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The Legislature

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May 10- In the pénate the resignation of Assistant Sergnant-at Arins Fowler wa accptd. The following bilis were read a third time and iiaHed; auiMinling charter of City of Detroit; reincorporating the village of Marine City; ameudiug an act to prevent the sale of uuaouud meat or provisión in Detroit: ainendint; act for ttie appoüitmeut of a couimissioner of railroaiis; to authorize the towunhip of Litiolu üsceula comnty, to lxrrow money to pay highway indebUHiness; (ov. Jerome Tetoed the Howell compilation bill. Iu the house, fifteou remoastrances were receiyed against the passage of H. 894, in reference to the property of congiegatiorií" of the Roman Catholic church; five renioüstrances agíiiiiRt the pussage of S. 170 to regúlate the bucincss of co-operative ineurance. The followiug passed on thiid reaiiing: reiucorporatiug Poutiac: relative to Jurors in Wayne county; ameuding the game iaws; for examination of certaiu drain ocders of Van Burea county; ratify action of board of control in posing of Port Hurón and Lake. Michigan railroad land from Fort Huron to Flint. May 11- In the senate the following billa passed n tbird reading: to organizo thecounty of Alpena and toorganize tberein the towns of Montmorency, Rust aud Bailey; ameuding law of 1875, relative to the levyiag of drainage taxes; ameuding section 723 relative to constables' security; iiicorporatiug Croswel); tenate bilí 158 to suppress treating was laid on the table. The governor approved the acts re-incorporatiug Owosso and for the pinchase of se?eral tbousand copies of (Jreen's couipilation of the laws relative to towuships. In the house the followinf; bilis wem read a third time and passed : Relative to Detroit and Howell plank road company. To provide for the 6upport of wives and chililren. Kelntno to suits against insurance couipanies under the laWB of this state, Re-latiye Ui the compennation of inspectors and salaries of officers and keeper of the state prison. May 12.- The senate passed the followine: relative to ttie iniprovemeDt of rivers for uavigation; re'ative to compensation of oflicers and keepers of state prison; relative to tax on liquor business: ameuding compiled laws rela tive to the action of replevin: aineudiug the charter of the village of L'Anse; amending act of 1878, relative to couipanies for the detentlon and apprehension ol liorse thieves and other rtlons; appropriaüuc $IU,(HK to provide for Ihrparticipatiou of the state in the centennial BDiurtnaiT of the snrrender of ïerktown, Seimte bill 215. to facilítate the cellection o! iIkIiU frora employwa was lost. The house conniderwl the ('amphell clmrcli propenj bill and ïecciTfd a veto from the Kowruor of the bill to vacate a higliway in Troy, Oakland couuty. The Howell couipilation bill was reconsidered. May 13.- The senate passtd 'he foüowing hilison tliird readins: SelooffirpuraünR l'onUac, Allegan, Uiica, l'.ainwt'llanit Fowlerville; atiiüiidiug charU-r of Saginaw an.i Iiiy (;it.v; f"r the weigbiug of live stock and other aui nii.M; amending laws relative U) proceedlngs '■" iiwrve possession of IhihIb; appropriatlng 15,006 for working cnpital for the easten; u; lum for the insane; to prevent the spread of yeilows; amending act i'5 of 187!5, relutive to judgea of probate; amending Uwra relatlve to disorderly persons; aniemiing laws relatlT to impoun ing animáis; regardiug iilate iflass, etcr aud repealing aits 42 and 72 of 1K77; revising the game laws; auieuiling aci 1S5 of 1S79 relative to unkuown heir-; revising drainage laws; amending act 20H of lKTit relative to fishiug andinlaudlikes; the SW'OO asylum fnr insane hill passed the seuate 'j tot, hut na Uien recousidered and tabled. Adjourned until Mouday evouing. In the house the committee on privato cor poratioust repiirlcd a siitistitute for house file 20K, relíiÜTO to Detroit and Saline plank road eomp 'iy. House file2iO, relative toa Bwamp land du 'i lu Hay couuty, was returued by the governo , pursuaut to reqnest, amended. and agaiu ' jsuod. The followiug bilis were read a third :ne and passed: relative to servk" of proces . on iusurance compauies not incorporated i ider the laws of üiíh ptU; aniending the cbar er of the village of Union City. Maj i -The senate had a quorum. The house bill, meniliug the charter of the village ofUticaw.s reconsidered and recominilted; also the ' ous bill relative to plat glass, accident, ste.. 'i boiler and fidelity msurauce. No quorum of the house was present. Pending the arrest of absentees without leave the house adjonrned.


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Ann Arbor Democrat