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News Oe The Week

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HoiniT Audrews, tlie Wixoin robber, who Inflicted fauü injuries on T!ioraa9 E. Jolms no ir Wlxoin, UaUanil connty, and robbed him r in iivly J5ÓO, was anested atter a lont: eliasc, in Medina towDsbip, Lenawee oeunly, uar Moitnci. )lt was tiaced to the hoUB of liis uncir, i li.iiif Savau1'. '" Mt'ilina. uu Monday. KiiU'iint; tlu Irouse, the ollicors fouixl tlie i-iiiiiinal, hut lie ínanaed to tcap into Hm wixxls, lhnug' cliwly pursmid aut firwl at eTt-n times. Tb officors lnintwi tbroagtl th wiMKla faraonie Uine and finally found him. The Mullican lioarl of cliariticB and ffrection at Lauüiip, elected Bishop (Jillespie cbairuian and Witter J. Baxter secretary. lndinn Coiuuiissioner II I'. Trowbridee Ims temlrrt il his rtHiiriüitUin, on acoonat of contmm, illmss, whicli hiis pnwentad hini tramitocliaiyini; thediUies of the office froui adate üliortly Bftet liis appolntment Tiie grist mili belonglng lo Isanc O. Bgere of (reeiivilu-, situatcd in ttiat place, liunied tngether witli a &rge QumiUts of wlieat Ulongiag to farBien ia the nolotbr nd to Boson Siiiall insuraiie"; loss $12,000. Il h fuUMHMed tbat the fir caught from a detective Üue. James Yorkl, tlie man who brok? jall in liay couuty in tlie fxll of 1879, ml wm reoently renrrested at bitroit, wa sentimced to Jaeksou for 1 year aud 1 1 inoutlis. He had a terrible figlit to th jail with au alleged bunrlat nmned GadwH, wlio U awaitinif trial. Ihey were eucaged with othet prisouer in tlirowin' a liasko! around the corridor for sport, wheu ('adwt'U tWMma euraited and Btruck Yorkie over the hrad with a spittoon, lnfllctine atl iiL'lv i-iit. Ut stnu'K atram, cuuiuk í". ■"■-'. l hand badly. ïorkie then Rot a chalí mÜtr, sdiic-k Cadwell from betond, foreakinif the wall of Uik skull just above the nglit ear, and knockiog him senseles. He is badly hurt Hut wil! reooror. It is tliouglit tlus HlTray cost Yorkie an addilioual ycar iu the Btate lirison. A KUIo child overturned a. table on which v;aa a kerosene liu in (íoorge Jobnson'sresidence, (rattan township, Kent coimty. Tlie lamp hrokf, the oll blazed, hui) the hou9e wilh the enlire coiitents was speedily (iiisuuied. Um $l,2l); insured for f 700 iu the Ktmt, Allediui and Ottawa Mutua!. Barfftan at Riga, broVo iuto a WackBinlth shop, tli exi'iens office, auil Huury I'arkcr'a storf. The lattfr was robbed of $K0 iu mouey, and valuadle papers. Th river St. ('lair is open and navigation Vietweeu M:irine City aud Tori Hurón has coinuienced. The Democratie judicial convenüou of the Dist circuit ha lodoned Audrew Howell, the BepobUoao noininee tor judge. Hoiner Andrews was arrai({ned at I'ontiac, cliareeil with assanlt i:h Intent to kill and morder. IIíb liail wanfixedut $5,(XW. Thoma Johns, whoiu lie robbed and tried to kiil, baf roovend coiiaciouauess and will probably Burve. Mr Hnriirlit. shot bv hor husband at Stan tm, Mich., on Baturday, is etill alive, tboutrl the physidans say tbat she c:nnot poeslbly re rover. She bas made an anteuiortem state ment in whtcta the s.iy.s that the lias ben eruelly treated by hur Imsband aluce her mai riagf, and tbat lio has compelled her to pros titutu lienwlf and pay hini tiie wagcs or Ui shame. ïh naton for his shootiujf her wa tbat bUb wa auable to couiply with hi de matul ftir $-o. Intenso indignatioa is feit a Stanten against the murderor. The committee appointed to investíate Po lice Justice MiDor of lietroit, recommeuds tha applioalion Iw made to the supreuie oourt for a mandamos to compe] tbe polioe Jortlceto entertain e.omplaints made by tbe pólice olüccis; and should tbat course fail, that the governOT eliouM be appealed to to remove the ecalcitrant inat'isti-at'. A Fort. Wayne Francb giil tan away vitl i youiiii (iermau of 20 to (rand Rapids. The motlier of tlifi young man pnrsuert them, fouiid lueyounp man woridugio a barber k1jo, and puiwiuiiwi him. wlth ti uaUtance f thf pólice, to DFODiiaeto deeerthia Freuchcharmfer aul u wflh l:is mamma. Elea Greenman, a farmer 58 years old, oominiiicd siiictdw by banglng In the house o( bia nephew, two nmeafroin Charlotte, last nlght Ife Bu'cWed two iHOUtbB ayo by poison. No ciiusH aasijned for tlie act. A burilar and tix-convict named Joe Riiley, wlio luis beeu operaUng in Jacksnn, wai urteetod Uiere; alio a chronic thief aud exconvict named-Daviil IX Culrer. The iie:iii-!ock in tlift Bepnblioan judicial conveution of the fitceiiili district (Bwncb and St. Josepii eoiiuties) lasted uutil 3 11 lallots had been taken, wben it was finalljr atrrced to settle the contest by drawini; loto, and Kussell U. Poeier of St. Joseph county was the lucky iimi. Thev;f. of Hi.n. W. S. WiUoxnf Adrián was sowrely Injured by the fn.ll dowu au euItinkment of the caiTJae bi wliich sho aud ii ir ..ii ''ui'1 were ir!n(f. TUu piMtoliic; t KaM (ioldeu, Oceana counly, hu beu d'swintinued, aud itsiiiail will go ti Mi.ars. Fn.l 11 cw ai;d ixuis Kusseau of Newport Wen lorifrvd in iail at Monroe charjed with li?akii_' iutoa itore, AVednemliy uight, aud RteallDjC 'l"il" '' of cigars and tobáceo. Jolin KoiriTsi." Woodsttck had hisleft shouldi'i- üialnCHleri ■( Adrián and wa otlicrwise hort. He had ifnne for bis dauj;litr, andas nlm was puterin tbe luo;i;y the bonM8 startpd, (liusrgint; Mr. ii '■ rs, who st-od holding iineB, ;; coiMerable ii: '.mee. Wlintt l -itt in„' Dutall riglit. The weather is b if .sit.c;uily ordered for Uie good of that rt'ieul. It ii VB'iiníto-i thftl K jrespntativeBrewei wülsnccoed JuJge UkrisUauoj as minister to Peru. The Republicana of the twenty-sacoud circuit have nomínate)! Kufus E I'hinney for judlii', Those of the fourtli district ha?e noininaU'd S.T. (iri)lley. Thomas Granpsden, an old resident of Midland rounty and a toeging contracto for 15 ji'ü! , U snpposed to have skipped to Canada with a courtesan iianifd Mary Cliftou. He is 65 yeari d and leavea a famüy, aud owes liis workmeü about $2,500 back pay. TlieSyiiiUialiats' and Liberalistë' state couvention. in ession at Kunt, has a lare attendanceof prominent members froui all parts of tbe state. L. S. Bmdick of Kalamazoo is president, Miss J. It. liane of Ietroit secretary. llHp))rts sliovv tiie asBociation proeperous. The seseions are devoted to conference meetings. (raud Haven harlmr is at prt'stnt unobslructcd by ice, and, the (ïoodrlch transportation company's steatners - DeperMeuomincc, and ('ity of !iidiufrton - are uiakiug trips between Milwaukee and (irand Haren as fast as tbeycan unload, reload, and makethe tnp. At Masou, liailey ft Son's stave mili caught fire and was partially destroyed. Fully sured. Father James (illis, a former pastor of St. Micliicl's Catholio Church In Fliut, was ruu over by tlus cara at tbe Fliiit and Fere Marueüe depot, m-cessitating the amputation of lioth lefjs. His rccovery i very doubtful. Wm. Spiers proprletor of a aaw-mill at Mapie (irove, liarry ('o., who fel) on a circular sav Wcdnusday, has been obliged to andergo Hiiother amputation of his arm. The accident Ciline very near proving fatal. The govurnor lias recflived a dispatcli froni tbo Bhcriff of l'rBfue lsle county portrayjug i) t;raplip tenns the illi;al condHCt of n mob of (onlgnen at l'oseu, iu tliat county, in vio!c:illy aod tlireateuiíijf y retUUng Iiis aulliorily and rescuing men wliom he had arrested. TUe blierill stwins lo be considernbly agitateil, not to 6ay f ritjliUMiwl ; but (iov. Jerome has reasHurncl liim by tel''í,rra!iiiiü to the proseciitiiiB ;itDiney t t!' county to exhauet al! letra! uhmum to execute tlie law, and, if ueccssury, cali out every mau iu tlie county Tlie case brought by Ëüza M. YouutjaKnipM Ibe village of Lowell, for $10,000 lamaees for injuries recoived by hrrakint; her leg bysteppluit Ui a in a sidowalk of tho village over two years ago, lias been on trial all the week in the United Statos court at Grand Rapids. (iver fiirty Jvvitneases were Bworn. Th jury, Rftet behlKOUt BevenÜ hours, returned a verdict of .43,51)0 for i!.-:utin'. BeoatorL. Durlfee of N-iehvillp, who was taken home froin LanstDS very sick at the be({tnn ugof tiic term. hú M6n siven up by the physk-ians. His diflicultj is nleeding of the Inoss. He biis had eight severo bleediug BpeUs diirinj; one day.


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