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DRAKE'S OYSTER DEPOT 2O East Huren St. Oysters Always Fresh and Cheap. Pure Wines and Llquora for medicinal pnrDosos. Cholcost brauds oL Clicurs alwayg on hana FRÈDORG, Dealer in PAINTS, OILS.VARNISHES 13RUSHES, WINDOW OLASS, And all I'alntere' Supplies of thu Bc9t Quality SHOP AND STORE ANN ABBOB. - MICJ1IOAN. RINSEY & SEABOLT, No. 6 and 8 Washington St., Have on hand a completo stock of everythiuginllm Grocery Line. Tbey buy thelr Tn,s, Cofl'ocs, tinxl &nfgar In largo nmounUt, and at CetsItL Prices Amlcansell at Low Figures. Tho largo iuvoico oí Teas they Buy and Scll, Is u gooU prouf tliat in Quality and Price they Give Bargains. Thoylioost their own Offer" ovrry week, anc none bat prime articlea we. usea Thelr Bttkerytums out cxoellent Broad, Cnl;. - and Crackers. Culi auil seo them. JACKSON F1RE CLAYCÖ. Manufacturürs of Stone Sewer Pipe - AWD-IDIELAJCIISr TILE. All onr Drnln THe are mile of Flre Olay, are of imtuiiml stroiiRth and üii( weAyht, whlch nr.i terialiy rèducea the breakaso and expense .i transportation. Thu Jltehing for thlsclass of HUneteleasezpen slve, an they do not requirw to Iws laid bclow frost. but only dwp enough to escape the plow. WhUethisla more economloal It alo all In obtaininBiabuttor ' 'f all" or grado to tho dram. A f uil assortment of all Blzes, for sale In smali quantltics, or car load lotp, at tho FERDON LUMBER TAI. _ JAS. TOLBERT. Agent. romi IS A THOROUGH RLMED In dvery case of Halarla! Fver r Fever au Ague, whlle f or disorders of the Stonmch, Toi pidity of ihr Liver. Indigestión and disturbanee of the animal forcee, wnich debüitate, it has d equivalent, atid can nave no substituto. It ahoul not bO confouinicd wltn trituratedcompounds o chcap spirits and essentlal oils, ofuin sold tuide the name of Bitters. FOK SALE BY C. E. Holrm-s, ('uok hotel block. KENDALL'SSPAVIN CURE The most successfut Romodjf"'1 ilisccvricil, is it is errtain Inltseffecta ana doe nol blister. Read Proof Bclow. PRESEVERANCE WILL TELL. StouKlitnn, Mass., Man-h 18th, 1860. B. J. Kbxdau. Jt Co.. Gents: -Jn justice yoi umi niyscir. I drink I ou;;]it to lel y.Mi tnow öa I havo removed twó bone spui ins with "Kendall1 Spavin Curf1." one vcry larju one; don't knol how loiifi the sjKivin had heen ïlu-ii'. I havi owned the noree Ight mootbs. Ittool me fou montbfl t takt' the i&rge one ')T and two for th smallone. I have nsea ten bottlee. The norse entirt-lv wi-ll. not at all stilT. and do buuch to h Boeoorfelt. Thistsa wonderful mediebie, H i a thin' here; n t i fit iti-s for all what it lm done for me lts sale wili be very (jreat. Beepectfally yours, Cuas. e. Paukxr. Ki:nd ai.i.'s Bfayim Cl B Es BUre in Ït8 efltectö milil in its ai'tinnns it doos not blister, yi it i penetratlnK and powerful to reach every deoi HiMt.-a pain or to remora ny bony erowtb " othér ènlargenient nuA as Bpavin, splutts, curbs t-allous. sprafns. sweUiugs. any lameness anl ui i'iilai-L'fiiHMits of the joints or ItmbSi or rheuxnaUsm In man and any purpose for ■■■■■■ linlment is used for man or beast. It is imv kinwn lo be the beetHntaient for munover twed actlng inild and yei certalnln its effects. s.'iul addressfor IUustrated Circularwhl ■ tliint; trivrs positive proof (f lts virtues. No reine iiv lia.s ever mot witfi such unqualifled success k onr knowlede, f' tr beafil as v. dl ns man. Prlce $1. per bottlo, orsixbottlea tor $5. Al Druggtgtsbavelt orean gel ü foryou, or it wil lip sent to any address on receipt of prlce bj thi proprietors. ' DE. B. J. KBNDAIJL & ru., Bnoe imrtfh l'alls. Vermont, SOID BV ALL DBUGGISTS IÑ. H. DOWÑFI VEGETABLE BALSAMÍC ELIXIR T n tr 1 1 w-t iira f r i Aiinrhk í - i . fl 1 Is a sure cure lor Cough, Colds, jg Whooping-Cough, and all LungH Diseaset, vrhen taken in season. Pcople die of eowtumptioit 9 Iv bccause oi neglect, when the B Iiiinely use of tbtl remedy wouldH liave cured them at once. Fifty-one years ot con-S stant uie pruvet ttic fact that nol cough teaiitiy U& stood the tesl g likt JDvivita' JLlixir. I'iice SSc. -Htc uut) kl.UJ pul bottltj. For Srtlt Fvun whero. Dr.Baxter's Mandrake I illTTEBI Will cure Jaundice, Dispepsia, p Liver Cumplaints, Indigestión, S and all duc.ises arising from Eg iousnesA. Pnce 1$ ets. per bottle. r! Ftn Sk KvuryvhiTf. UKNUV tL .)OHSt)N'S ÁRNICA AND OIL LINIMENTi l'or .71 ,■ in and IS ca ut. The most perfect liniment ever fi compounded. Price 5C. and 50c. fc! For Saï? Kvcrywhiiro.


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