
FRED SORG, PAUS, OILÍVARNISHES BRÜSHES, WINDOW OLASS, PaJntera' Uuppüos of the Best Quality SHOP AND STORE 23 and 23 East Washington "si. AHN ABBOB. - M10MI0AH. RINSEY &SEABOLT, No. 6 an-J 8 Washington t., Have on hand a completo Btock of overything in the Grocery Line. Thsy biiy thelr Tcas, CoiTees, and Susyars In largo emounts, and at CáíS-bL Prices And con sell at Low Figures. The larga nvoice of Teas thpy Buy and Seü. i good proof that In Qüality and Price they Give Bargains, TheRoast thelr own Coftecs overy week, an.; none but prinio artícles aro used. T'h ir Bakoryturns out excellent Bread, Caktf and Crackers. Callana seethem. JACKSÖN F1RE CLAY CO. Manufacturera of Sione Sewer Pipe - AND-IDIR-A-IIST TILE. Ml our Draln Tile are made of Firo Clay, are oL uiiustKif strengtb and Ught weight, whtch ma torially reduces the breakage and expense of tranBportatlon. The dttehlng for thls class of tillnglslessexpen ■iive. as they de not requlre to be lald below frost but only deep enough to escape the plow. Whllo thtslH moro conomlcal It also aldt; In obtalnlngiabetter "fall" or grade to the draln. A f uil assortment of all sliss, for sale ta mat! quantitles, or car load lot?, at tlw FBRIN LO1BHS YA1. JAS. TOLBEBT. AKent. -■ iMWnMr - ,-"5 REEDS Gl LT ED G Eft ÍS A THOROUCH REMEDY In everv case of Malarlal Fever or Fever anrl Aguo, whilc for disorders of the Stomnch, Torpidlty of the Llvcr. IndiRcstion and ditturbances of the animal forces, whlch debilítate, it has no equivalent, and can have no substituto. It should not be confounded with trlturated compounds of chcap spirits and essentlal oils. often sold vinder the name of Bitters. FOK SALE BY C. E. Holmes, Cook hotel block. KENDALL'SSPAVIN CURE. The most successful Remedyaver dlscovfrt'cl, ns it ís certain in its efiects ana does not blitter. Reatí Pioof Beiow. PRESEVERANCE WILL TELL. Stoughton, Mass., March 16th, 1.-83. B. J. Kendall & Co.. Gents:- In justice to you ndmyself. I think I ought to let you know tbat I have remove d two bone spavüis with "Kendaire Spavlu Cure." ono very larga ono; don't know now long the spavin had been there. 1 have owned tna horse eight months. It took me four nioiiüiü to tako tho laree o.ieVff and two for the smnll one. I have U6cd ton bottlea. Thehoree is entlrely well, not at allsüff, and no bunch to be seen or feit. This la a wonderful medicine. It is a new thing here : hut if lt does ior all what it haR ' done for mo its sale will bo very great. }{espectfally youra, Chas. E. Paekxr. Kekdall's Spavin CüBS Is sure in its eflfecte. mild n its actlon as ït does not Mister, jet it 1 ppnetratinu and powerful to reach every de?p seated pain or to remove, any bony growth or other eulargement Kuch as spavins.spljnts, curbs, caïlous, spmins. swellings, anr lameues anU all eülaremcnts of The joints or llmbs, or rheumatism iu man and for any purpose for whlch a niment is used for man or neast. It is cow cnown tobo the best liniment for man ever used, icting mild and yet eertalnln its effects. Scnd adclrcss for Illustrated Circular which we link j?iyes positive proof of ts virtues. No remoy haa ever nat with suoh unqnalifled success to ir knowledge. for beast as well as man. Priee 81. ver bottle, or slx bottles for Í5. All ruffgists have it orean get il for j'ou, or it wil] ie sent to any address on rooeipt of prioe bv the roprietors. DU. 1!. .1. KKNDAM. & CO., fcnonurgh Falls, Vermont. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS IñTh. dowhTí VEGETAELE BALSAMIC ELIXIR Í Is a sure cure for Coughs, Colcls, fl Whooping-Cough, and all LungS Disease, when taken in fceaeon. People die of comumptioi H 1 v because of neglect, when the 9 l tiinelj use of Uu remed wouldS g have cured them ai once. M'ifuj-oiic yeara ot 1 9 stant use proveí, tfn. fact that no I 3 cough remedy ).a stood the tesi 3 glikt noivna' JLttXir. -i Tries 36c. Suo uiki i (K wi boitle. ■ KorSI. KnTjwhcro. iDr.Bdxter's Mandrakel IXIitterSII BWill tuit Jaimdice, Dyspepsia, H H Liver Complainbi, Indigestión, ■ Hand n.1 1 deases arising Iroiti Hj BS ioubiie&o Pnce $ ets. per bottle. n Foi Sak Eprywhero. HBMH1Í A JOUIVSON'S ÁRNICA AND OIL ■linimentI For .lian anti JBeast. SThe most perfect liniment everH Wcompounded. Vricr ?qc. and 50c. H For 3nl Ktvrywhoi ".
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