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Bradlaugh has again been forcibly removed from the commous. The marrlaoc of the Crown Prince Rudolph of Austria and the Princesa Stepbftnle of Belü'ui in was most impmingly soleuiuized at the Cburch of St. Augustiue in Vienna. An immense multitinle colltT.tcil in the streets through which the royal personages drove to church. An hour before the coinmeneeiuent of the ceremony, the church was densely crowded bya brilliant and siriking as8nmhly. The cortege was received at the church door by Cardinal VonSch warzen oerg, at the head of his clergy, and ttieir majesties took their eeats under a canopy over the throne. Ihe bridal pair then proceeded to their places. At the moment that the rings were exchanged, peals broke forth froui the bells of the city and salvos of nrtillery were fired. At the conclusión of the cereuiouy ihe Tel)eum was sung, after whlch the Hofhurg choir executed an old (Jernmn niarch. The newly married pair, accompanied hy ntlier royal pfrsonagea, then rrtiiiiH-il l the city to the palace of Hof burg. In commemoration of the marriage, the Km peror Francia Joseph has fouuded twenty-two schnlarnhips at various schools, and has giveu 100,000 florín for the free admission of ten pupilstothe establishment for the education of daughters of oflicers. He has also granted complete or partial ainnesty to 331 persoDs impriRoned for various offencea. Alexauder Jonas, editor of the New York Volks Zeitung, was recently arreated at Dresdeu. He was suspected of barellng in the inUjrests of socialista. His baggage wasseaiclied, private papers were taken, and he was not allowed to leave Dresden and its viciuity. After nine days, however, bla papers were restored, as uo proof of the alleged suspicion was fomnd. He has now applied to United States HtnlatCT Whltf, at Berlín, for redress. Mr. White ban submitted the matter to ttio Berlín foreign office. Serious disturbances occurred at Boker in the Cauciisus, between the Russians and Musoulmans, hut the military restored order. The rioting lasted tliree days. It now appearsthut ex-Sultan Murad is implicated in the muider of Ahdul Aziz, hut will not he tried hecause he is insane. The sultan, despit all reports to the contrary, Is deterniini'.i to briug all the other perpetrators of the crime to justice. Emperor Francis Joseph has granted an amnesty to all persons imprisoned for offences arisiugfrom poverty or which were not premedita ted. uu the second reading of the bill to pennit clergyinan to slt in the house of cominons it was defeated, 110 to 100. Mr. Bradlaugh alaims exactly the Rftme legal right to enter the house of commons as he did beforo the passage of the resolution excluding him, iigainst which lie has sent a formal protest The plaintiff iutheaction for pen'ities Hgainst Mr. Bradlaugh bas givea notice of bis intiMitiim to apply for leave tosign a judgment and issue an cxecution, wlth the object of bankrupting Bradlaiigh, Ttae latter will resist pending a decisión by the house of lords. The river Dwina, at Archangel, has flooded a great part of th town, causing great distres8. The electric railway f rom Berlín to Lychterfeldt, Prussia, was opened Ihursday, and was a perfect success. A baililt employed by Lord Dundales, while returniug froui a wake in Dublin wan shot through the lungs, receiving a wound that will probably prove mortal. His asiassins were coucealed Iwhind a hedge oear Dooken. Th.' French consol has notified the bey that if Turkey's ships of war arriv at (ioletta, the French troops will immeiüately occupy Tunis. Sir K'lward Tborntoi) has ofticially conimunicated to the secretary of statu .Ie parttnent tnd iliplomatic corps that he has accepled the tender of the British embasy to ltuasia. The niliilist arrested receutly chargwl with compiicity iu the munter ! the czar, and with planning the Little (i.inlfii street mine, is a nara) offtcer. He was also an accomplice of the nihijist8 wlio uaused the explosión at tlie WinUr pajate, in Fejruary, ihM), anil incharged with having stolen from t!n goyernuient magazines a quantity of dyuamite, At Kuba, la the Caucisi;, 5.H persons escaped from jall. They were purued and 17 were killed and threerecaptured. Tbe others made good their eocape. At Ostroff during the last four dayi 00 railroad workineu are homelets and starving owiDg (o tlie incoiiipetency and disorganization of the r lilway authnrities. A Hi-rlin dispatch says: Siemens and Hnlske, the well known Berlín electricians, gave a public trial of their new elsctric railway, whicb rubs between Llchterfield and Cadettenhaus, nix miles from Berlin. The triel wasan entlre hiiiri'SM. It was made on a simple train of cara with an electric battery concealed between the wheil. It was connected through the rails on which it ran with the principal battory at the Btation. The rail ar 89 inches apart, and exactly reseinble those of an ordinary railroad (fuage, althouijh uurrower. The greatest spi-cil obtained was IK English miles an hour. If necesrary, far greater speel could be obtained, bui this was not allowed by the pólice authorities. The railroad will be opened to Uie public. Troops hare ben Bent tothe Auttro-Rnssian frontier, lecauBeof npprehenaion that the RusRian pi-iisiintn will Tiolato the frontier and attack the Jewish refnifws. It is expected tbat the sultan, yielding to the opinión of Khaireddin Pasha and Said Pasha. will not prosecute the persons charged with the murder of Abdul Aiz. M. Rokestan is announced ofBcially as resident minister pleDipotentiary at Tunis from Fraice. Francia Joseph has conferred the grand crown of the order of St. Stephen on the sultan of Turkey. --- i - . . _ M TT1 i rw 1 1 1 - t 1 Tlie WWD i oí Vlssanl, Turltey, nns Deen pnlaged liy hrigands, wlio carried off ome persons of nole and several women. Three Bpanish delegates wlll immtiditly lenve Madrid for París, to negotiate a new treaty of ooramerce with France. A Berlin correspondent says: The ctar's manifestó bas caused urcal disappointinent in SL Petersburc. People beeiu to resien themselves to tlie regime ot reaction. Apprehen81OH8 of lurtlicr disaster are rife. It isexpected Utat the nihilista will promptly publisli a counter yoclaination, and the iasue will be joined. Nothing seems to be known in regard to the process by which the czar"s momentous declaration.was generated, luit it has tuken every one completely by surprise. (Ju the Hourse Russian stocks wa sensibly decreaed, and financial journals adrise the bolden to sell out. The emperor of Ru&sia has appointed (jen. Ienaüeff tosucceedUen. Melikoff as minister of finances. Telegraphic orders have been issued for the Freuch to occupy Tunis, in conseiiueuce of the bej's teleeram t tbe porte. Two battalions of French rifles in Tunis were fired upon by tbe nativei, and bad eigbt woundcd. The loss was bcavy. Tto negotiations for tbe appearanee of Edwin Booth in Berlín are not likely to hare any present resul t. Booth will probatily return to tbe l mini States in .tuly on account of tbe bealth of bis wife. A tube conlainíDg dinamite or un cotton, with a fuse attacbed, was thrown into tbe doorway of the ct-utral pólice staliou at Liver pool atuiidnight Suiulay night. A loud explosión followed iiii't n.suy wiudows were broken Mobody was hurt


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