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An Ordinance

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Be d ordamed u w Tl".''' Ltecorilt r , ana Aldermen qf the 'iiy of Aun 'Arbor: Section 1. Whencver the Common Council of the city of Ann Arbor sball determine that public convenience and neccessity require that ;vny sidewalk shall be constructed, repaired or renewed within the limita of city, a resolution shall be passed by said council, directing that such sidewalk begraded, constructed, repaired or renewed, as inay be dcemeil necessary or expedient, and presoribiny; the length and width thereof, and the material of which tl e same shall be made, togelher with such othcr directions for the constructiou, repairing or renewing thereof, as inay be deerned necessary, and f urther ordering and requiring the owner or owners of the lot or lots and premises adjacent to and abutting upon the line of sald sidewalk, to grade and construct, repair or renew that part of such sidewalk adjacent to the lot or lots and premises owned by thetn respectively, of the width and material, and in the marnier prescribed in such resolulion within tllirty days after sei vice of a notice of the passage of such resolution and a COpy of the sume. Sixtion . The chaiiman of the sidewalk committce, or suchother porson as may liave supervisión of the sidewalks of said city, shall causo a written notice of the passage of such resolution to be served upon the owners of lots nbtittlng upon SUCh sidewalk. Such notie e .shall set t'orth a copy of the resolulion dimt ing such sidewalk to be graded, construct ed, repaired or renewed, and the date of its atlopüon, and shall uotify the person or persons to whpm it sdirectcd to grade, construct, repair or renew the sidewalk according to the requirements of sucli resolution, and, that if sueh sidewalk shall uot be completcd wilhin thirty days alter service of said notice, the same will then bc graded, constructed, repaired or renewed by the chairman of the sidewalk commitlee, or by such other person thereia natned as sliall have been desiguated by the said common couacil, and that the expense thereof shall be decmed a special BSSewmeal opon sneli lotor premises, and shall be added lo the amount of the general city lax on sueh lot or premises. Said notice sliall be served by the city marsbal ór by one of bis deputies, by delivering a cbpy thereof to each ot' the owners of the lots or premises abutting on such sidewalk, and if such owner or owners eau not be found wilhin said city, I hen a copy of sueh UOtiCG shall be let t with tlic occupant of such lot or premises or with some member of his family of Suitable age and discretton; and if any of such lots or premises shall be unoccupied, and the owner thereof can not be round te said city, then Baidnotice shall be seived by postiug a uopy thereof in SOmeCOnspicuous place on such lot or premises. Sectioñ 3. On the eXpiratiun of thirty days after the time of service of said noticc the clmirman of the sidewalk committee shall, with all due diligence, grade, construct, repair or renew such portions of suid sidewalk as have not been graded, constructed, repaired or renewed in nccor dance with said resolution and notice; and upon the eompletion of such work, he shall make a report, in writiug, to the coinmon council of said city, giving the description of each lot or premises in front of which such sidewalk was laid or repaired, and the name of the owner and and oocupaut thereof, and the cost of grading, eonstructlug, repaiiinit or reuewva% sueh sidewalk in front of each one of such lotsor premises. Section 4. The common council of said city shall direct the cost of grading, conslructing, repairing or renewing such sidewalk to be paid out of ihe general fuud, and shall, by ïcsolution. charge and assess to each of said lots and premises, the cost of grading, construcfing, repairing or renewing so much of said sidewalk as is adjacent to and in front of said lot and premises. Shction 5. On or before the second Mouday of November of each year the city recorder shall make a report and eer tilieate to the supervisor of the district in which the lot or lots, and premises adjacent to which said sidewalks sliall have been aonstrucled, repaired or renewed, are loeated, setting forth a deseripüon of said lot or lots and premises, togethcr with the name of the owner or owners, aud occupauts, if kuown, and further showinic the amount assessed to each of said lots and premises, Which certiticate shall notify and require said supervisor to levy the several sums so assessed by lax upon the lotor lots auti premises, to wliieli they are respectfully assessed, and add the same to his district tax roll for that year.unless othenvise direcied by the common council. Section (i. Upon receiving said certifícate, the said supervisor shall levy the sums theiein mentioned upon the iot or lots and premises to wbich they are respectively charged and assessed, by adding such sums to tue general city tax to be levied on such lot or lots aud premises, aííuinst the owner or owners thereof, in his district tax roll for the current year, aud thereupon the amount so added shall be collected and enforced with and in the same inanner as the tax lo which it is added, and when collected shall be paid into the city treasury to the credit of the general fund. Section 7. Iu case the tax assessed on any such lot or lots and premises charged with the expense of grading, constructing, repairing or renewing sidewalks as provided bv this ordinance shall not be paid or collected, and any such lot or lots and premises shall be returned for nonpayment of such tax by the city trcasuier, such lot or lots and premises, unlesssoon er redeemed, shall be sold therefor by the county treasurer at the animal sale of lauda for delinquent taxes and in the same marnier as lor other taxes as provided by law. Section 8. No uew sidewalk shall bc constructed unless upon the application in writing of a majority of all the owuers or occupants of the real estáte wbich may be subject to assessmejit for such sidewalk. BacriOM 9. Chapter three of the revised ordinances of 1876 of the city of Ann Arbor, entitled "an ordinance relative to improving sidewalks" and all amendments thercto, and an ordinance en'.itled "an ordinance relative to repairing and renewing of sidewalks," passed Sejptember4th,l7G, and an ordinance entitled"an ordinance relative to sidewalks," passed July l'lth, 187Ü, are hereby repealed.


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