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Mrs. CHlpImriim Wilcox, H. 1'., is ander arietat BatUe Creek, cbarged wiili onnmittniK an atiortion apon Mrs. S. J. I.esinirer, a respectable lady of tiiat city, wtio came uear ijnZ frmn lier alleged criminal malprWSUoe. Bbe wan held in bondi "f 5()0 to appoar for examiiiatiou. It in said tiiat f-lie has been arroBUnl twice before ciiarsed with the sanie cnnie, tut owing to stnur. disi icpitncy the cases feil Uiroutrh in the circuit court. Thre bojH ïeturuinR from the Catholic m.,,(ki1 at Ni les, weut bwíuimiíuí in the nver, above the dam. Une of UieOQ, a tn year olü on of (ieoree I.evelle, gol óeoní hls deptn nd was drowned. The lite savine crew of Thunder Buy Mand measure.d the icebergs in front of their station Wednesday, Mal 6th. Tliey measured trom the bottom up fitty fcet, beiug aground in bix and a half railioins of watr. Ou Wednesday last the (eo. H. Thomas poet M the i. A. K., rt Heutou Harbor, was pregented a hancsome set of colors, anil inspected by deparlment coiiimander (en. I'ierw and Btaflt. laster Pal ni!T, of ('olumhus township, JacKBOD couuty, moved his old barn last we--k, and In one liour the men, with clubs .ind pitcliforKB killed 275 rats. The uext day 25 more were killed. The postoffic at Milo, Barry county, has been discoutinued; mail to (iull Lako lhe pofltoflice at Copper Harbor, Kenwennaw eouuty, lias been moved one mile south. Ninety-four saloous in Jackson county up to dato have this far paid f 18,i55 liquor taxes. Horace B. Havis, ex-deputy sheriff, bas been elected chief of pólice at Grand Rapids. Sheriff Miller, of Sasinaw, has beeOMIMWWl 50 in ene case, and f25 in anotber with c!.ls, for arrestine on suspiciou two men who were sellinK Üieir norse and did notanswerhisquestlons satisfactflrily. He appealed tUe case. A new postoffice has been started at Penrle, Alleiran county. The followiu postolli havo Leen discontinuwi : Barnard, ( harlevmx county; Mevillard, Ottcoda county; Mil, Barry eounty. The followint! uostiiiastereappoinUd last week: Botwrt M. Fiyr, Austerlitz, kent px.untv: Win. A. Mortus, (rayliug, Crawtonl Johu Uunn, Hudsonville, uuawa cminty; Civilien M. Cook, Segatuck, Alleen onty. Sheriff Sumnier arrested a chap named Pller Conkling, at Kalamazoo, wb passed counterfeit money. He was tound to have considerable of ibe "queer" about hls pernon, wtiich was secured. Conkling bad but recentlv been released from prison it M chlgan t ny, and in resarded as one of the worst cbaractere they ever had in jail there. Mayor Steketee, of (irand Rapids, vetoed the actiou f the coiumon council graDting I Honor license to Sweet's hotel, on the groiind that the pólice reported the bar open after legal honrs ou two rttcent occasions, lhe council adoptad nresolotion to back the mayor in tiis efforts to enlorce the laws on all impartiaJly. Xhe hotel men deny the accusation . Monday afternoon, near Lenawee Junctiou, w ehildren of Geo. Jones, farmer, were ruling n au enipty straw ri'Uk, wheu iL was everurned off the wagon, with the children uuder t, and the little boy, aged 4, bad bm nght leg roken atove the knee, and was otherwise inlured. The other child was uninjured. A (irand Haven dispatch says: Whitney A. Stinchfittld of Detroit, made the largest s;le ot oes ever reportad on tMa shore to one nrm. Kelly Ratbborne fe Co., of Chicago, purcliased forty-four uiillion feei of their cbioe Flat river legs. Sisson & Lilley of Spring .-;kc will manufacture the logs into luinber. The notorious Bob Williams ha DSM hem for trial at Poutiac The residence ot Mrs. Julia Fisher was l'iirn edatBenton Harlior. The iusurance on ihe house aud furuitiire is $2,200. The furnltpre was partially saved. Loss 2,000. A park il supposed to have blown into an opeu window from a fire near the buUaina. ('has. J. Moore, a livery stahle propnetor, nd Mrs. Carrie I). HaII, wife of a rMprCtable Citizen, were ajrested at Battle ('reek tiy "ñV rers who were oniployed to watcb tb -in. TIncharge is adultery. Both parties have raralUea. C. C. Stowe". ; young man who is rilghtly insane - ..i bas leen a patiënt at the eainlari a Battle Oreek for sonie time. radden ly disappeared aud it is thought ha gone to Chicago. Rear Admiral John L. Worden, commander of Om original Miuilor when victonons over the rebel ram Mañaneas in Hampton Ronds on the mersorable slgbtb day of March, 1M2, is at Graad lapids visiting his mother, sister, and two brothers. At (rand Rapids the scaffoIdiBC to a brick factory gave way.throwing Jo.n Hostia, John Vinner, Richard Vanean) and Richard Slene to the ground, sixteen fnet, teniblyinjuriiiL' Hostra, who may not live. The olhers eeriously tint not dangeroaftl; hutt Jolsou, who had charge of tbe work, is considerably blauied for tlie sh ibhy construction of the scaffolding. Considerable excitement was caused at Kastings by tbo scrious sickneas of about twenty proniinbnt ladies and gentlemen. It was occasioned by oating ice creaui which, by some accident, wa9 not wbat it should luwe been. Same of Ui parties are still very sick, but not dangerously. The next regular tonrnament of tbe Michigan firemen will be entertaiticd by the ".oldwater companies, September 7 and 8. Nearly 91,000 dollars will be distributed in pr zes lij the citizenB of Cold water, and the regular state prlze will also be competed for. The Board of State Canvassers have awarded a certifícate of electiou, as Judge of the Washtenaw and Monroe Circuit to Chauncey Jofllin. Mrs. J. H. Fisher's residence, a raile and a half from SL Joserih, was burned. Loss, $5,000; Insurance, $2,200. At Battle Creek, the water was let into the race, haviug been out four weeks to allow of the building of the uew postoffice walls. The water bad underminad the wails, aud one of theinfell iuto the race, while the others weie ff mini; out of position several iuches. The damage done is at least $300 to the work, be sldes the delay and trouble caused the milis along the race. Arrangementfl have been completed for the transfer of the St. Mary's ranal to tbe general government; the oeeds havo been forwanleil to Washingtou, and tbe government is to take charge at once. The charges against Warden Grafton, now belng iuvestigated at the Iouia heuse of correction, are, that hela incompetent, bas wilfully neglected his duties, bas wilfully violated bis duty, is Corrupt, b;is uiijiistly iliswiiiinatwl iu purchase o! supiiüha and freigbts, etc, oa railroads, ha favorites among tbe officera and convicta, euiploys spies against those he dislikes, has oaed his power toobtain froui subordínate statenientfl to be used in bis defence, and is untruthful. Tbere are specifiiations under each of these cliargep. The legislativo comuiittee will probably be engaged som time on tbe case. All the charges and specifieations are denied by the accuBed. The (irand Rapids Democrat nubllshes the ollowing note: Mrs. Julia Deern, the wife of John Deern, who deserted her, is lying in a very pitiable condition at a friend's house, occasioned from tbo Bliock received on learuin tliat he had gone without hor, as be bail been wtth har the eveniug before, and told her would beup in the morniiig with a hack for her. She had her trunk packed and was raad; to tart on Thursday morHiug, having no suspicion of his intention U deceive her, as he had ■poken to her a month before of leaving the city and going to Chicago lo live. She wan glad of the propoMxi change, as she objected U keeping their marriage a ecret. If he were a man he would not have decelved aud lied t her. John N. Ingersoll of (orunna, died Friday morning of softeniug of tbe brain. He had been an invalid for several inonths. Ksteyu' saw mili at Owosso burned. Williani Parks has been appointed postinaster at Alpine, Keut couuty, vice Mrs. K. J. Sliearer, resigned. A man nameil Bailey, at work on a street deaniug job at Marshall, fouud a $10 greenback in tbe dirt he was removiug. The Free Methodist cburch at Aliner, Tuicola coun'y, was truck by Ughtolnc Bnnday afternoon aud considerably daiuaged Wm. Stevolley and John Bruei, as they cali theinselves, aged about 20 eacb, are in tioulile at Utand ItHpiils, cbarged with horse stealing. A dispateh from (iraud Haven says there was great excitemeiit there Saturday night, causeil by the report that an organizad !)■:} 't about 2X) meu wis on th way U the ueighborhool wheie Allmrtus Vaükamp murdered J.yman H. ('uily, DMT Coopergville, U take YüBkamp out. of jail and hang liiui. Sheriff Vaoell bus garrisoned tlie jail with a forcé of oniiv. i i well armad, and decum Ibnt he intendfi to figiit f luimirnirj Be has atoo cilled en iiovernor ironie for authority U cali out com. pauy K BeCi-'id regiment, Michigan state troops, whose itMiBirtereaie at (inuid Haven. Joha BweeDM died pf suustroke in Saginaw City, Friday. Fred. Discher, Bged 12, wai fooling about machinery, iu Bay City, aud lost a ftnuer from one band. Oliver Huil, aged IS, in lielvidere, Montcalo couuty, bad a log roll over aud crush him lo rleatli instantljr. Four men have heen fUTCstei in Weet Bay ■ 'ity, charged with artson. in Ai ing and hurnitigjio oli aileeci Ddiaaoceof a bone tniiler 'i-liiiigiiig lo I red W liman, city scaveuger, 'J. J. Naviu, uiaor of Adrián, aud one of the flrm of Merritt & Navln, lawyere, defending Horaer Andrews was arrested on of Lafayette Bostwick, for criminal slander. A. W Burt appeared for the pprY-. Rnd, the trla' was fixed for June. Kefendam was let go on bis own recogalzanoe. Durine a heavy tlmnder shower, I-evi Jolinson of Alganseo, Hranch county, went mto a firld to look aftr some stock, when a large Mm!) l)lew off a tree, and BtrikinK Imn in the liollow of his back !roke lii left tliijsh and right forearui, besldes injuring liim internally eo tbat k. i Mfe i despalred of. An ord'-r from the state heariqnartere of the G. A. R commands all posU to observe Deoration (". Monday, May 80. Oliver h U, aged 4, of Six Iikes, Montcalm counto vf i ridingon a pair of logs on truck, y. when the binding chain brokp, and one log ro d over him, breaking liie neck and cmshing hl skull. Tbe folk ing postiBas(er9 were appnintod for Michij ui for the week which ended My Alpine, ü-nt couuty, Win. Parks; Kast Le Roy Ciilhoiin county, Mrs. May Siramons; Inkstr, Wayne county, Mrs. Susan HarnBon; Martiu, A'legan county, Geo. B. Nichols; North Dorr, Allegan county, Antlny ltender; St Clair, St Clair county, Frankiin Mimre: WeBt Windsor, Eaton couuty, Mrs. Mary fc. Tuttle.


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