
The assassiuation of the czar of Kussia places bis son Alexander in control of the empire. The manifestó of the latter calis him "imperator and autoorat of all the Russias, czar of Poland.grand duke of Fiuland, etc.;" declares that his father feil by impious hands because he was the protector of Russia and the founder of her greatness; devotes the whole of his life to the welfare of his subjccts, and commands them tosvrear allegianceto himself and his snccessor, the hereditary Grand l)uke Xicholas Alexandro ; Itch. The physicians firat sumrnnnedtoattend the czar applied rubber bandages below the knees to stop the loss of blood, and placed him under the influente oí oxygen and ice, whereupon ho became conscious and received the sacrament. Arrangement for the funeral have1 been made on the most extensivo scale. Riimors of nihilist plots and fears of f urthor asaassinations are rife. Only a ew days ago a petitioa of the njbles, illing attontion to the promises of inividual liberty to every Russian, iu 8G4, pointing out the violation of that )romise, and asking the czar to authorze the suspension of the law onl by pecial decree, was contemptuously disegarded and the nobles were charged with excceding their prerogatives. Kussakof, one of the assassins, was student in tho tninlng college, and ïadbeen under suspicion forsome linie. The emperor had been warned against ittending the parade on Sunday. The inperor's wedding ring was broken to ieces and driven into tbe tlesh. Gen. tfilikoiï continúes in charge of all pub ie affairs, and has summoued a deputa,ion to consult upon measures against edition and anarchy. The French senate and chamber of Icputies adopted a message of fondoenceand adjourncd. The Austrian court goes into morung for one rnonih, but tho lower liouse of tho reichsrath disagreed on the quesion of expressing condolenee. The Polish members declared that they would withdraw if such an expression was attempted. Tlie Grand Duke Sergjus and Paul, sons of the late emperoi-, left Kome for St. Petersburg, haring first received a message of regret from the pope. A short time ago the London World contained a sketch of the nevv eniperor from which tho following is taken: me zarewitcn is narcuy so can as his father was in his best days, b.ut he must still be noarly, if not quite, six feet in height, and is remarkably deepchested and broad-shoulderel, with all the appearance of great strength. His light gray eyes resemble those of his mother's relations at Hesse-Daruistadt more than his father, who has the dark blue eyes (such as the Frenen cali blue-black) which are to be seen in the pictures of Alexander I., Paul, Peter the Great, ar.rl several other mcrabers of the house of Romanoff. The shape of his head, which is above the average size- like most of his family- is rather peculiar; one of thuse only fltted by a large hat, which, when worn, appeavs out of proportion to the comparatively small face below. His forehead is high; but the organs of veneration, firmness and self-esteem are most largely developed. This form of head may have been produced, according to Darwinian theory, by several generations of despotic power, as Alexander II. has more of itthan is generally seen, though not as much of it as his son. A small mouth. with extremely good teeth, which he only shows when he laughs, is the Czarewitch's best feature; his hair is auburn, and his complexion very fair. In St. Petersburg he nsually appears most correetly attired In uniform; but when enjoying a holiday among his wife's relations, he may be seen in a very loóse washed snit of shepherd's plaid, a black tio, a white hat withneitherglove3, ring nor watch. That he was nocarpet-soldieris evident from the marks of frost-bitea on the third and fourth flngers of his left hand, and a slight scar on his temple, wliero a bullet gram! his head in one of the battles in the Turkiali war. The Czarewitch is very popular in Copenhagen, where he and tho Princess Dagmar, as she is still fondly callecl by the Danes, walk about the town in the most unceremonious manner, and are alwava ready to take their part in any popular entertainment during the long visits which they periodically pay at her father's court. It also speaks well for him that heis supposed to require no extra amusement there; but to be perfectly happy, leading a simple life with his wife and children, roaming about the park and spending quiet evenings in the castle. In the summer of 1876 the whole Danish royal family, including the King and Queen of Greece, were entertained for six weeks in his palaces in St. Petersburg and Czarsko-Selo. The Prince's study In the Anitchkoy Palace is a small room fltted up with mapa and globes and well-fltted bookcases, in whlch historical works in all languages predomínate, ïhat he is a reader is shown by the pile of newspapers whioh he collects at the different stations when on a raihwiy journey to peruse on the roarl. and he has taken a personal interest in the publication of the State correspondence in Kussia. Whether justly or not, the Czarewitcli had the credit of heing a vory obstinate.capririous, bad-tempered boy, and it was undoubtedly a great shock to his future subjects when the unexpccted death of his eider brother placed hini next to tlie throne. They had beeu pliiyfellows, and greatly attached to each otht i" ; and when button and eleven years old were brought to the deathbed of the Einperor NictaolaB; in 1855, to receive their grandfather's blessing and a few wordfi of advice. As might üe expected at their ago and on ïuch an occasion, they both shed tears. That the present Czarewitch married the Prineess Dagm:ir (who on lier ve baptisiïi into the Eastern Church, re3oivcd the names of Mary Fedoi-ovna) it the speeial request of tbe dying ontli to whom she was bethrothed is well known; and though the request seemed hardly natural, the eider brother rirobably reniembered that she was not without ambition, and had thought much of the positiou which she would ïome day occupy, and which, In bis unselflsh love, he strove to securo for her n the only possible way. The Czarjvna lias four beautiful children - the 3ldest, is'icholas, a fine boy of twelve; ;he second, George, about nine, who beurs a striking resemblance to the carly pictures oL Alexander II., and too much younger ones, Xenia and Micbael. She lias accompanied her husband to all parta of European Itussia, and has gained the affection of the people, particularly the Poles. In the winter at the Anitchkoy Palace she bas an annual Christmas tree; but it is not invariably the childron of the nobles who are invited, but a uumber f rom ;he most squalid homes in St. Petersburg, recommenáed by sonie of the members of the society forthe reJ'öf distress; and these are always "sent away with a good stock of warm clotnIng, as well as the customary presenta.
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