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Jno. Poppina Has Purchased The Sturgis

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journai. Chas. BradlaugU has been rctvuned to l'arliament. i ■ Today is the 16lh auniversary of Lincoln's assassinatiou. i i - The mayor elect of Adrián s v young man named T. J. Navin. Mayor Stacy, of Adnan, died Sunday night. He was a gradúate of the law deparlment of the university. _ m' -■ The famous fat woman, Mis. Charles Ballow, of Saranac, ouly weighed 400 pounds just before her death. . m- The Jews are the longest lived people und the mulattoes the strongest lived of all classes of American citizens. As the Roman Catuolic peasants in Russian Poland have declined to swear allegiance to the Ureek church thoy are l)oing persecutcd. . - A western cattle grazer w rites to correct the exaggerated reporta as to the loss in cattle the past winter. From estimates he assert the losses, direct and incidental from lack of increase, will not exceed seven per cent; also owing to the greatly increased moisture in the caltle country, there will be earlier and betler graas than has been knowu for years. - Sweetare the uses of adversity. Ho thought a Washington boarding house keeper, whose wife dying suddcnly.was in the habit of crecting crosses and tombstones to her memory. with the icing of the pies and cakes upon wliich were written "Sacred lo the memory of Sarah Jane," "To my belovcd wife," etc, anti) a buxom widow camc aloug u the shape of a cousin to the dcar departed, who wooed him from his grief and gave more cheerful employment to bis faney in devisin!; meringues for the wedding collation.


Old News
Ann Arbor Democrat