The Farm

The Chicago Paekiug and Provisión house kills 10,000 hogs every day, a day bemg ten hours. It is said thero are 23,000 head of eattlein Peoria, 111., thatarefed in part on distillery slop. Andrew Spraguo of Easton, Maine, raised 200 bushels of very large sugar beets from f orty square rods of grouud. If farmers put moro thought and lesa toil into their business they might make agricultura more attractire to tüieir children. Do not be in too muuta hat to set your hens, unless you have a warm place not only for them to set in but also for the young chicka aftnr thoy are hatched ITe . er feed decaycd roots of any kind to cows giving milk. Ono decayed turnip fed to ono cow would affect the milk of fifty cows if mixed together. Cominissioner Le Due claima that the aggregate loss to the farmers of the Unitod States frora hog cholera foots iroin $15,000,000 to $20,000,000 per annum. Tho average prlco of the oom erop of Illinois for 1880 is thirty-three cents por bushei, which is six cents less than the average prioe for the last twenty years. A conple of oimces of earboiic acid to three quarts of water sprinkled on the poultry house through the fine nose of a small watering-pot once in three or four weeks will destroy lico and other parasites. The Grandin Bros., of Dakota, are said to have raised last year 187,287 bushels of wheat, and that the odd 37,000 bushels paid all tho cost of cultivation and marketing, leaving 100,000 bushels at 75 oents per bushei for proit. An exasperated Pennsylvania farmer, who had lost a great number of sheep, placed some poisoned rneat where he thought it would do tho most good. Hls rage was considerably soothed, next morning. on flndingthe dead bodies of eighteen sagacious doga. If you wish to be successful with trees, do not plant large ones: they cost rauch more than small ones, yon lose a larger percentage of them, and the topa of a number die down, while even those which do tlie bost are much longer in starting than smaller ones. Of two persons planting two lots, one of the large trees the other of smaller ones, in a few years the mail tre(s will be tho best value. The air bubble or air cell in an egg is at the ronnd or blunt pnL. It confeiins the air which is to snpply the chick during theprocess of incubation. It is known to contaln a greater proportion of oxygen than ' the air we breathe. As the chick inereases in aize the air bubble grows larger, and when on the noint of hatchins; it oupies one-ftfth of the whole egg. The slightest perforation of thia air chara - ber wlU prevent success ín hatching out. Ahout the ninetecnth day of ineubation tlie nir cell is ruptured and the cliick breathes with it Isng3. It is at this date that the lively movements seen in eggs placel in water aro observable.
Old News
Ann Arbor Democrat