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Notes From The Campus

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Wc had occasion to visit llie homeopathie hospital last week. Everything about the building prcseotcil a neal and cleanly aopearance. .lust now there are some very interesting cases undergoing treatment. Frank Strong, the typo, is improving splendidly. Geo. LeVan, wbo is under the charge of the homeopathie ladics' free bed association, has improved wonderfully since being taken to the hospital, and is now able to walk around the ward. This is a splondid uiumph for homeopathy, as Mr. Levan has been under old school treatment seveml monthi without markc.l improvcment. His disease is injury of the spine, producen by a fall from u 'three story building, whicb terminated in complete paralysis. The Frcsb now have pvayer meeliogs. H. II. Bradley '88 will probably not return to college. The roof on the homeopathie atre leaks badly. Mr. F. McNamam, '81, ia teaching in the grainmar scbol at Lapeer. There was a large clinic at the homeopathie college last Suturday. The senior pharmics have a meeting tlns niorning to consider class gapper, etc. Prof. Tyler was sick last week, and so his classes we re excused on Thursday and Friday. Seniors will give concerts on the law building steps during someof the coming warm nights. Mr. VV. J. Dorst, '81, was married last week in Detroit to Miss Flora Woodruff of the same place. The seniors cannot get the privilege of going behind the railing as there are too inany there alreaily. Tuesday from 12 to 1 o'clock is set apar, for the treatment of epinal curvature by Dr. Friwklin. The articles in last week 's Bulletin on tobáceo are interesticg, and carry witli them hints to let up on the weed. Miss E.M. Hall, '74, now teaching in Liggett's young ladies' neniinary at Detroit, spent Suuday with college friends. Pres. Allen has appointed Messrs. Johnson, White and Uraham, a commiltee lo piek out a foot ball team for field day. Thegynacological clinic in the homeopathie college is held every Wednesday from 12 to 1 o'clock. It is conducted by Dr. Fraaklin. Several students from the department of medicine and surgery are attendine a course of lectures on botany in the homeopathie college. Miss Kmma T. Schreiner, homeopath '80 is resident physician in the chrildren's hospital, Philadelphia, having passetl a competitive examinalion to obtain the position. The senior group will not be taken by Notth & Oswald of Toledo. The class at the last meeting ordered the committee on photograps to negotiate with photogrnphers in town. The Bulletin in its lasl issue makes some strictures on an editorial in a Chroniele of recent date. The editors of the Chronicle had botter take the fatherly ad vice therein contained. The last meeting of the Prescott Senior Lvceum wan inderinitely postponed, owing to Prof. Prescott's beginning ti is review of organic chemistry, after wliicli an examination will be held. Mr. Frank Mead, '79, was lasl week admitted by the supreme cmirt to practice law in this staie. He sptut Suuday in this city. He has been studjing with Colonel Grant of lloughlon. At a meeting of the senior class, liter ary department held last Saturday, Mr. W. C. Miller, of Marquelte was eleeted secretary, vice F. McNamara, resigned on account of absence this semester. Messrs. Hall and Hennetts are delégales from the Alpha Nu to a couvention at Jackson, cakfed for the purpose of orgauizing a state OratOTlcal aBBOcUtion. Tlieiu are more orators now in the uiitvursity than we can stand. Just as soon as the junior class got their new hats, the seniors will surrender tlii-ir seats in chapel to the s'ylihli '83 mau. Many of the seniors have not been to chapel cnough to establish a very sound claim toany seat in any section. The Hemenyi concert was the most successful of any of the entertainments o far as muncy was coccerned. The highest amount was made on Litta and Uidpath. Wilhelmj carne uext to Kernenyi on the amount of money made. On dit. It is reported in (-ertain circles that Dr. F. H. Tyler, assistant to tbe chair of surgery in the homeopathie college, is about to lócate at Lansing. Wc hope the doctor will have abundan! suc.cess in his new lield. The loctition is a good one. The Oracle money is still a subject of contenlion with '81. It was given, witliout tue permission of the class, by the oard to the gymnasium fund. As Aere s uo quorum of the Oracle board in town nor is there ever likely to be, no official quest can be made on Ihe gymnasium joard to refund the moucy. Now that the different classis ore swingng out in their plugs of all styles, colors nul previous condilions of servitude, tlic senior lits will have a sort of skull cap. At least a committee of three consistiog t Messrs. Johusto:, Liggett and Allen wcre appointcd last Baturday to make urangeuients to that effect. They will not be cxpeD8ve. The homeopathie physicians of the city met at the Cook house Friday night o arrange matters for the meeting of the state homeopa'.hic society, whicli will conveue intbis city May 15. Dr. H. (.'. Allen was appointcd to deliver the address of welconie. An executive committee consisting of Drs. Franklin, Wil?on, and Allen was also appointed. Dr. Wilson, ehairman of the eye and ear teureau, was Instructed to arèange for a nicroícopical soiree on sume evenlng turing the meeting. Dr. Wiieeler waa ippointed ehiiinnan of the reception oommitlee. On tbc hlirary tables have been placed circuláis wbich sStforth that the Ameri. can of Pliiladelphia is about to offer $1,500 in prizes for tbc best editorial, the best special essay, the bestpocuis ritten by college students or graduates. lt is to test the capacity and incliuation of the above named chtóses of people for practical journaHsm. There are two sets of prizés, in all numbering 1. The topics are nol limited.and it yonrarticle does bot take the prize, if it is jjood for any Ibing. The American will parchase il. W. II. Balch managing editor of The American, bas the subject in hand to whom all qooa tiou as to particulars sbouldbe addreiaed. Tbe large plateglass which adorna the Giegory liouse office is 122 inches by 96. Constab'o Imus rccov jred two revolvers and a box of cignrs Tuewlay, that had been stolen. Wm. Urouks, eolored, was arrested yesterday, by polieemen Millman on the charge of refusing to support lus familyj Kxannnation next Wcdnesday. A drunkcn cbap nanicd Smith, ftona Ypsilanti, feil through a pane of glass n the Leonard house ycsterday, and was marched to jail by constable Imus.


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