with Gicat Britain iu rearó to the Fortune l;ay outrages have result1 in a proposltion fioin tho IJriüsh governien1 fhatthe whole matter bo referred for i-cision to Secretary Blaine and Sir Eilward 'hointou, British minister to t.his r-muitry, rovide i that, if they disngree, they shall name re'ereo. whose decisión s!i all befiaaL It 8 huught that our goTernent will accept this iroposition. ïhe MigfÚBfiippi rivet towboat John Mwns xploded her bc' Ier, near ')soeola, Ark., and nik uuuietliately. 7ourinBuarcinif$ini; and ïpposed to have been rtrowued. A Dumber f olhers are Injured. A fire at Nawbnrypnit, Ma?s., liunir'l BartetL's milis. Insurnnco $!ltCI,00O; loss pvol):il;Iy arger. Frank Hard of Toledo 'jas birun the orpanzation of fi'38 trade leagues in New York, In the hope of besrinnlnjj a national moveuK ur, agalnat Ike tarltl laws. A port ïnle boiler in a saw-mlll ou the Keutucky river exploded 8aturdny, killing tl i reo men and tHtdlyscaldlqg five. Col. C.F. Rockwell butweo appolnted superintendent of the public buildings and gromnls in chargo of the Whi e House, a;id tho public reservations aud parks. Tho count de Braza, an Itallan explorer, who ha? been traveliug In south western Afitai, reports having met Heury M. Stanley, with liia men, in December, Kt a polnl near the (.'ongo rlver. Another "worst si:ow-stonu of the fieasou" -and it really seems to bo ono of tho worst - Vil LJUlUl Unj 41 V ' ■JVu&u QiiU 1,1 H' UVJL ttl 11 f'HU car travel in Clileago was brokcn up, n.i the railroads are bloekaded. The Chinese treatles were reporte! favorilily from tho senatn eoininittee ou lorelgn reations. A Canadian excursión parij of 750 people, lound for Manitoba, is blookaded by snow ■ t he Chicage stock yards. David Davis says tliat lia proposes to serve out liis timo in the señale, whieh axtends to 883, when he will retire to private lire. A build nft belongins; to the Roehestcr hy;raullc coinpany feil Monday morninij, killintf ono man and lnjuring four or fivo others. The greut Huelo hall of Cincinnatl has heen pctired for the meeting of the army of the ["eunessee, and extensive preparations are Inv ng made fer the meetitv. Stanley Mattliews haa returuod to Wa9hlngon to defend himself againüt asperslons upon lis personal iutegrity. Mr. Mural Halsteau is ako working tor Mattliews in Washington. The bank of England warnB British residents oí the Uuitod S;att8, through secretiry Blaine, against a swniitlLiiü uotary public named A. H. 3. Prudenco, who advertises tiis abilil.y to col eet unclaimcd divldends from that bank, anil stigmatizesliim as an impostor. i masa Stone of Cleveland tas made the maguificent donation of $5uO,(XKJ to the Western Reserve college, on coudition tiiat the ir.stitution be removed lo Cleveland, lts name eli.'iuged to Adelbert college of the Western Lteíerve uuivereity, and that the board of trustees be increaaed to23, 11 of wlioin shall bo selected by the douor. At Saturday's meeiintt of the board of the trasteos all the condltiona were accepted, aml the names of President (iarfield, ex President Haycs, John H-iy (Mr. Stone'8 sou-in-lawi, and other emiueiit cilizens o? Ohlo, ai-c named by Mr. Stone a trastees.
Old News
Ann Arbor Democrat