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Judicial Convention

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The democratie judicial district convention met ut the court-housc last Thursday and was called to order by C. II. Richïnomi. Dr. A. I. Bawyer of Monroe, was elected chairman, and P. E. Jones, of Saline, secretary. On motion the following committees were appointed: Credentials- C. Luce, Monroe; Wm. 1). Harriman, Ann Arbor. Permanent orgauization - C. S. Gregory, 8cio;C. Luce, Monroe; T. F. Leonara, Ann Ailior. As a number of the delenad not arrived a recess was taken until 2 o'clock, The temporary offleera were made permanent and the following delegates reported : Monroe county- First district- II. 3. Redfleld, A. I. Sftwyer, J. J. E11ÍB, A. E DunbarC. Luce, Bocond district- Qeo.' .uiinin ,ji, jas. uolduu. Jas. II. Ueynolds, Chas. A. (Jolden, Thos. Diir,n. Washtenaw county- C. S. Grcgory, F. K. Jone, e. B. WbftmaD, Geo. V. Voorlii-is, VV. II. Luwden, Warren Tremaine, V. I). Harrimun, Jdo. Uhl, T. F. Leonard, W. C. Murray, J. D. Corey, K. McÑamara, M. s. Cook, C. H. Uichmond. PBESENTATION OF CAXOIDATES. Judge Barriman In behalf of the Washtenaw delegation presentad the name of Hom. C. .loslin, of Vpsilanti, for circuit judge, as ohe t' the oldest, most experienced, and best known members of tlie bar of tbia county, a man cveiy way competent to discharge the high ollicu of jud. II. !. Redfleld.of Sionroe, rcat! tbe following: Tlie democratie convention at Monroo aftcï the election of' dolegate.s to the judicial convention passed thefollowii)Lr: Retoto i, That the course of llon. Gouverneur Morris aajudge ofthis circuit bas been enünently wbe aod satisfactory, and we earnestly hopt) that he may be continued in the position liu has filled so well. -Mr. Bedfleld liure paid a liandsome trib ute to the bigb character of Judge Morris, v. iio is a man of broad culture acd liberal educaüon, and alihough Monroe could hol renominate bim without the asslstanco of Washtenaw, siid the speaker, the delegatea from liis coiinty wouid il' tlicy could. Upon motiüii of Mr.Whitman an informal ballot fur a cá iíüatc for judge was taken by the convention. The RESUM' OK THE BAI.I.OT ivas as follows: VVholenumber of vütpscast - W C. Joslin received J Gouverneur Morris reL'eived - - - - 10 A formal ballot gave Joslin IQ votes, and Morris 9, wben the nomination of Mr. Josliu was made unanimous. On moiion the f'ollowing eominittees were appointcd: Judiciary District Comniittee - W. D. Harriman, Albert J. Crane, of Washtenaw, and J. II. Keynolds, of Monroe. Senatorial Comniittee - C. A. Golden, A. E. Dunbar, of Mouroe, and C, S. Gregory, of Washtenaw. A committee consistiug of C. R. Wliitni.-iii, W. D. Harriman, and II. J. Hedlield, appointed to draft resolutions expressive of reeard for Judge Moiris' pust services presehted the following whicu was uuanimously adopted by the couvention: Kesoloed, That we recognize in the Ilon. Gouverneur Morris the sterling worth, manly dignity and unflinching honesty whicli will do honor to the highest office, and that while wc duemed it uxpedient to nomínate tor tbc oflice of circuit judge, tüc llon. Chauuccy Joslin, wc staal) not cease to respect and remcni'jer in years lo come the able, kind and gcucrous man wlio now occupies the bench. A $50 house lust evening. E. B. Abel is back from New York. The T. & A. A. R. B. chauged lime yesterday. Two republican cauouses werfl beW In the first ward. Jasper Imus is the rcpublican candidale for constable in the third wnrd, Pred Huhn is the republican Dominee for constable in the second ward. The greeabackera will make uo nomlnittion for circuit jutlge iu this district. The Strakosch-IIcss opera company iiumbers 00 performers, including tbc urchestra. Mrs. Vanderburg, of N. Y., is visiting her sister, Mrs. 31 Pack, alter a seperór of 'ai ycars. The sale of reservad seats for the opera of "Faust" will commence to-morrow mormng at 9 o'clock. Mrs. Sarah Renwick, of Northfleld, died yesterday of iullauimation of the bowels, in her 32d year. Platt, the student who left hoine Sunday, was at Marengo yesterday. Rev. Dr. Hyder went to bring him home. Edward Corsellus, formcrly editor of the Midland Democrat, is visiting his raother, Mrs. Corselius, on Uowery Btfeet. The delegates to the republican city convention from the Ure ward are all youngmen. The old cocks uow takc a back seat. Mrs. Margaret Collins, wife of the late Juo. Collius, died of ueuralgia of the lieart yesterday in her (lst year. al to-morrow morning at half past nine o'clock froui tlie rcsidence üu Sceoud St. At the republican caucuses last eveuiug tbe following nominatioMs were made for ildoiman: First waid, J. FerdOQ; second ward, A. II. ltoys; third ward, Spencer Swcet; fourili ward, T. J. Keccli; lifth ward, E. LeSeur; sizth ward, Bd 8umncr.


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