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An Ordinance

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lie il ordained by the Mayör, Recorder atid Altlermen of the City of Ann Arbor: Si.( tion 1. That no person shall exercise the business or tímida f an auctioneer, or sel! property at public auction or out cry, without a lítense from the licciisc commiitee. This section shall not apply toany person selling property by vírlue of a legal process, or under a mortgage, or for benevolent or charitable pttrpdses. Section 2. The Méense committee are hereby authorized to grant a license tu tny person of good charaeter on the eonditious prescribed iu tlie fullowing seetion. BkctION ;!. Any cltlzen of Ann Arbor npplying for a liceiihC shall, oefore the same is granted to hini, pay nto the city treasury thu sum of twenly-tive dollars per year, and the reeorder's lee, and exicute i bond to the Corporation in (be sum Of live lilliuhcil dollars willi two sullicient suretesLondüoued for the laitlilul obsor vanee of ihe cbarter and ordloaocet of said city. If the applicant for such liceDse be a nato-ritldtnt of the iiy i.l shall pay for sneh license t Ihe rale of twenty live dollars per da.y íq advanee, for cach and every day he shall si'll, aml tbe reeorder's fee, and he shall also give a likcbond, with liUe sureties is herein before prescribed for residen ts; i.nd any resident auctioneer who shall sell or be engaged in the saleof tbe gooda or stock of any non-resident (if the city. tiiitisiont person áoiog business here temporarily, shall, wüilc so employed and eugaged, be treated as a non-resident aucUoneer, and shall pay tbe same per day into the city treasury as is herein provid ed for non-resident uuctioneers. Section 4. No bell or crier shall be used to collect bidders at any auction. Si ( TiON 5. Any violation of auy provisions of this ordlnance shall be punghed by a fine not less thnu ten dollars, and uot to exceed one hundred dolíais and costs, or by imprisonment in the county jail not to exceed three months, In the discretion of the court. Made and paased in comnjon council this 8eeond day of May A. D. 1Ö81. .IO1IN KAPP, Mayor. W. W. DOUGLAS, Recorder. wikndmicnt to city oudinance helativk ïo i'eddlkks. At a meeting of the commou council held this day the following wasadopted: Resolved, That the amendment to "section three" of chapter thirty-seveu of revised ordinanecs of the citj' of Aun Arbor be amenUed so as to read as follows: Any person soliciling a license as a peddler shall ]iay therefor as follows: lf he intends to travel on foot, three dollars for the ftrst day and two dollars for each subsequent day. If he intends to travel with one horse, or other animal, the sum Ot ten dollars for the first day and íive dollars for each subsequent day. If he intends to travel with two or more hoiscs. or olher animáis, "fifteen dollars for the first day, and ten dollars for each subsequentday, and the reorder's fee; provid ed that no license under this section shall be issned foralongcr period than thirty days, and oacli runewal shall be deemed and cousidered a new license. Tliis or(linance sball not apply to citizens of Ann Arbor who urn sefliug articles of their own manufaétUre.


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