
March lö - In the sonate JVfiYoorliOes(Deiii. i Iud.) called up bis resolution nslhig tlio attorney general for Information regarding the names and uumber of the United States deputy ! marshals appointed in Indiana at the recent election. An amendnient was aiiopted asking aiso for information as to the necessity for tho appointment of said marshals, aud the resolution -was adopted. Mr. Pcudleton (Dom., O.) called up tho resolution organizing the senatts coinmittees. Motions tn adjourn and go into executive scesion were voted down, Mr, Mahoue votiug witli the Republicans in the afflrmative. Mr. Pendleton then moved to adjourn, sayiüji tliat It was evident that no vote could be reached on tbe pending buslnees. The senate then adjourned. Marcl 16- In the Konaio n resolution was adopted requesting the Ireèldent to cominnnicste to the seuate the correspoudecce and ac" , eompanying documents exchanged jrith Mexico in 1869-til in refjreuco to a proposed trealy with that governineDt. The question of organtaation was agaiu taken up and Mr. Beek (lJem., Ky.) satd that lie liad about concluddl tbat tliO Heuiocrats liad better let the Kepubücans Imve tho sécate anyway, aud then tliey miglit run the whole coneorn themselves and takethe responsibiüty. Hi moveci to adjourn, Which motiou prevailed. ilarch 17- In tbo senate Senator Edifcrton of Minnesota took the oath of oíTice. The señale adjourned, on motion of Mr. Peudieton, who said that he had received Information which showed that it woultl be imposeible to organizo the coinmittees that morning. March 18. - In the 6onate, tlie credeutlal of Mr. Frye (Rep., Me.) were preseuted, and he took the oath of olflce. Mr. Pendlfcton (Dein.. O.) callod up bis resolution appointlng tüo couimittee8 as arrauged by tb Democratie candis. Mr. Anthony (Rep, K, I.) moveit tüat tno resolutionu De ïndefinitwy postpinerl. Ou this tho vote stood 'Al to 87. .Judge Davis voted wilhthe Democrats in tho negativa and Mr. Mahoue aleo sq voted, but cbanged lus voto afterward. The Vice Prwident voiel iu tho affirniative, and tho motiou was carried. Mr. Authouy tlienofliered a resolution appoiutius; the comm ttees as arrangwl by the Republicao caucus, which was adopted, ayes SS, Days !i7, the Vice President aain casting the declsive vote. Tlio seuate Uien went into exícutive sension. and, when the doors wwo reopenei! adjoumed. me tollowing are the senate commlttees as elected, the first name on eiich couimlttee being the chairtiian. The Republicnns havo a inajority of one on each coininittee, excpt those on private lam claims, revolutionary claims, eugro.seed bilis, Nlcaraguan claims, epideinio ttiseases, anc special committee on Jlbrary accommodaüons The flrst named senators on othercommittees, thereíore, a. Republicana, nntll the majority of one is rcached, and the remalnder are Deinocrats. Privilcgos and Elections- Messrs. Hoar, Cauieron CNVis.) Teller, Sherman, Fryo, Sanlshury, Hill, (Ga.) Vanee und Pugb. Toreigu Relations - 3Ie6srs. Burnside, jmg, J&luiunüs, aiiiicr, Ferry, Johnson, Morgan. Hill tGa. and Pendleton. Finauce - JJessrs. Morrill, Shennan, Ferry, Jonw (Nevada) AUieon, Platt (N. Y.) Bayard, Voorhees, Beek, McPtierson and Harris. Apprqpriatlons - Mesera. Allison. Logan, Dawes, Piumb, Hale, Davisf W. Va.) Beek, Rausi)in and Cockrell. Commerce - Messrs. Conkliiijf, McMiüan, Jones (Nev.) Kellong, Conger, Baneom, Coke, Farley and Vest Manufactures - .YlesBrs. Congety Hale, Jewell, McPherson and Williams. Agriculture - Messrs. Mahone, Blair, Piumb, Van Wyck, Davis, (V. Va.) Slater and Geurge. Military Affaire - Mesara Logan, Burnside, Cameron, (Pa.) Harrison, Jewell, Cockrell, Maxey, Grover and Hampton. Naval Affaire- Messrs. Cninerou (Pa.) Anthony, RoUins, Miller, Matioue, Mcl'herson, Jones (Fia.) vanee aud Farley. Jufliciary - Messrs. Eiiuiunds, Conklin, Logan, Ingalls, McMillan, (iarland, Davls, (111.) Bayard and Lainar. Postoffices and Post Roads - Messrs. Ferry, Hill (Col.) Platt (N. Y), Sawyer, Mahone, Maxey, tíaulsbury, Farley nd Groóme. Public Land- Mesare. Plumb, H1H (Col.) Blalr, Van Wyck, McDill, Jones (Fia.), Grover, Walker and Morgan. Private Laud Claims-Mossrs. Bajard, Jonas, Cal), Eduiunds and Allisoa. lmüan Affairs- Messrs. Bawps, Ingalls, Saunders, LosraD, Cameron (Wis.), Coke, Pendleton, Walker and Slater. Pensiona- Messrs. Teller, Platt (Conu.), Blair, Mitchell, Edgerton, Hroome, Slater, Jackson and dunden. Buvolutionary Claims- Messrs. Johasoy, Jones, (Fia.} Hill ((ia.) Anthony aud Dawes. Claims - Mossrs. Cameron (Wis.) Frye, Teller, Boar, Conger, Pugh, Jackson, Unorge, and District of Colombia- Messrs. Iagalls, BolUna, McMillan, Hawley, McDil!, Harris, BatIer, Vanee and tí orinan. Patenta - Messrs. Platt (Coun.) Hoar, Mitchell, Edgerton, Coke, Cali and Williams. Territories- Messrs. Saundorc, Kellogg, McDill, Sawyer, Butler, Uarland and Vest. Eailroads - Messrs. Kellogg, Teller, Saunders, Hawley, Sawyer, Sewell, Lámar, Grover, Williams, Jonas, Brown. Minea and Maiing- Messrs. HUI, (Col), Jones (Nev.) Vaa Wck, Miller, Hampton, Fair, and Camdcn. Kevisiou ot Laws- Messrs. McMillaD, CJatt (Conn.j, Hale, Davis flll.) and Pendletou. Educatiou and J.abor - Messrs. Ulair, Morill, Buruside, EJgiirton, Mahoue, Maxey, Jrown, Gfiorgo and Fair. Civil Service- Mhssis. Hawley, Eollins, Fones (Nev.), HUI (Col.), Butler, Walker and Williams. Contingent Expenses- Messrs. Jones (Nov.), 'latt (Coun.) aud Vauce. Eugrosscd Bills - Messrs. Saulabury, Cali andCoukJlng. Rules- Messrs. Prye, Hoar, Sherinan, Cali ind (iiirmau. lnipiovement of tlie Mlssissippi River - ilessrs. Mitcholl, Kellojíg, Van Wyck, Frye, fonas, Cockrell aud Jacküon. ïrausporlation Koutes to the fieaboard - ifessra. Harrisou, Camarón (Pa.), Ulair, Platt N. Y.), Beek, Voorlieos and Camden. Joint ComniUtee on Public PrintiDg - Ie8srs. Anthony, Hawljy and Gorman. Joint Commlttee on Ënrolled Bills - Messrs. Platt (N. Y.), Rollins and Pugh. Joint CoinmittM on Li brary- Messrs. Sherman, Hoar and Voorhees. Joint Committee on Public Buildings and ftrnmids - Mesara. Rollins, MorrllI, Cameron (Wis.), Jones (Fia.) and Vest. Select Commiltce ou CivI! Service - Messro. Sawyer, Rollins, Diwes.Hampton and Groóme. Consus - Messrs. Halo, Morrill, Cameron (Wis.), McDill, Pendletnn, Morgan and Harris. JËi)iilinic Diseases - Messrs. Harria, Lámar, OarUnd, Jonas, Telle:, Miller and Sewell. Nicarasuan Claims Messrs. Davis (W. Va.), Groon)o, Johuston, Hawley and Mitchell. Ou Erwtion of Noiw Lihrary BnüiHngs- Messra. Voorliees, Butler and Morrill. March 21.- The senate after liearlng the readhlg of the resolutlong of the Wiseonsin leffislaturo on tlie death of tbe late Senator Carpenter, went into exeout ve aessionand aftorward adjourned.
Old News
Ann Arbor Democrat