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News Of The Week

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Base ball : Detroit 4, Buflalo 2. CapL Charles Auderson of the steamer Riverside, a Detroit i iver boat, was iustantly killed at Amherstburg. The captain was standing on the dock whil his veseel was wcirking Into poeition alougside. A suddeu movement o( Uie Twsel ílirew up a tender iu sui-h a manuer a to let the whola weifiht of t heavy üuiber rail upou the captain' head, crusbmg the akull and causing instant death. There will le a meeting of the soutbern SI ehitrau beekeepere' association at Baült Creekou May 11. Subjecte ptTtainintj to apiarian mattere will be discussed. onrad Baba, wlio was arrtsted soine 10 dais aeo chared with selliu liquor without a liceime, was nrougbt to trial before Judtje Boueuton at Bellevue. Baha witlidrew bid plea of uot guilty which Ue made al tli tmie of bis arrest, and pleM uuilly. He was find Üs2 71, wliich iucludfs Uie costs. The oigarmakers in Tbeis's factory at Adrián ■truck Monday. Not un einpty house in Au Sable or Oscoda, and 100 more wanted at once. Spocial postal service bas been established ffoui Lane, Ogems.w county, to Churcliill. April fJ aroiiimission to be postmaster was gent to Alonzo Olmstead, Batavia. Congreasman Webber cives notice that a public competition will be held June lö at (Irand Rapids of caudidates for a cadetslnp in ILo navy from the fifth cougressioual district. On the 28(1 of April Adam Tate, whiledrunk, was run over and killed on the J. L. and b. railroad, uear Oakley. His wife bas sued two Mlooukeepersat Oakley for 1O,OUO damages ■Ük Base Ball : Detroit 3, Buffalo 4. Total scores f the three games played at Detroit 12 to 12. Tueeday evening burglars broke into the county treasurer'B office at Bay City and Wew open the safe. The large amount of money received trom liquor taxes had been deposito! In bank, and the burglars got ouly about 50. The stat firemen's convention is in session at Kalaiuazoo. The welcoming address was delivered by the Hon. Peyton Ranuey, president of the yillage, and a response was made by Clark Cornwell of Ypsilanti, president or the assoeiation. Committees were appeinted and reports submitted. The Battle Creek common counpil, at a spe dal session, granted licenses to 12 saloons aud 6 drug stores to sell li(iuor the coming year. The bonds are fixed at $3,000. Mrs Buth Sawdy of Hudson. in whose case a former jury dieadreed, pleaded Kir.lty and was releaswl uuder su9ptnded seut?nce. bhe was iudicted for indecfiiry, and the case made a irreat sensation tu HucIbou, where it is allened she ctialked on sUops, fencnsand walks ri i m,at jn o chartres aeaiust lwadiui; citizens. In th circuit court at Adrián, Geo. H. Forbes, a youth wlio last 6uimuer imposeil hiinself upon many pious people as a preacher, KOt two yeais at louia for petty taiceuy. He pemistently robbed everylmüy who entertaiutA liim, and amone Iiíb plunder otücer lound a set of episcopal rolx and numwous fenia'e pliotoscraplis aud amorous epistles. Wlieu ualibed at St. Clair Forlies was reading law. The galt product for April was 08,488 barrels. The total product tor ltiil shows a falliug off of 44,600 barrels trom the same moutlis last jear, mninly owiug to the low pnce, manufacturera ot caring to push the product at the present rate of profït. Inquiry aud observation among farmers il Brauch couiny has led to the conclusión tba in tliiscouuty there will be about five einhth f a erop oí wheaU In soiue places not to exreed 25 per ceut. of a erop will be harvesteit, while in others more, even co a gooa average. The-praines are batlly scorclied, while the pntected fields are looking well and putting lorward a Btrong growlh. Tlie slight rains of the past week have ilone uaucli to forward the erop. In souie cases wheat fields have heen ploweil up for oats and corn. A freigtit train Koing east on the Michigan Central rallri-ad was wraoked one uiilf troiu Eaton Rapidf. Au axle to a piaster car broke, cansing the diaaster. Sixteeu cara were almos! totally wrecked. James Millmine of (irami Rápida was iimtantly killed, and Conductor fVmistoi-k was peiiously iiiiiircd. Millmine was a brakeuian.and bas a wife atürand RapFive miles west of Chelsea two f reight'trains eollided. Both locomotives and four trelgbt cra are totaliy wrecked. Engjueer Charles Biiker was sliifhtly iujured by jiimpiutï froui liis engiue. No one else was bui t Horace Monroe of Eagle townsliip, Clinton connly, had 24 slieep killed by dogs last week. The owneiR of the doga were prebented with a bilí for 120. At (rand Rápida, a man named T)av d OoWell, Bwitchmun, was killed whilecouplingcars. A new postoffice ban been establisbfNl at Pearl, Alleir:i comitj, with (eorge Henry Sinilli as postnnuster. Asahel Nicnols bas hoen commissioued postmaster at Sttdla, froni April 30. The Adiïau Record reports three cases of mail pox tbiee miles and a lialf north of Wcllsvil'. Friday night, last week, John T. Loudon oí Oiippewa towiiship killed a bear weiehing 244 pounds. Tlie residence ot John Sbea, near Ceresco village, wa destroyed by fire with all its couUtutH. Loas $2,000, lusured lor f500 iu the Farmers' .Mutual. A. J. Moore bas been arrestad at Battle Creek 011 a charge of bieamy. He was brought before Justice Briggs aml held to trial at th next term of the circuit court in bonds of f5,000. It appears that he has a wife and three children livinp at üeerfield, Lenawee county, Mlcb and another in Battle Creek township, besides bis present wife, to whoni he bas only been niarried nbnut three uiontbs. Jobn J. Deem, for many years train dispateher on the (rand Rápida and Indiana road, bas disappeared, leaving a notification that hi place was vacant. Inquiry for the cause of bis unexpected move reveáis the fact that he married last November a widow uamed Julia Hopkins, of Hastings, whoin he was unwilliug to haverecognized os bis witeatBOng bis many friends aud relativos at (iraud RapuU. Sbe or some ono puhlisheil tin ir marriage in the usual forin in the uornlng'i papen, giving its true date. Deern has lic ld a good social ponition and is exteusively known amoug Michigan railrnad men. Samuel F. ( (ttineer was instanly killed Monday, near Hig Rapide, by a falling tree wbich erusbed bis bead. Geo. H. Brooks, ex editor of the Hastings Banner, has been appointed postal ., clerk between Cleveland aud Chicago. Fire was discovered in A. A. Pwight's lumber yard at Meriden, but was trot entirely under control, after'destroying 300,000 feet of ash, basswood audoak lumler, valued at $5,000 with r.o iusurauce. Also a dwelling owned by Willlam Moore, valued at 33,J0, aud with no iusurance. There were other damages but the amount is not known. The custom steam grist mili of William H. Stevens, locatedattbe east eud of Main Btreet, Rtauton, wíib entirely destn yed by fire. Loss $7,000; no insurance. Mr. Stevens will not reliuild. At Eaton Rapids, a widow lady named Emeltne Uould, wbo lived aloue, was found dead in bed. She bad evide ntly been dead a week. Natural causes occasioned her deatb. Charles Baviu Of Niles townahip, put bis horsen in a little slmnty m land wliich he was clearing, and weiit to baratas brusb. Preítmtly be oaw that the brusb had set the shauty ou flre, and he ran to get out his liiirsos, but it was too late - they were killed. Loss Y250. A commission to be postinaster was seut May 4, to Ertwnrd A. Stinuon, St. Charles; and one May :!, to Fraucis O. Fisher, Brutus. A stoneeutter, named Scott, at Capac, a few Hays ago, liad liis heavy hammer strike a wire dothes line over his bead, and come down on bis suoiilder, breaking a collar bone. Lyman H. Cady, a young farmer near Cooperville, was mutdered by Jjïmbertus Voskamp a Prussian ahout forty years of age, hnviug the appearauce of a tramp, wbo had workeu for Cady for nineteen days, and getting iuto an altercation ahout his pay fired four bulletK loto Cadj-'s body, killing liiin iustantly. Sheriff Vauuell, l)eiug notified of the murder, went to Cooperville, aud secured the murderer. Before the arrival of the train a crowd of Cady'a nelghmt$ had congreifated and atteuiptod to lynch Voskamp, aud at one time had a rope around his neck; but Vaupell got him safely aboard the traiu, and he imw lies iu (rand Haven jail. Voskamp clainiB to have acted in self defense. Cady leaves a wife aud a cbild only 10 days old. At Monroe, John Guise, in jail awaiting senteucefor stealiiiji from a freiglit car, aodJacob 1 imrd, awaiting transportatiun lo the reform cbool for burglary, broke ja 1 by digglng through the stone wall. The shorifTs wife gave tlie alarm and Uiey were run down by Mime lahorera i and auotber prisoner who was workiug outside, and relurned to jail ïuside of twenty minutes. Two other prinoueiH, wtio were sentenced to Ionia for eight m;iiilis for burglary, madu no attempt to escape. Menzo Hoag has been arresta! cbarged with haviug fired the Palmyra Aldu fruit preserv ing factory on the night of the 5lh instaut, intlictingserious loss. Hoag was a dtsobarged workmau who lived iinniciliately opposite the factory, and the day after the fue removed his famlly to Adrián.


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