It Pays To Grow Forest Timber

I tried, tvrenty-five years ago, to keep the original wood lot (on the farm) renevml and keep a good stand of tiraber, says the Ohio Farmer, by dressing up and planting in it, and it proved a {allure. But I am now gvowingall the timber I want on the farm by planting seedlings, which I have propagated of such thrifty kinds as I choose and in sncli rows and belts for windbreaks and protection as my orchai'ds and fields require. These trees are raaking very satisfaetory growth, and it is all done verycheaply. So thatl would reccomroend all farmera to plant groves and belts of timber, as their farms and locations require, and they would flnd that af ter a few years theyraight clear off their original woods and have acres of new land they have planted their trees on, and would have a new and tliril'ty growth of timber, and would have it where it wonld be both useful and ornamental to thepretnises; besides i the erop of old timber would probably much more than pay the cost of starting the new timber growth. Five or gix yeara ago I planted two aerea of four-year old seedling3 of white elra and soft maple, in row3 sixteen fect apart and three f eet npart in the row, and now the best of them are twenty feet high and twelve inches in cirenmference, and for thinning out the rows I sell trees for more money than wheat would have brought grown in these ■ame years, and can continue to sell until they are so large that I will take them for fire wood. I am growing [a good erop of orchard grasa between the rows, so that these acres in forest j tímber are paying as wel I, and are likely for years to come, as any other acres on the farm. 1 am eutting now the second erop of wood where the ftrst or original wood was taken off abont twenty-five years ago, and last winter nthousand rails were taken by n neighbor from one-third of an aero of similar growth, besidas a quantity nf wood from tlteir tops and timber not making rails. Another ueighbor used nice black walnut in building a house, sawed from trees that he liad helped to piant when a boy. Our village of Batavia is adinired for its fine rows ef thickly-growing forest trees along the streets. One soft maple on Main street was broken down by wind, and when out np made two and a quarter corda of eighteen-inch wood, and the owner of it said he planted it thoro twenty-one years before; the stump measured nineteen inches in diameter, inside of the bark, and I could pount ahont twentv circles eutside of lts red heart. Othcr trees on the same street weve planted soventeen yeara ago last spring. The largesfe ilm measiires four feet around, two f eet above the ground, and a maple nieasures three feet eight inches. I could give many more facta and figures to show that it does pay f or American 3 to plant forest trees bota for fuel and timber, and hold that very few enterprises they can take bold of will pay better. - Colema?ïs Rural World. Cabbage is be3t given to poultry wliole, hung up by the stalk. At flrst it may not be touched, but when one fowl begins to peck at it, the rest will be tempted to keep on until little reniains. Being #uponded, it does not waste or become polluted, and it will remain in good condition to be eaten at will. The "rock-a-way," according to the Loiulon "World, is the latest variety of the waltz. It is largely patronized by the indolently inclinetl. It derives its name froiu the swaying motion pro duced by changing the foot on the first note of each bar only, and is a lazy development of the okl "hop" waltz. What Strawberriee to Plant. Tlils is yet, as it always wlll bc in so vast a conntry as this, an unsettled questicn. Soil and locality require varieties adapted to them. Beaaoaably good varieües overywhere are the Chas. Downing, Wilson's Albany, Capt. Jack Glendale and Kentucky. Of these that promise well for general cultivation I know of none that surpass the Windsor Chief. The Crystal City, whichjneeda a profuse flowering variety like the Capt. Jack or Chas. Downing to fertilize it, promises well as an earlv and valuable berry. Each grower has his hobbies and allowances mn-st be made therefor.
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