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The Legislature

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BI iy ó. - In tup sennte Senator Cook was wo:n in. A rewilution for ttie iiivt-stiiraliun intu tlni charges against the Ioula house of cor- ection was referred to the committee of the wl.ole. The house also spent the day :C consideraon, in coinmittet' if the whole, of thebillconsoliiiatiug the highway laws. May 4.- In the senate a large number of ills were passed, amone them the following f general importance: repealing sectiin 1637 f ttMOOflopUed lawa, relating to interest faling due upon installments by written coniaet; aineuding session laws of 1877, relative o regulatiou of asyluins lol the insane: relaive to offenses affectiug railroads; providing or enrollment of contributing members ol tote troops; to provide a reinedy for datnage caused hy wilrul diseriiuiuatiou in the valuaion of property for the purposes of taxation; 1 inendiug act 244 of laws of 1879, relative to auiafres sustaiued tiy reason of detective pubc highways, streets, bridees, erosswalks and ulverts; to enlarde the powera of boards ol ealth iu lownships and villages; relative to ie issue of nnau borized fire and inlaud uarine iusurance policie8;ainending compiled aws relative to attorneys, solicitors, and counillors; aineuiüiig compiled laws relative to the urisdiction of circuit conrts in chancery; meadlDC compiled laws rejative to the reg sration of electora; to provide for suits ag-aiusl oieign corporations; relative to accounts of ailroad couipanies. The afteruoou sessiou was ppent in committee of the whole on the tax bill. in ihe house the following bilis were paesed: To reviBO the laws relative to the establishment and niaintenance of highways, the building, epairint;, and preservation of briilges, etc.; to epeal crtain obsolete acts relating to blfl) ways and the duties of their offlcers. The legslative joint committee on railroads heard f.rguint-nts on the depot bill in the eveuTug. Messrs. C. H. Walker, (ieo. W. Balch and Jalnes F. Joy of Detroit made argumento in favor of the bill, and John Atltinson spoke against it. Mr. Seager, appeariug for the Michigan Central railroad, suggestd aaiendmeute for the protection of that road. May 5.- Amongthe bilis pahsedbythe senate wre tbe followine: To provide for the use of a standard fonn of fire indurance; to preveut the spread of foui brood in bees; to provide a peualty for ohtaining money, railroad tickets or transportation uuder false pretences. The house c .ncurred in a large number of seuate amendineuto to house biH8,and passeo the followiug bill: Making ita mi8tieineanor ogt intoxicated; to provide lor furnishinp wrtain township oftieera with (ireen's treatise on township; relative to service of civil procesa ou nou-resideut defendants doiug business n this state; to provide for a comoiission to prepare and report a tax bill;for incorporatiou f a Michigan uiillers' mutual tire insurance ruiiimuy;"relativeto use of public records for the purpose of makiug abstracts. The house joint resolution for an amendinent to the constitutiou giving women the rigUt of suffrage, and the seuate liquor tax bill, were made special orders for next Wednesday uioruiug aud afternoon respectively. The concurrent resolution for ad jourumeut siuedie May 25, was Initaftnitolf Dostuoned. May 6. - In the house the following bilis were read a third time and papsed: House file 293, in reference to inquests liy coroners. Seuate 'file "13, auiending au act incorporating the board of eclucation of East Sa inaw. Senate file 181, apportioning the representativos anión" tlie several couuties and district. Senate file 188, to provide for tbe protection of cblldren. ïiie president appointed Seuators Lovelland Dickerman uiembers of the joint conmiittee to investígate charges against the warden of the state house of correcti-m. Iu the house the followiug passed on third reading: to incorpórate Paw Paw; to revise the charter of Ypsilanti; to amend tbe charter of Ishpheming; relative to the poor commissioners of Detroit. May 7 - Tbe followin: wore among the buis ,a!a(.i tiy the hou6e: auieudinï section 28011 of compUrd lawR, relative to tlie forumtton of conpprative awoólatioDs by mechanica, laboring meo. ;mi otlu're; proliibitiug carrying InflamiMHble oilsauil fluidson passeuger traius;relalivi; to dfhvmy of grain by railway Cflinpanios; for piotocting railwaj' employés nd other penoutat switches aud railroad crossings: amt-nding pompilert laws relative to disonlf rly persons; for the protectiou and preswrvation of iH-ir UHl otbec game: concurreut resolutiou Tor final ndjourniüeiit May 2rt laid on th talile. A'ljcmnifil l Monday at b:30 p. m. Kaf i._The senate met at eight thirty p. in., and afler a little routine Imsines, went into tfZecutive seMloo and eonfirmed Varnuin B. CuchraDa, nominatod ly (overuor Jeroine to tie superlDtendent of public iuatructioD, viee Supei iüUiidcut Gower, reajffned. Mr. Cochrane was a member of tlie Üniversity clas9 of 1KÏ0, uní is now superintendent of schools at Negauuee aud is also a lawyer. The house consuuied the evening in committee of the whole.


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Ann Arbor Democrat