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Editor Democnil : Will you do me the favor ta publish the euelosed, writtcn tn answer to a coarse, unprovoked aud contemptible article againít the freshman class of the homeopathie college and its worthy deán, by Dr. DoualdMaclean. "The Universty"rew!Z tu Hihlixh U, althougb iu answer to a mean and cowardly attack made upon us by the disguised organ of Maclean ifc Co. In the interest of truth and right you have always been ready to espouse thc cause of the injured ad persecuted, and I hope you will not mane au exception in this case. Two anieles haviug lately appeáred, one iu last week's "University," Ule other au editorial in the March number ol tho "Physician and Surgeon" offering direct and gross insults to our class, we beg permiBsion to submit the following in our defense. The writer of these artielcs secms to be as wide of thc mark in his estímate of our were the Scots when they mis took the Uuke of Argyle's mile poles for rubbing posts to seratch their itching backs upon. Ihere is not a treshiuan among us that is not willing and ïeady to submit to a comparativo examloátion before au iiupartial board of examiners; a number of old school studcnts to be selectcd corresponding to the uumber of students iu our class. Front what we liave observed while in Aim Arbor we do uot think that we would suffer greatly froui the coinparison, if a board could be found tliat would not look on the situation through allopathic spectacles. If such a board can be found wc demaud the examinntion. Takc au exwnple of the superior learning and high cult ure that tbc editor of the "Pu. & S." claims for the conservativo side of llie house - they claim to keep medical scienee ia sint" rnu as Uiey received it from Escuhipius - iu the before mentioned arlicle on the standing of our class. Becently a junior allopath was heard to assert iliat llippocratet. used Ipecacuanha in his practico, and what is more remarkabio, he was seconded in this statement by one or two other allopaths present. "But," remarked a homeopathie freshman who happened to be on hand, "Ipecac grows in South America. " "Well," exclaüned this defender of fossil medical seience, "I guess it grows all over North America too!"- Beyond doubt he thought Bippocratcs lived in Boston. This gentleman, observe, ahowed in one sentence Lis profound tnowledge of JLiis- tory, geography, botany, materia medica and chronology ! Herc is indeed superior talent aud scientitic attninment to satisfy the most fastidious grumbler on carth. If thia ia the kind of stuil thé immaculate D. M. depends upon when he starts out to conquer the rest of the world, he is indeed welcome to sound l is horn al once. Before he starts, however, we would recommend him once more to read Cervantes, and especially study the character of the immortal hero from LaMancha, forlike bim, Donald will lind himself a ceutury behiiul bis time, and liUe this knight of a sad countenance, return a wiser, if nota better man. The battles of hoincopathy wet e fought eighty ycars aso, and now, groundcd aa it i.s on law, principie and order, all the artillery thata mad L)on (key) can bring to beat ugainst it will avail but little. It has, fur several years been the duty of one of our number to examine the applicants for teacher' certifícate in one of the counties of Illinois. He tclls us, that not unt'recjuently amoiig them were graduates of the college of medicine and surgery of the umversity of Michigan, and tbat often was thcir ignorance so great that it was impossible lo grant them a certilicate of the Unnest grade, He tells us that he reineuibeisdistiiietly two cases of this kind last sunimsr. one bore the name of Brown, tlie othor he thinks, rejoiced iu the name of "Buil" neitlier ot whom could aualje B simple senteuce. Comineiits ue uunecessary ' Fiually sir, it is the unanitnous wish of the students of the homeopathie college that ourdeau will not sully his good name by answering the irate and cowardly attacks that ai e diiily made by Donald MftClean. The gyrations of a mad man cannot hart us, and tny freshmau can refute all he has to say againsl our bcLooI. By the way, we might observe tbat we are open to "ventilation" at any time, but do not thiuk that Douald can do it, although nis ears secm daily to grow loogei and might, if he re-develoi)s his auricular muscles, serve as good fans for that puipose. JtesDCCtfullv.


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