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DRAKE'S OYSTERDEPOT 2O East Huron St. Dysters Always Fresh and Cheap. Pure Wlnes and Liquord for medicinal pnrDoses. Cholcost branda oL ClKars always on han.l fred"sorg, Dealer in PAINTS, OILS, VÁRNISHES r.nusnES, window glass. And all Painlera' Supplies of the Best Qualltjr SHOP AND STORE 26 and 28 East Washington tst. AN'N AR30B. MICMIGAN. RINSEY& SEABOLT, No. 6 and 8 Washington t., Have on hand a comploto stock of eveiythiug in the Crocery Line. They buy thelr Teas, Coffoes, :inl Siiffdi-N In largo amounts, aud at Prioes And can sell at Iow Figures. The large invoice of Toas thy Buy and Sell, is a good proof tlmt iu Quality and Price they Give Bargains. Thoy Roast their own Ooffoos evpry week, and none but primu articles are uaeu. Thcir Jlakerytnrns out excellent Bread, Cakef and Crackers. Culi and suu thiin. JACKSÖN FIRËCLAY CO. Manufacturera of Stone Sewer Pipe nDR.i3sr tile. A il our Draln Tile are made of Flro Clay, are Of unutUOi Htn-ngUi and Ughl r, tght, whlch materially reduces tho breakage and expense of transportaron. The ditchlng for thls class of tiling iRless expen slvo, as they do not roquire to be lald bclow f rost. butonly decp enough to escape the plow. Wliilo thi is more economical it also aids fn obtainingiabetter 'fall" or grade to the drain. A full assortment of all sizes, for sale In smaH qnantitics, or car load lots, at the FERDON LÜIBER YARD. JAS. TOLBERT, Agent. REEDfS QNlts IS A THOROUCH REMEDY In every case of Malarial Parar or T'Vvf-r and Ainie, wfcïle for disorders of the Btomach, Torpidity of llir Livcr. [ndlgestioD and aisturbances of the animal fotvt. which clbilit;itc, it has no equivalent, uid can have oosubstítut. lt sliould not be coaiouoded wlth brituratedcompoanda of rh.ap jpirtta and oaontlal oils, often oltl under the name of Bitters. F( K KALE BY C. E. Holmes, Cook hotel block. I I i -if -Ani. r rflfiy KENDALL'SSPAVIN CURE. The most successful Remdyve: dacovered, as it is certain in its euocttt ami does nol blister. Read Proof Be'tcw. PRESEVERANCE WILL TELL. Stoughton, Muss.. Maich lfith, 1S80. B. J. Kkmmu. & Oo., (Evtx: !n justu-n tu you íiiiilmysi'If. 1 iliitik I ■m.sfhi t.i e-i ,,u know Chat I i iv.' removed two Uniu sa% i'.is wlth "Kendall's Spavln Cure." on fery lun.- dont know bowlong ih" .[iniiii bad been there. 1 have owned th.iv horae tiiflit moDtiu. Ittook me fmir mootbi eo late thelarge ooeoffand two for the ■maO one. I hava useO ten bottlea. Tliclinrse to enttrel; olí. nol ai a si(T. and do buncb to be eenor relt, Tniají a wonderfaJ medicine n s anew tlüngher; bul if it doea for II iiat it haa done for me (duale wfl] be epy i,-' eat. RWIX-tfllllv V.111S. ( iias. K. I'AÜKER. Kkndau'h spavin Ce i i rare ItaeSeetti mil'1, ni ite action as II doen no blluter, yt it i peAetratllUC and powcrí'ul Lo r';wli t-vt-ri' deep .iii-.l pato or t.i remore any bony crowth or other enlargemenl suchas spa rioa,spluit, curta, oullous. sjirnins. suHliiiKs. ani l.unciii'S and all enlargementBof che jointt or limits, or rlu'iimatism in iniiii and for any purpnse for rhlch a Unlmenl s med for man or beaat. It is now knowu ti be Ijtsl liniíiitnl nía n n ver used, actína mlhl and yi-l citI-iíii ,n Is ■■fri'cts. Sen, i addreaa for [UustiVited Circular which we ilihik gtves posltlve proof "i Itsvirtues. No remetiy baa ever mt witti ku,-Ii anqualifled BiicoeM o nur knowledge, for beaal ;is irell as nmn. Frica $1. per bottle, ortdzbottleB for J5. All DrutTflsis It orean gel i foryou, or it will )x' aent to m:v address ou receipt of pnce hy the proprleton. ' DB. B. J. KKXUALL & CO., Énoimrgh Palla, Vennont. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS InThTdownF VEGETABLE BALSAMIC ELIXIR ÍIs a sure cure for Cough, Colds, Whooping-Cough, and all Lung Disease, when lakcn ín tieason. Pcople díe of couaumptiob simply because oí neglect, when thc Itimely use of tin remed wouki have cured ihem ai once. l'ifly-onc ytarx ot constant ute prove Uw fact that no cough remeu lia stood the teil likt Jlotvu.' l.ltlir. I'nco Kfie. Auc ntiO Jim nti boltl. '■,! .-.I. l'v.riwlifre. Dr. Baxter 's Mandrake Will curt Jiiundice, Dispepsia, Liver Cun.jjl. mits, Indigestión, and all dueaMrt arising Trom ■ ioukne Pnce s cts. per bottle. ■ ni;.Mt &. .hiii.vso.vs ÁRNICA AND OIL LINIMENTl JFor JTIan tuut Beaat. The mosl perfect liniment ever H compciwwle(. J'ricc "ic. and 50c. I] Vor SaU Kn-nwlii-i


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