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Ailditional local on second page. Plu? hats are numerous. W. 8. Hicks bas gone to N. Y. Next Sunday is Easter Sunday. Pork $6.75 per hundred, dressed. The Cook house was opened Monday. Ex-alderman Feidon is in New Jersey. "Shorty" Temple's address is Windsor. Three inches of snow Tuesday inorning. E. F. Maojk is president of the fencint; club. Eighteen prisoners were in jail last week. A. W. Haniilton has returned from Al. legan. Frank Rice is connected with the Cook house. The board of couaty canvassers meet Tuesday. Mary inn Olk has been divorced from Jno. Olk. The recorder made out 147 warrants yesterday. Six democratie judges were elected in this state. The R. T. of T ., are talking of getting up a social. A. M. Leonard, of Ashtabula, Ohio, is in the city. The circuit jurors have been excused until April 25. The gutters in front of the stores need cleaning badly. Frank Hangsterfer gave a social in Dundee last evening. E. P. Crafts, of Manchester, has gone to Dakota to live. J. F. Bchuh is a prominent candidate for city treasurer. H. Kitredge commeneed plowing west of the city April 6. Jacob Nagel is building a f1,000 barn on his farm in Scio. The Ann Arbor Schutzenbund will have I a shoot next Monday. Geo. Ardner has carried that liquor suit to the circuit court. The reform club was addressed Sunday evening by Prof. Wilson. Minnis' orchestra furnishes the music at the roller skating rink. It is claimed that an illegal vote was polled in the fourth ward. M. Rogers was the flrst to have his cutter out Tuesday morning. The Gregory house office is now down stairs - a long needed want. Rev. Geo. Taylor spent Sunday with his old f riends in this city. Rev. Dr. George, of Dundee, was in the city the last of the week. Zenus Sweet will furnish the sand to be uüed in Keck's new building. Statien agent Hayes' stolen pants were picked up near Allen'ö cruek. Henry Dwight has been elected president of the Delhi reform club. There is to be a meeting of the Krause tanning company this eveuiug. W. S. Suyder, of Dexter, has gone to Greenville this state, to lócate. Greo. II. Wheeler, of Salem, waa chairman of the board of canvassen. We wonder who will be the next chair man of the board of supervisors? Jossph Kyte has rented his farm and will engage in business in Saline. According to the Herald man Chclsea is inflicted with numeroua tramps Ttie telephone in the Gregory house makes 37 now in use in this place. The depot at Milan for the Detroit & Butler road is nearing completion. Aid. Keech will probably be continued chairman of the finance committee. The remains of senator Carpenter have been taken to Wisconsin for burial. Miss Jane Combs in a new play at the opera house this Saturday evening. C. G. Millman made 18 arrests last month. His fees footed up $38.87. G. Luick is the second democrat ever elected alderman f rom the first ward. Edward Duffy has closed out his business in this city and gone to Detroit. Messrs. Hughes and Ward have been holding a series of meetings in Dexter. Hattie Deuell, of Iowa City, whose fast exceeded that of Dr. Tanner. is dead. Willie Thomas ftll from a swing last Friday and was quite severely injured. C. Martin petitions the council to run a steam engine at No. 37 Washington St. There will probably be a meeting of the new couucil next Monday evening. Wm. Ualvert has been "bounced" by the faculty of the homeopathie college . What' s the matter with the T. A. A. & G. T. R. II. bridge over the Hurón river? F. Whitaker. of Lima, while engaged in sawing pickets sawcd off one of his fingers. By an order of the court senator llose is obliged to pay his wife f3 per week alimony. Dr. Nichols will move his dental office next week over Joe T. Jacobs' clothing store. The history of Washtenaw county will be ready for delivery sometime next month. Wm. Martin, of Bay City, is visiting his grand parents, Mr. and Mrs. O. il. Martin. A large numbér of delegate3 are at tending a session of the foreign missionary society. Mis. Mary A. Lathrop of Jackson, will address the reform club Sunday afternoon. Dr. Edward Henriques and wife, of Las Vegas, N. M., are in the city on a brief visit. The woman's foreign missionary society (north western branch) is now in aession in this city. P. Chandler, tormerly proprietor of the Gregory house, is going to live in the town of Ypsilanti. N. R. Waterman, oDe of Bay City's live young business men, was in the city over Sunday. Judge Lawrence, who has been quite ill for the past few weeks with a carbuncle, is much better. Andrew Johnson, janitor of the opera house the past season, leaves for Mt. Clements to-day. A number of colored men have left this city and gone to Mt. Clements to work in the Avery house. An Ypsilanti liveryman found his horee and carriage at the Leonard house barn Monday morning. Only 146 votes for the pay of firemen were polled at the recent election.and one luukhead voted do. J. C. Knowlton has made a good city attoruey.aud in this office there will prob ably be no change. L. A. Dodley, of Ypsilanti, who was quite seriously injured sometime ago, is slowly recovering. Eider Broohs.a highly respected colored man of the third ward, celebrated his 82d birthday last week. The official canvass in Honroe county gives Critchett, republican, for circuit judge, 498 majority. The weather is a little more spring like, and the boys come out to air themselves on the street corners Freedom is still the banner democratie township in the county. It gave Mr. Joslin 176 majority. Phil Chandler bas sold his Pittsfield farm of 220 acres for $21,000 to Wm. Campbell, of Ypsilanti. The licensecommittee charge peddlers $3 per day. They don't usually sell longcr than one day though. Page's handle factory in Kalamazoo was destroyed by fire Saturday night, entailing a loss of $8,000. Easter services at the Unitarian church next Sunday morning. There will be no services in the eveninir. Harrison's Photo troupe will give an eutertainment in the Ypsilanti opera house next Wednesday evening. Eugene Bartlett, living a mile and a half from the city, cut his foot nearly off with an ax last Saturday. Jno. Keck's furniture store ia to be conuected with Rosenburger's factory west of town by telephone. Braymon H. Taylor and Miss Khoda M. Hicks were married last week, Rev. Shier, of Saline, offleiating. Mrs. Barbara Heinzman, wife of Jno. Heinzman, died quite suddenly Monday morning of congestire chilla The vote given Judge Joslin in this county was a handsome tribute to that gentleman's worth and ability. Chas. Klager is going to build a large barn 36 by 50 feet, and a house 22 by 30 feet, at a total cost of $2,000. 1 In the case of the peoplevs. Jno. ber, the plea of not guilty was withdrawn and the plea of guilty entered. According to The Ypsilantian Henry tl. Scovill is the first di-raocratic mayor Ypsilanti has had in ninc years. Jacob Rapp, in Lodi, is going to build a house 22 by 40 feet, and a story and a half high. Luick Bros. builders. A delegation from the reform club are attending the state temperance convention now being held in Jackson. The Cuelsea Herald says Drs. Robertson and Speer will soon connect their dences and offices with a telephone. Tlie case of the people vs. Wm. Boyce charged with man&hiughter.has been contiuued until the next term of court. The candidates mentioned for chief of pólice are J. Q. Johnson, Wm. Merithew, Thos. Clarken, andGeo. W. Brown. A mass temperance convention is being held in Jackson and a large numOer of delegates are present from this city. A new boiler has been placed in C. Martin's shop in the old Presbyterian church building ou Washington street. Constable C. H. Davis has flled his bond. It is iu the sum of $ 500 and the sureties are J. N. Gott, and J. B. Dow. A colt driven by Jim Robison Sunday afternoon reared and fell backwards breakiug one of the thills to the buggy. Jas. H. Olough, who has lived in Lodi for the past 30 years, has sold his place and is going to New York city to reside. Daniel Heiber, oí Freedom and an oíd resident of this county, was buried Sunday. He had been sick for a long time. In the circuit court Tuesday, Wm. Keating was convicted of assault and battery, and will receive hia sentence nexl Honday. The Misses Kennedy in charge of the central telephone office, answered 810 calis in one day last week from 7 a. m. to 10 F. M. Ex.-Gov. Blair was in the city Monday attending court. He appeared for Mrs. liose who will fiiht her husband's bill lor divorce. W. E. Walker and II. E. H. Bower were elected flre wardens for the third ward by the fiie department Tuesday evewng. The operetta of the "Land of Nod" by the juvenile temperance unión, will be given in the opera house next Friduy evening. W. P. Katigau, grand deputy of the C. II. B. A., was ia the city Sunday and installed the otticers of the branch society in thia city. Levanda S. Moon, who was injured in Deubel Bros. flouring mili, Ypsilanti, by being caught in tüe shafting, died Thursday night. Chaplain Day, formerly of thi8 city, died in Brooklyn, N. Y., Sunday April 3. Henry Ward Beecher preached the funeral sermón. Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Turre!, who have been visiting friends in this city and vicinity the past week, have returned to Buffalo, N. Y. A. Wilsey has repaiuted and papered his place of business in the Goodrich block, and iias now the finest music store in the city. And now the ''kids" propose to come out with plug hats. Iu such a case it will be impossible to teil the students from lownies. Te:esa A. Curtís, of Ypsilanti, a school teacher for the past 10 years, has become insaue, and she will be sent to Pontiac lor treatment. The old tinder box in the rear of Eberbach & tion's drug store, has been moved away. The barn came very near burning up a year ago. As Sunday was a very pleasant day, a large numberof persons were out walking by the river Kow boats were also iu great (Iemand. TheLegioii of Honor April 28. The coinpany is an excelleut one as tliose wüo witnesstd the play in thiscity some weeks ago can testify. A parsnip measuring three fet and one half inch, raised by Chauucey Orcutt, was on exhibition at liinsey & Seabelt'g the first of the week. Daniel LeBaron, of Bridgewater, who served his township as supervisor for several terms, has sold his farm and -wil' move to Tuscola county. As a further indicatiou of sprinjj we chronicle the first frog concert, which took place iuTen Brook's pond on Moaday, the llth inst., at 3 i', m. The flrst bnck house built ia Ann Arbor known as the Perkins house, built by Loren Mills in 1830, is givLng way for Keck's aew furniture store. The groceryinen have petitioned th cuuncil to make the license o heavy that venders of oranges and leraons will be obliged to give the city the slip. A number of trampa who have been quarantined at the county jail since that case of small pox was flrst discovered, were permitted to leave Wednesday. Chauncey Joslin has 682 majority in Wasbtenaw county, and in Monroe county Critchett s inajonty is 498, leaving Judge Joslin 184 inajority in the district, Chicago, which gave Garfield 5,000 majority, gave a large democratie majority last week.and 8t. Louis, which gave Hancock a large majority, went republican last week. The Club Saturday night elected tho f ollowing offleers: President, C. S. Fall; vice-president, J. V . Sheehan ; secretary, E. D. Lewis; treasurer, C. E Hiscock; steward, M. O'Brien. The Chelsea Hsrald would like to have the tramp printer sene to Pontiac. Would hi admission to the asylum not be an insult to the other patients? Did you ever think of that brother Allison? The annual election of offleers of the fire department occurred Tuesday evening: Chief engineer, Moses Seaboll ; assistants, G. Mclntyre, C. Browu; treasurer, C. H. Worden ; secretary, N. Gates. Geo. C. Lutz, a belligerent Germán of Northfleld, was before a justice last Saturduy on the charge of threatening to kill his wife. He was let off on giving $200 bonds to behave himself for the next six months. Elizabeth Hill, adjudged insane and sent to the county house last week, has been sent to her frit nds in Detroit, by superintendent Davis. This will be a savini; of several hundred dollars to Washtenaw couuty. Homer Andrews, who was charged with committiug an assault on Thos Johns, of Wixom township, Oakland county, had I his examination last week and was charged. He was afterwards arrested on a charge of robbery. The young men's musical society will be officered the next six raonths as follows: President, H. Allmendiuger; director, Prof. Otto; secretary, A. Schmidt; treasurer, Jno. Dieterele ; executive commitlee, E. E. Huss, and Wm. Heini. The reform club is corresponding with Francis E. Murphy, Jno. B. Finch, and Rev. Carswell, to deliver a. number of lectures each in different parts of the county. The club expect to have Mr. Murphy the last of April or sometime in May. Cotnmissioner McKernan la tuking testimony in the chancery case of Chas. H. Richmond vs. 0. H. Millen, et al, to set uside a mortgage that has priority of record of said Richmoud's mortgage previously given, and likewise to foreclose the mortgage. The following flre wardens wer2 elected Tuesday night : First ward, Fred Schmid, C. Krapf; second, C. Schuniacher; third W. E. Walker, H. E. H. Bower; iourth, D. J. Loomis, M. Clark; flftli, G. H. Rhodes, Geo. Smith; sixth, A. F. Martin, P. D. Woodruft. The flrst annual mectiug of the Michigan homeopathie aid associaliou will be hold in the parlors of the M. E. clmrch Thursday, April 21, at 3 o'clock p. M. Do not forget that the eiection of otfleers, with uther important business, requires a good attendauce. Lansing Republican: At the meeting of the reform club held last Weunesday evening, the entire effects of the club were turned over to the lessees of the room, with instructions to sell them at auction, pay thedebts ft the club, and, if any funds remain, to turn them over to the young woman's christian temperance union. Lansing Kepublican: Rev. George Taylor of this city, has been visiting iiieuds at Aan Arbor. He also visited friends at Palmyra last week, and the Adrián Times says lie met with a warm reception from old acquaintances. He has been coimeeted witU the AI. E. conference 49 years. His masonic brethren a)so made hiin a brotherly cali. J. H. Morris while riding in tlie country Sunday, and in passing a lake some miles from the city, saw a fisherinan haul out a beautiful pickerel as lie supposed. He puruhased the fisa and after reacbing the city asked N. H. Drake if he wouldu't like a fine pickerel. The answer was yes, but as it was a do; fish Drake clidn't care for it. Senator Rose, wbo was elected by the democracy of thia county, was one of the men who worked all day against John J. Robison, for supervisor in Sharou, and then wanted to bet a box of cigars that he was defeated. Democrats are disgusted with Rose and well they may be. We doubt if he could get a corporal's guard to vote for him aeain for state senator. In the flrst place they won't have an tunity for there is no danger of his being renomiuated. Chas. C. Chapcuan & Co., the compilers of our county history have at last finished their labors, and all of the committees appointed by the pioneer society to revise and correct the manuscript have also completed their work. There were 72 of these committeemen thus appointed, and wisely did the president make the selection, for with one or two exceptions every man carne forward and nobly did his duty. They critically exarnined the manuscript, and made all the corrections and addilions they deeuied necessary, thus assuring us a history as faullless asit is possible to compile at this late day. The book will soon be issued from the press. A meeting was held at the court house Friday evening for the purpose of getting an expres3ion of the people as to the proprieity of making an effort to have the next session of the state board of health held in this place sometime in Dec . or Jan. Dr. George was called to the chair . Speeches were made by Drs. Vaughan, Breakey, Kapp, Profs. Prescott and Cheever, who thought much good would result from holdingasanitary convention in this city. On motion of Dr. Breakey, the meeting adjourned to meet upon cail pf the president and secretary, after notice from the state association had been received relative lo accepting the invitation of the citizens. We have no doubt good results would come from such a meeting, as important subjects would be discussed, and papers read pertaining to sanitary nieasures. Senator Farr's pólice liquor bilí, as to the burden of proof in the matter of selling liquor to minors, intoxicated persons, etc., reverses the law practice in regard to testimony, making the fact of selling, giviug or f urnishing prima facie presumption of an intent to viólate the law, which presumption shall be overeóme only by positive testimony that the person charged with "a violation of the law used all sonable means to inforni himself, and was actually misled by the appeirance and statements of the said party." The bilí is most severe and stringent in its purpose to regúlate the sale of liquors, and to prohibit the sale to minors and intoxicated persons, and to provide a remedy against persona sellingliquor to husbands or children in certain cases. Among other things, it requires supervisors, vil lage marshals and certain officers of pólice in cities to visit all places in which liquor is sold or kept in their respective jurisdictions, to learn if any of the provisions of the twelve long sections of the act have been violated, and in accordance therewith to make complaint to the proper authorities '-and to do whatevei" shall be necessary to bring the offeuder to justice ." Free Press For some cause or other the people didn't turn out at the opera house meeting Sunday afternoon, although it had been announced by hand billa that the speakers would have something to say on the question f can principies beforo republican machinery." Dr. Herdman, the "citizens" candidate for mayor, was the first speaker. He said some very sensible things, which probably wouldn't suit the more radical temperance fanatics. Although he was a prohibitionist in principie he clid not be. lieve tLe people were ready to have this question presented. He thought if the present law and ordinances couldn't be inforced when a case was clear, he was ata loss to understand how it would be any better under a stronger prohibitory law. He thought the people should be edupated up to this question. While men differed as to the best methods to be persued he thoughl they were honest in their convations. The legislators by their votes convinced him that the people of the state were not ready for prohibition, although a time might come when a sentiment would be built up strong enough to carry everything bef ore it. He thought the ballot box was the place to settle these questions. Judge Page was next intro duced and before he closed the audienc had dwindled down to less than 50 pei gons. The Sunday Magazine. The May nuin ber of this excellent periodical contain as usual, an abundance of interestinganc edifyiug reading-inatter. Aniong th articles of particular excellence are seasouable one entitled "May day Obsei vances," by Josephine Pollard, with nin illustrat.ons; "Ancient and Moder Church Music," by Alfreton Hervey "Egypüan Houses and Homes," by Sar Keables Hum; "Medicine and the Mis alonarles," by L, A. liallard, M. D. ; "Th ariusn ana tne üoers, etc. ; eacli aniel is admirably illustrated. "Out of th World,'' Mis. O'Keilly's interestmg seria is eonünued, aud there are several shor stories aud sketches by George J. Hagai Hans (Jhristian Andersen and other pop ular wrlters. The essays are by Parsuni cus, Kev. Alexander MuLeod, liev. Jame M. Whitton, D. ])., Hattie N. Morris Thomas JL. Chase, LL. D., etc. Th poems are uumerous, and generally o greatmerit. Besides a large amouut o eutertamiug and íustru2tive miscellan; are the í'ollowiag exceediugly interestiir features: "The lióme Pulpit, " sermón bj Kev. Joseph Parker, D, D. ; "Hard Places in the Bible," by Rev. Ür. Deems "Temperance Talk, " 'The Invalid's Por tion and Thoughts for the Afllicted, "Glimpses at the Keligious World," "International Sunday-schuol Lessous," etc. There are 138 quarto pages in each num ber, and nearly 100 illustrations. Price oí single copy, 25 cents; animal subsenption $3 postpaid. Address, Frank Leslie's Publishuig Housu, 53, 55 and 27 Park Place, New York. The policy of the conductors of Scrib□tr's iVlonthly in haviug a number of short novéis to accompany their historical serial of "Peter the Great" has proved a fortúnate one. The pubücation of "Peter the Great" has materially increased the cu-culutiOQ ot the magazine, and has resultedin a large sale of back nuuibers anc volumes (there have been oue thousanc copies of laat year's volumes sold iu Englaud alone during the past few montas) and the prinüug of these bright noveleues has appealed to even a wider coustituen ey, anü has been an excellent balance to the heavier material of the history. Of those already published, Mrs. Schayer's "figer-Lüy" ai once eatabüshed her "rep utation as a writer of capital stories, while nothing of Airs. Burnett's yet issued has been more vvidely read and enjoyed than "A Fair Barbarían." ïn May begins Mr. Cable's "Madame Delphine." ïhe author of "The Grandissinies" has already scorec so great a success as a writer of short stories aud as a novelist that ihere can be but little doubt as to tue quality of "Mad ame Delphine." Every one kuows Mr. Howells, and the announcemeut that he, too, will contribute a novelette, to begin in the June Scribuer, with the takiug title of "A Fearful Kesponsibility," ha been received with not a little satisfaction by his large conslituency of readers. Later there will be printed a short serial by H. H. Boyesen, and another by the authcr of "An Earnest Triller," whose long silence since her iirst success augurs well for the new story, lt is expected that these last two wili begin iu the "midsummer" Scribuer.


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Ann Arbor Democrat