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The Legislature

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March 22- The sonate pawed the followinp; liills.: extenrtiiLt tlie bonndaries of the Ishpeininjr school district; relatire to tirciiit :oirt GommiMlonere; to establish two Yoting predncta in FrankUn, Houghton county; fer etll-MiientH aiul oompromlMS hj joint wrong doiB;revÍMÍn({ the charter ol BfcBaplds; luakinu :iiroi)riatiou9 of 918,760 fora nw lecture lia!) at the Kfonn school; niiikiug owtlflad copies of the recorJsof the ftignal sorvice f f the UuíUmI States evidence in conit; for n grapt of swHinp liinils toremOT bars in Clinton rivw; giviri!{ the menibHTi froin the upper eniiisula $5 a day; aineuding st-ction 3353 relative to vacatiui{ facorporated villaje; Tor an exhihition of the horUcultural and pomoloKical produptioiiH of tli Btato at Boston uext fall; reincornniatinü Uay City. A uumU'r of nominatioue by the govemoi weru coufuuied in xecutive seasion. Til ■ house of repreMitatiw passed the folluwi tg ii 11: ApprowlotlDg Bwamp landsfor a road froiu moskpy to dirlnjvale; itlaüe '.'i ; rtenographer !"r circuit couit of Sagin iw counly, m'propriatlnt; swhiip landa for"a Bfate roadfrotn Littlc Xtuverse lo MaukinacCi-.; Coi1 rmollinwit for contrihutin iiK-inle.s tu rómpanles and balteriea of tjtate Uuups; relalivo U ïcgiatriof deediol Shia ciiuiily: rcSatiVeto geolugicul sunvry, authortzlng another roíame (r inore) ;auiendinK act 178 of 1 sT;s, "an act fnv the Incorporatuif of cities;" te duooDtinuance of imil ora state roadiu Troy, Oakland COUDtJi añil the cstahlislmient of a highway; fortín lncorporatton of "siiliordinnte tonta of the KulBUtaol Maocatices of tlis World;" addiiijï a new Beetion to act of lbtil, 'to confirm deeds and Inítruinentí iuleaded to convey rea s!:il.-:" n-iifalinsi cliaptfr S19, l'oinpiled 1-awn of 171, reUttng to relief of families of voluuiHi-r; cicfiniin; offensea atraiust railroaila; reíalive to taxatiou of liares of natioual or state baak stock; rolative to preservation and niauiteuance or original section ooruers; relativo to imhlication and distriliution of supremo court reportó, aiuendiug sctions H12S, 6426 and B430 of Coinpiled Laws relative to 'protfcliiiKR caiiisl itvlitora liy attaclmient.;" iu relation to fiT8 of wituesecs who are parties; to proride for the safety oí brakamen and otlier employés on railroads; amradini; scctious 85, K7 anu "5 of Coinpiled Laws; alw seotiou lüi of act LU of the laws of Ih73, relativo to the military orees of the state. Mareli l!:!.- Iu the semite bilis were passed: AmeuJiut; sections 1801 and 1804 of the iied lawa, relativa tf me supporioi f i" ' sous bjr ttieir relativas; amending section 52S7 of the eompUed laws, rlativeu probate clerks ; repealine Bections 4H60 auil 4888 i inclusive) of the couipiled laws, relative to coiiipletinii the jmlicial orgauizntion of the senate; repealinu' compilert sectious 5040 to 5650 (inclusive) authoriziiiK certain persons to adniiuister oaths, Uke ackuowledgemenU, etc; wneudiug sections 5240 aud 52-47 of the coinpileri lavvs, relativa to probate regiHters, tbeir duties asd compensiition; niakiue appropriation for Ihe 3uport of the etate public school; for the preservation ot deer. rufled arouse, colin or quail, mmated groum', wil'l turkey, speckleu trout iml grayllnr; anmudiut: act 180 of the Beasloo aws ot 1876, for Uie iucorporation of uianufac oüñg coiupanies; ainendint; section 2169 ol be conipiled hnvs, to peruiit atrrieultural societie8 to accept gif te auil bequusts of any 'arins or faruiinc lands not toexcee.l ltiüacrs and uot to be exempl trom taxation; iuakhi(i appropriation for reform school for Kirls; iniciidiuK the act to eetabhsii a Btate pabllC school for dependent and neglected cliildreu. In tlie lious tlie folio wing bilis wore passed: Appropriatinj; $37,000 for the school for tho :iliud;aiipropriatiuK $81,000 for the 1'ontiac asyluin far the insane; aiueudiii); lnws relatlTe io trausfer of cuseB ii justices' courts; repnalinff act of 1885, puuiBhnii tbe recruitiug of ineu for the volunteer service of other states' amendintt sectiou 1071, relatlve to statements liy couuty treasurers. March 24- In the senate tho following MUa were passed: For the payment of iuterest ou the eduraitional fund aud lo repeal foriner lawon that subject; amendiug scctioii 1812 rolative to title to ral property bj descent; atnending section 5977relativn to Uisummoning afld return of jurorn; uithorizinc Uxford to raise a special Uix to reiniburse linvid Y. liell tl, 9(53 tor intney stohn fiom bim as treasurer; amendiugact rulative to Detroit pólice forcé, iinmediate effect; to anieuil act rein Uve to reorgauization of the nülltaiy forcea; to prevent bettmu and the soliiug of pools. lu tlus nousu me joim reüoiuuou uiiirutiiu the cnnstitution 8O as to ive the right of suffrac to females was made the special order for Mnrch 30 at 2 p. in. The fqllowing tiills werft passed: Making appropriatiOD lor tl! beni'fit of the Htate pioneer society; annMidiufC Bortiou S532 of Couiilel Lhws, relative to diploma-i of graduates ot stilte uo mal school; Biakinc appropriatiou for uuiversily, Tor library buildiuK mid Uier purposes; relativo to unclaiaied uioueys iu the liauils of exeeutors and adininistrators; aiiiendinc section &)."!! of Gomplled [jiws relative to th jurisdiction ofthe circuit court iu chancory; to orpauize the township of Winsor in Hurou i-ounty; approprialiuj; swamp lands to draiu and ret-laiui ccrtaln swaiup and overtiowed lanils in 1 n - i'liain oonnty by opening and deepenlDg lht natura! ontlet of Hews ud Ewen lakes; nnif-iidincr raüroad couiniissioiicr act of 1878, to provide fir supervisión of Fences and eslallisliineiitot Bifrnals; for Uie fonuatlon of liar assopiations; providinii for the incorporalion of pipe unes; also a uuiuber of private aiul local bilb. March 25-1 the senat tlio following bille andreeolntions were passed: For tlie IneorporatloD of a Michigan mlllers' motual fin' insuraucti oompany.iegueitintí our wnators and representativos in OODgress to securo telejrapliic commnolcattoo betwen th li;litliouse au.1 life saviiic stations on t!m Mannou lülands in Late Miclisrnn and tii mala landa: araendine sections 2ÜS17 and 23H8 of CompUed Lawp, to próvido for the better protection of liTon railroads: amendiiii; tlie ;aine law of lKtiS as ainendeil in 1877; amending tho Uir of the city of Mmt; organinog tue uwneh'p of Winsor, u Uuron couuty; appropriattnü sw,im .'.nJa tot tbe St. M ry's riveiaud MneM'iac süiti) road; mneüdini; tlio charter of V.fs; ÜijCiiy; nineiuling the Charter Of the city of DowagiftC; mftlclne appropriations for th fuli commisslon; ameudiuK th iictieJative to f ree schiwN i the city of Detroit. lu the h'iuseof ropresoutativvs the followiii(f bilí wro passi-': KincorporaUng Marine City; clianitius th manies of James S., Eagene SB'! Be: j. F. liiill to'i ipJ. Marfh 20- ÏWO Wils were ]a8sc-il by the señale re-incorponiting thuvillage of Jouesville and giantintr swauip landsto boild tbe MonasUque river state rcad. No liiils were iasfi! by the Iioum-.


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Ann Arbor Democrat