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Additional local on second page. Seven to seven. Merithew, 7; Johnson, 7. Miss Jane Coombs is coming. 'Gottlob Weitbrecht is very sick. D. Cramer wanted to be city attorney . Miss Mollie King spent Sunday in Hamfcurg. Geo. W. Bain was in Battle Creek last week. Judge Harriman's oftlce has been renovated. Jas. Benedict is clerk at the Cook house. Polhemus' livery barn is having a new tar roef. Miss Jane Combs Saturday evening April 23. There is to be a hop nt armory hal! this evening. Constable Davis served his flrst papers Tuesday. Widow Bedott at Ypsilanti Opera house April 28. Dr. Nichuls will move his dental office Saturday. The Delhi reform club is aijain in working order. J. Keek has broken ground for his brick block. Howard Gidley Js visiting friends in UocKiora, ui. See Koch & Haller'g change of. "ad" in to-day's paper. The Cook house is having an excellent run of custom. Jas. M. Hill and family have gone to Dakotato live. There were 42 arnvals at the Cook house Tuesday . Cbas. Moore, of the Fifth ward', ig the father of twins. Judge Morris did not have a very busy time last Saturday. Constable Imus' suretie are N. Sutherland and N. Booth. The father of Dr. Samuel Jones arrived in the city last iveek. The vote on marshal showed a Mahone among the democrats. Mr. Francis Murphy will speak in this city sometime in May. Sylvester D. Chase bas returned to his home in Central Iowa. Miss A. A. Worden has been visiting in Detroit the past week. Circuit courtadjourned Wednesday. It will sit again April 25. Wm. Matthews will have charge of the opera house the coming j ear. Most of the churches were trimmed beautifully on Easter Sunday. Tim Keating is at Mt. Clements, trying the virtues of mineral water. The number of ladies on the street lately is a harbinger of spring. J. N. Gott and wife are going1 to take their meals at the Cook house. The next meeting of the state board of health will be held in this city. Mrs. Wm, II. Lewia, of Ypsilanti, has been visiting friends in Dexter. Dr. Wyllys Hall preached the Easter sermón at St. Andrews church. Dr. 8. A. Jones was called to Coldwater for consultation last Friday. Dr. O. Jenkins is to move into the of fice being vacated by Dr. Nichols. The high school seniors have appointed a committee on securingclass hats. Mrs. Smith Bockes, of Mullet Lake, is in the city for treatment of her eyes. Hereufter services in the churches will coramenceat half past seven o'clock. Wm.A. Shaw has left the Toledo road, and is night watch at the M. C. depot. Jas. Carr, of Pittsfleld, if he can dispose of his place will go to Australia. The red ribboners of Dexter claim they are not supported by the business men. The Flynn Bros. are building thefoun dation for Lester Williams' new house. Next Tuesday the choral unión íj to give au entertainment in university hall. IÍ. E. Frazer's partner in the law business in Cheboygan, will be Jas. J. Brown. J. Berkey, a Grand Rapids furniture lealer, was in the city the last of the week. Prancis Murphy will speak in this city u the opera house April 30 and May 1 and J. Schumacher, who has been in Cleveand for several days, returned last even Hou. Jno. B. Alley, of Boston, Mass., was in the city Monday, on railroad inatters. The newly painteil ice wagons of Frank langsterfer make us all think of roasting uly. Last Sunday evening the children of t. Andrews' church held theirEaster fes val. Go and hear K. E. Frazer's farewell unday. He will speak in the opera house. A large nuinber of delegates in the city last week visited the university and observatory. The Phlegerethon society is the name of a new society starled in the high school. Rev. Mr. Saxton, of Ohio, will hereafter preach 10 the Universalists of Manchester. Geo. Scott is to do the carpenter work on the parsonage adjoining the Episcopal church. A number of saloon keepers in this city would not object to paying a yearly tax of $500. Tony Schiappacassee paid $3 Tuesday for au assault on John Schneider, the butcher. Chas, son of Win. Tuomey of Scio, fell into Honey Creek last Fridav and was drowned. Peter Paquet says he has the contract for furnishing J. Keck sand for his new building. The Legión of Honor troupe will revisit this city next Tliursday evening the 28th inst. We are indebted to A. W. Ames, news dealer, for a copy of the tenth census of the U. B. Prof. Wilson was president of the state temperance convention held in Jack son last week. Luick Bros. comineuced putting in the new front in the Gregory house office yesterday. The paupers at the county house are thining out, 15 having left in the past two weeks. When tte republicans are in the majoi ity in the council the demócrata never get a smell. II. J. O'Riley has gone with his family to Plattsmouth, Neb., were he will hereaf ter reside. Alphonso Covert, af ter a seveu years' absence, is visiting his parents on Huron street, west. Frank Ruck, the Manchester breweryman paid his many friends in this city a, visit yjsterday. C. M. C. Peters, of Scio, reeen tly mar. ried, has engaged in the mercantile business in Indiana. Dr. Evans, eye and ear specialist, oí Columbus, Ohio, was the guest of Prof. Wilson last week. Capt. McBrideaml W. EL Stewart, of Grand Haven, spoke in Chelsea last Thursday evening. What does a democratie majority in the councilsignify? Siinply retaining a republican in office. Aid. Besimer is uaving the glitters on Main and Hurón streets cleaned, and the refuse carted away. A body consigned to demonstrator Herdman was received at the express office Monday evening. Col. F. O. Richards, who has úeen a resident of this place for several months, has gone to Saginaw. Fred Besimer has sold a house and two lots on NorthFourth street to Geo. Almandinger, for $1,600. Mrs. Mary Laughlan, of the Fourth ward, died Monday at the age of 74 years, leaving five children. The homeopathie physieians of Michigan are to hold a state convention in this city souietime in June. Hugh McGuire has given bonds to keep the peace for 90 days. John Flynn and Peter Dignan, sureties. The property knowa as Deacon Pratt's, No. 48 William St., is now owned by Mrs. Ralph C. Whiting. The scholara of the Germau Lutheran Sunday school were photographed Friday by E. B. Uwis, the artist. A new paper wUl be started here commencementweek. It will be called the Commencement Annual. Carrie Carney (colored): was arrested Fridy and jugged for stealing a goh ring from Mary R. Mowry. George P. Jenkins, and Miss Maggie Murray, both of this city, were marriee Sunday by Rev. Dr. Steele. There will be a meeting of the Y. P. C of the Unitarian church at the residence of öov. Ashley this evening. A brakeman on the Butler road was run over at the Milan crossing last Thursday niglit, and had his leg taken off. Mrs. Dr. Prescott was shghtly injured Tuasday afternoon by being thrown from her carriage by a runaway norse. T. J. Keech sold last year 1,200,000 feet of luinber, and there is now piled up in the yards over a million feet. Dr. A. C. Cowperthwaite, of Iowa City, was one of the callers at the pnthic college the last of the week. A. L. Noble invites attention to his change of "ad" this week. Read it.carefully and then cali at his new store. Leoaard Vaugüan, of the sixth ward, who was laid up several weeks with a sprainsd leg, is able to be around again. With a majority of democrats in the board, the counoil was unable to elect a democrat for marshal Monday evening. The colored girl, Carrie Carney, ar rested for stealing a ring last Friday was given 9ö days in the Devroit work house. G. Rodner, a relative of Wm. AUaby, has retired from farming, and will in the future make Rochester, N. Y., his home. Tally another for Wm. Cainpion. It was a boy again tliis time, and weigbed 12 pounda. Mother and child doing well. The "Land of Nod," an operetta, will be given at the opera house to -morro w evening for the benefit of the reform club. Philip Bach and wife have gone to Thomasville, Georgia, which place Joe T. Jacobs visited on his soutuern trip a year ago. Mrs. Wood and Mis. R. E. Frazer were delegates to the district W. C. T. U. couvention held at Hillsdale yesterduy and today. A.n invitation has been extended to the band boys to attend the state band tourna ment to be held in Lansing the 5th and iKh of June. Prof. Olto and his juvenile band played a number of popular pieces for the entertainment of the citizens Tuesday evening. When the demócrata have a majorit3V and could carry their point, some one knocka it in the head by voting with the republicana. Jacob Ganzhorn, who has purchased the old Speechley farm of 35 acres, west of the Catholic ceinetery, wil! set it out to a nursery. Notwithstanding the council is conipoaed of eight democrats, the republicana laughand ask the question, "Who has the majority?" The commissioners in the estáte of Jacob Aprill, deceased, met for the last time Monday, and allowed a large number of accounts. E. J. Johnson, who is aelling hats and caps for a Rochester house, left for LudinRton Monday. He expects to be gone about a week tuis trip. Mrs. Daney and Guerney, of Chicago, spoke to a small audiunce iu the opera house Sunday afternoon. The rain interfered with the meeting. Jno. Sieber and Martin Eckerisli Jr., were fined $25 each and costs yesterday hy Judge Morris. The fine and costs in each case amounted to $50. The Rev. Dr. Haskell preached in the First street Baptist church Detroit last Sunday. Thirty-four years ago he was pastor of luis same church. If you want the newsiest paper in Aun Arbor, you should lake The Democrat. It also contains more reading matter than any other paper in the city. Just reverse the order of things and gire the republicans a majority in the council, and what democrat could be elected toflll any of the city offices? The Tramp evidently did not Telish what was said about lam last week in the Ypsilanti Sentinel, and Ypsilantian, and the Dexter Leader and Chelsea Herald. When the council adjourned Monday evening, and as the city fathers liled froin the room they were greeted with the remark, "Where is your democratie majority?" Mrs. Agatha Aprill has presented a claim of $3,000 against Jacob Aprill'a es. tate for money advanced in 1867-68, and for interest since then, amounting to $2,881.67. On the 25th of April the appeal of Cheever and Treadwell in the case of Hiram Arnold will come up. Judgo Shipman will preside instead of Judge Morris. We have no doubt Misa Jane Coombs will have a full house Saturday evening, on which occasion she will take the character of Lea Henderson in Sardou's play of Daniel Rochat. Patrick Lavey is visiting his friends in this city. The old gentleman is past 83, and is living on his farm where he located in the township of Dexter 53 years ago. He is about the only old landmark left. The Krause tanning company elected officers as follows last Thursday evening: President, Jno. M. Wheeler; vice-president, Edward Treadwell; secretary and treasurer, Wm. Merkle; superintendent, Henry Krause. Mrs. Wm. Brooka, with her three little children, the youngest a cripple, carne to the city Tuesday from Canada, tofind her runaway husband, Wm. Brooks, who has been working for the A. A. A. company the past two years. A gentlemen who was selling oil paintings called mto a Hurón streel store the flrst of the week and the proprietor concluded they must be 50 centj chromos. Imagine his surprise when informed the pair was worth $80. It has been suggested now tliat the university bas received over $100,000 in appropriations, that the regents obtain the services of another Chicago architect to draft plans for other buildings to be erected on the campus. Mr. Samuel It. Doty, of Ann Arbor town, has presented the homeopathie college with a number of volumes of Scribner's, Harper's, 3alaxy, Popular Science Monthly, and other journals, which were very gratefully and thankfully received. W D. Green, who has had charge of the telephone exhange in this city, bas been promoted to state inspector of telephones, and he will leave to-day forFliut thence to Manistee and around the cuit. T. J. Keech will succecil Mr. Green as manager here. It is seldoin the people attending St. Andrew's cliurch have the pleasure of i ia- teninu to such fine singing as was rendered Easter Sunday by the quartette consisting of Mis. B. Fleming, soprano; Mrs. Dr. Tyler, alto; F. Jewell, tenor, and Dewit Fall, basso. The democrats have a majority in the council, but as there was no Jemocrat who could be induced to accept the office of city attorney, the eiyht democrats showed tlieir good sense by vutiug for the present incumbent, J. C. Knowlton, who has made an efficiënt officer the past year. Robert E. Frazer at the request of his many temperauce friends, has consented to deliver a ternperance address in the opera house next Sunday. It will be the last speech which Mr. Frazer will deliver in tlus city for some time lo come, as he will leave the uext day for Cheboygan. Dr. O'Tool's house on South Ingalls street, '_in the Sixth ward, was set on flre Tuesday night. The fiie was kindled in a lot of shavings, saturated witli kerosine, and when discovered by some students about 12 o'clock had coniruunicated to Ihe side of the building and was burniug quite briskly. The mcmbers of St. Andrew's Episcopal church elected the following offlcers Monday: Wardens, C. II. Mlllen, and Jno. M. Wheeler; vestrymen, Dr. Palmer, C. H. Richmoud, E. Treadwell, H. J. Brown, J. N. Oott, Prof. Denison, John W. Johnsou. Prof. Denison was also elected secretary. The scène of "A Fearful Respousibility," Mr. Howells's new serial wblch will begin in Scribner for Juue, is laid in Venice. The story is said by the publishers to be in the author's brighlest vein. Mr. Howells is werking also npon a novel, which will be begua in Scribner some time next fall or winter. We cali the atteution of the council to a nuisance in the shape of a sidewalk in :'ront of the residence of J. Maloy, corner of Fountain street and Miller Ave. A year or so ago Miller Ave. was graded down so low that the floods ot' this spring washed the sand from beneath tin.1 walk. It is now utterly impassable in ,he day time, while at night it becomes langerous to life and limb. It bas been n this shape for so long a time that peo)le in that región think the owner will never repair it. The complaints are so nnmerous in regard to this walk that the council ought to order it rebuilt immedately. According to the annual report of Mis. J. T. Willing, of Chicago, the northwestera brancli of the woman's foreign missionary society has a membership of 5,438 with 757 auxiliarles; the nunihcr of heathen ivomcn's funds taken duriug he year was $4,258,and the receipts $20,"38.28. Three lady physicians, three hos)itals, four dispensarles and five teachers are supported by the branch. The society Mday elected the fellowlng officers: President, Mrs. J. il. Hitt, Evanston, 111. ; orresponding secretary, Mrs. J. T. Willug, Chicago; recording secretary, Mrs. )r. Quine, Chicago; treasurcr, Mis. F. P. Crandon, Evanston, 111. The Commercial pays a haudsome triute to Ii. E. Frazer who spoke in Ypsianti recently. In speakingof his removal rom Ann Albor the Commercial adds: Ie remarked that to-day would be the ast time that he should probably address ur citizeus. Mr. Frazer goes to Cheboy;an, a promising place, growing upon the traits of Mackinaw. It is with sorrow we part with Mm. Ile goes to his new lioine with the well wishes of thousands of men, women ond chüdrenin old Washteuaw. Even those who have denounced him for notalways thinking as they think, doiugas they would have dono, voting as they would have voted, will aceord to him sincerity, and will say, "The last four years Bob has fouglit a ood flght, and he goes carrying with him our respect." He will have something wortu more, the prayers of many a mother and many a devoted wife daily lifted to heaven in his behalf that he may stand firm, atways abounding in the graces of temperance and in mery otier good word and work. We congratúlate the citizens of Cheboygan in this acquisition to their number, beliuving that he will be a power in moulding the character and the future of the new town and of that entire región. Bob! The Commercial thus extends to you its farewell. Yoursteadfast friend and co-worker in the past it expects to be able to hear and record noble and grand things of you in your i:ew home. A farewell shake . The Democrat, while it feit constrained to say some things politically during the campaign last fall, entertains only kindly feeliogs for Mr. Frazer, and while we regret his removal our best wishes will follow him in his new home. Suceess, Robert.


Old News
Ann Arbor Democrat