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GKATEFUL WOMEN. None receive so much benefit, and none are so profoundly grateful and show such in interest in recommending Hop Bitters as woraen. Is is the only rcmedy peculiarly adapted to the mmiy lis the sex is almost unjversally subject to. Chills and fever, indigestión er deranged liver, constant or periodical sick headaches, weakness in the back or kidneys, pain in the shoulders and different parts of the body, a feeling of lassilude and despondency, re all readily removed by these Bitters. - Courant. Wil Y WEAK PLASTKRS? Thcy may relieve, but they can't cure that lame back, for the kidneys are the trouble and you want a remedy to act directly on their secrctions, to purify and restois their healthy condition. KidneyVVort has that specific action - and at the same time it regulates the bowels perfectly. Don't wait to get sick, but get a package te-dwy, and cure yourself . Licjuid and dry aold by all druggists. - Geniuuitown Telegraph. Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Coinpound has done thousands of women more good than the medicines of ïnany doctors. It is a positivo cure for all female complaints. Seud to Mrs. Lydia E. l'inkham. ''J'S Western Avenue, Lynu, Mass., for pampblets. Professional Testimony. Muny of the best physicians use Dowus' Elixir in their daily practico because it is tbc best eough remedy that cao bc made. Now is the time to use Baxter's Maiidrake Bitters and prevent Dyspepsia, Biliousness and Jliundice, which are so prevalent in the spring months. Only 35 ets. a bottlc. Henry & Johnson's Árnica and Oil Linimeut is a family remedy which should be in every family. l'sed for Cuts, Burns, Scalds, Bruises, Strains, &c, it bas 110 equal. Man's Noblest Work. This is an age of great works and wonderful inventions. Stcani, eïectricity, wster, air, are all made to s.tvo man but unquestionably the greatestinventiousare tbose wliicU preserve mau's health and prolong his life, and among the greatesl f these is Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption. lts effects are truely wonderf ui and hundreds are happy to-day, who once looked forward to an eavly grave. For Coughs, Colds, Bronchitis, Asthma, loss of voice, Hay Fe ver, Hoarseness, Croup or any affection whatever of the Throat, Chest or Lungs, Dr. King's New Discovery will positively cure We can chcorf ully recommend it to all, and can unhesitatingly say it is a sure cure for Throat and Lung Affections. Trial I les ten cents; regular size bottles $1. For sale by Eberbach & Son, Ann Arbor, Mich. CITY ITEMS." Goto the Ann Akbor nuhskuy for apple trees, grape vines, and for everything else for the garden and orchard. Prices the lowest in the city. Jacob Ganzhorn, proprietor, at the head of Sprinr St. Hack Line. - All orders left at Brown & Co. 's drug store, or at Hangsterfer's State street rustaurant.wiLL BB PROMFTXY attended to. Residence No. 10 Maynard street. Thad E. Thompson. Tofte Ciüzens of Aan Arïor The Board of Health calis attention to the necessityof CLEANING VAULTS, CESSPOOLS, PIG PENS, BACK YAKDS, ALLEYS, etc., and all other nuisances ENDANGERING PUBLIC HEALTH, before the ist of May. All complaints of non-compliance with this notice will receive prompt attention from the Board. W. F. Brkakey. C. Georg, President. Secretar)'. Ann Arbor, April 13, I881.


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