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The senate executive sesjion confirmed the following noininations: James Lougstreet, United States marshal for (ieorgia; Almlom Blytbe, l;niti'(l States marshal for South Carolina: Samuel W. Mellon, United States attorney for South Carolina; Philip H. EmerBon, associatc justice of the supreme court of Utáh; Alhert Woodcock, collector of intenal reveaue, third district of Illinois. Orders have issued froin the postoflice depariment discoul-iuuing the steamhoat maii service on 8 routes in south and soulhwest. Postmaster ;neral James nscertaiued that the service for nearly all the iuterinediate oüices on these routes is performed joiatly by the steamboat and d land star route coa tractors, and tbat the entire service can be sai islactorily performed over tho star routes alone !y extending thetn in a few particular localities. These extensión? can he made in every instanre at a very slisjht expense conip ared Wltii the wist of eteamlmat service whioh will be discontinuad. The aggreeate cost of service on these i-iyli t stram boai routes amounts to nearly $72,000 per annum, hut it is estimated at the depjrtment that the extensión of the star routes neceesary to cover the points not now touched liy theui will not cost more tlian $7,000, aud tlins a yearly savingof 7.",n i 1 will be eftected. The President Is as determined as ever in maintaining that should he make a conctüion now it would be likely to increase the mbarrassmeut hereafter, by inducing deinands for other concesnious; that he must inaist npon bis riüht to make nominations, leaviDg the senate to confirm or reject as its wisdom directa; that he cannot abilicate an iota of his peroifative on the selection of nominatious, especially wheu he has been threatned. A monument to "Stonewall" Jackson was unveiled at New Orleans ou Tuesday, Jeff Davis was loudly cheeredand made a speech. General Walker, superintendeut of the census, will discharge nearly fire hundred clerks froui bia oflice tbis week, owini; to a laek of money to go on with the work as oriifmally laid out The wnate in executive sesslon confirmed the fnlliiwiiii; nominatious: Micliael J. ('m hut, Kentucky, now charge d'affairex at Den■uark. to be charge d'alfaires to Kwitzfiiancl, Tice Nicholas Fish resigned ; (eo. P. Pomeroy, New Jersey, to be secretary to the L'nitwl States legation at Paris; Thos. A. W. Morris, Colorado, to be member of the l cohiiiiírsion, vice John B. Bowman resignrd; (ieo. W. Atkinson, United States marshal of West Virginia; John I!. Stickuey, Uuited States attorney for the uorthern district of Florida; ('ha. M. Wilder, postmaster at Columbia, S. C.;A. Newton Kiiuball, receiver of public moneys at JackHou, M ss. Jl r. Marión Hackett was shot dead Wednesday, In New York, by her husbaud. Hack ettís a confirmed druukard. Mm. ttarfield's health is improved. Tlie steamer Mllanese, from Iiverpool for Boston, had hur bows stove In by a coilision, aud was run on pbore. A building at the L. M. mine on Iran Hill look rut;, tliH tlauies commuuicated to a mat: azine and a trrrific explosión occurred, which sliook i'ü'i'y building iu Leadville, three mllea ditaiit. Kortunatuly the mine waH not being worked, and wag desortMd w!hmi thn explosión occurred. Seveo iimn were utaudjug nar the liulliling. Stanley Mathews has been confirmed by a Tot of 22 to 21. Secretary Windom has issued a cali for $120,000,000 6 per cent bonds. The total aniouul nf registered 5 per cent. bonds is about $82fl,(HtO,KX). The privilege of extending the regislured 5 per cents at the reduced rate ot otrfl, Iwiug limited to $250,000,000, there will rc(l,;.;ii at least f 7",000,000 of thein,which the WL'fvUify ot the treamiry nltmcls to pay atMlul 'y out of the surplus reveuue. It is beliM'cd '■' Ui departiuent that inuch more than $2.') ..OOO.u.1) of UhJnii registered bonds will Dffend for cout iiüiUiCf, hut all the tppllaati i received af ter the maximum of $260,000,000 sball have been preeented will not be entertaiued. A mass-meetine han been called atthe Academy of Mus c, New York city, by friends of tbe admiiiistration, to protest against the couise pursued by Conkünttand Platt, as representativas of New York city and stat, in midavoriug to discredit the adminitttration, divide the Republican party and ïnake patronage the sole aiin of service in the senate. PoRtmaiter General James has issued an order dirvcting ttiat RainpU' copies of new publications tnnot be malled in nuantltiea, DotU siibiMitted tor rulins byi ilopartment. This is intended to shut out wltfrUnDS sheets that depend on the postage for proof of circulation. The President has nominated Chas. E Henry, Ohio United States marshal of the District of Col ambla; Krederick Douglas, recorder of dneds of the District of Columbia, vice (eorge Shtridan, renigned; postmasUr, Jerome H. Vm Adrián, Midi.; Milachi Kiebs, receiver of public uionevsat Boise City, Idabo; Moses M. Bwe, receiver of public moneys at Salt Uike Citv Utah. The President ent a message withdrawinK the nomination of Lewis Wallace as charge d'affaires at Paraguay and Uruguay at bil own reauest Mrs (Jarfield was reported better Fnday morning, hut grew worse iu the aternoon. The cariiage road leeding up to the White house has ticen barrieaded against carnages, and strict orders have been given to ushers mul mefisengers to preserve quiet abnut the houw. In theevenlng the condition of Mrs. GÜilfleld was not materially changed. Her rever, however, assumed a typboid form and iinprovement.cannot be expected at present. Dr. Boyntou of Clevelaiid, was in constant attendance at the executive inanBion, in consultation with Dr. Pope of Wj shington and M. D. Edson. Iient. Samuel A. Cberry, Fifth cavalry, and escort, while out scouting for road agent near Niobrara, Neb., canie upon thein suddenly, when a fight ensued, in which Lieut Cherry was killed. The road agente escaped. Four deaths In New York trom gunstroke on Saturday. Two freight cars and a backine eogine raused Uie death of Dennis McOrath, at Ene, Pa. A paint vat catching fire, burnt Kdward Broughton fatally and Patrick Eliot sertously, nt New York. Five Italian immigrante were taken in by bogus Erie railway tickets at Turin, and ttao case is being investigated. A heavy tlmnder storm, the flrst rain for seven weeks, considerably dainaged the fruit trees ot western and central Ontario, Saturday night. The removal of Republicana from small imst offices in Virginia and the putting in of Keailjustera has uiade considerable stir in that State. Many Virgiuia Republicaus have been protestiug to the President agaiust these Republicana bfiug turned out ot office, and it is reported that a halt has been called, and that the president wants the Republican orgamzation of Virginia maiutained in all its strength, and that hereafter Republican postmasters will remain in office. Mrs. (Jarfield is reported to be sllgbtly better. It is conceded on all sides now that Mr. Rotertsou will be confirmed. All talk of any other disposition of ihe case has ceased. Senatort Conkling and Plattof New York have resigued their seats, but thinkthey will be re eleeted a week from now, thus lfaving them fre to enter upon a bitter fight against the administration. President ÖarfieTd expresseB hiinself satisfied with the position of affairs, and thinks Coukling fouud liiniBelf weak and foresiiw defeat, hcuce heresigned. The senate bas confirined Richard A. Elliner, of New York, seooud assislaut pustuiasu-r general;J. Hemy Wiisnn, colli'Clorof oustoms, (üntricto Colutubia; WaltorC. Hrnndiw, surveyor of customs, Michigan City, Ind.; Wui. H. Huut, Jr„ collector of customs, district of ontaii! and Idaho; ('has. E. Hemy, Uuited States Marshal, district or Columbia; United States onntuls: Alheit L. Dow, AIIimi, Intüa; Sldnej A. Cooper, (iuttemlierg; Eni8t UOipenheiiu, 'a.liz; McWalter B Niiyiw, Veuice; Thaner M. Eider, (íuynquil: Ailifi't Hlinades, Koueu; Jno. A. H.iliii-i ni:tn, consul. A severe thuuder storm did great dnmage iu Kansas, on Sunday. Mrs. (arfield was much worse Mouday night Her condition cause great aniiety. Geo. Blair, member of the Nevada assembly, was struck i j a kuiff in a quarrel and died trom !!"■ wounds. The gvrand jury in the United States district court al'Philarielphia Momlay afternoon reiinifil three hillaof iiHlictinntagainRt Joseph It. lilack. Win. ü. ('ibíhi, Joseph Frank and Brary Arbuckle, for star routes swiudling operations. A fine of $5,000 ani 15 yean in the Detroit. penitentlary is what J. I). Wüson got from an Arkausas court on Moiiday for passing a bogus es bond. The same court sentencié W. J. McOrackeo to the same place for seven years for a similar oflVnst.


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