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MARKETS. Home. A.NN AKDOIt, JUTIf 1 1881...

MARKETS. Home. A.NN AKDOIt, JUTIf 1 1881... image
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MARKETS. Home. A.NN AKDOIt, JUTIf 1 1881 A1T1.KS, Dry, per lb 4 BEANB. per buahel ....$150 a 180 HUTTEli. per puuud 13 a 14 i'UKKSK. 13 14 CUICKENS, " 7 a TOFFEE -Rio. by sack. per lb. IS 18 Java ' " Ï5 30 CORN, per bushei 25 KOOS, por dozen 13 KLOUR, per bbl 5 00 PATENT FLOUR. per bbl 8 CO HAV. per ton 11 00 a 15 00 I1IDKS (Ireen 6 Kipskina 8 a 9 Calfskins 10 lVlt.K 15 a 40 Oreen snit --iireil A 7 HOXF.Y, Cap, perlb 18 20 KEKOSINE-Water white a H bbls 75 LARD, per lb a 10 OATS, per bushei 35 a 40 ONIONS; " ia a 150 l'OKK 6 25 a 50 POT ATOES, per bushei 60 a 65 8UGAR- -A's" by bb! , per lb. 10 a 1C 1-2 TAI.LOW, per lb . ... S WHEAT, per bu 107 108 WOOD. per cord a 4 00 PHILIP WINEGAR TUSTICE OF THE PEACE, room No. 4, Opera f) House Block, Aan Arbor, Michigan. TAKElÜÏÏCTHÖRSi BREEDERS The Breeders of Horses aro invited to look at M.M. GREEN 'S ST ALLION, as he bas all the qualities for tlieimprovementof stock, size, color and blood The Trotting Blood is no iiijnry if wou shoulil not wiah to breed a trotter. The pnce charged for service is of smali consequence asi Intend t keephim for Breeding purposes. He will be at the stablein rear of mr Rtore on Fourth street. CJa.ll and look him over, if you wish tj iudt one of the best horses in the country. M. M. GREEN. jjlfyoufire a mail JlfyouartTaH wP of HV man of H ened by the stmin of aV tors UjíUuk over mldI Tour duties avold V niKht work, to resI Btimulants and use f tore brain aAd 1 Hop Bitters. ■ waste, us Hop B. ! If you aro youni? and I sulïorlnff f rom any InH discrttiuii or (]isi]a ■ tion ; if you aru mar. I riod or singlo, oíd or ■ younïï. sulferinK f rom ■ poorhoalthor loiiKtiisli ■ ine on a bed of BickH ness, n ly on H o pH Bitters. lVhuTiTjouirp, A Thousands die an■ whcneTir you fcel ffl H nuallyfrom sorne ttat y o u r systora 'imjl 'orm of K I d n e V nceds'ck'aiuInK. B5 diaoaso that mlKLt inir r stimuliitiiie, H. havo boen prainntcd yrithnatintur,iiting, IB i by a timoly uw) of tnlio Hop M v HopBlttero Bittere. jÊpm m Have yon ÁMi SS &?& I uur s;-... You ill (. a nirrrnn tobáceo, or mn-ilifyouum ■ I 1 L Ml' narcoUcs. Hop Bitters IJjhKN ■ 8oldbydni(-. ply wenk and ■ : irird ffts. Scndfur lowspirited.try ■ i NLVtK Circular. ïaiSïïirAII HOPBm II I f e . It has fl TA I L BP0 co" eaveü hun-Ijl RoehwUr, ft. t. ■ dredS. jr'..!_ _T" Toronto, OnU I The Michigan Central Railroml, with its connections at Chicago, affords the most direct and desirable route to travel from Michigan to all Soints in Kansas. Nebraska, Colorado, Texas, [innesota, Dakota, Manitoba. etc. Michigan CiMitral iraiHs makt' uure and close connections at Chicago with through expresa trains on all Western lines. Ratos will aJwayS he as low as the lowest. Parties goi'ig West will find it to their iutereet to correapood with Heavy C. Wentworth, General Passenger and Ticket Agent of the Line, at Chicago, who will eheetfolly impart any information relat) ve to routes, time of trains, maps and lowest ratea. Do not purchase your tickets nor contract youx frcitrht uiktilyou haveheard from the Michigan Central. ] THE G RE AT CURE RHEUMATISM Aa it ia for all diaeasea of the KIDNEYS, , LIVER AND BOWELS. It cleanaos the syatem of the acrid poinon that causes the droadful ufferinc which only the victimo of Rheumatism can realiza. i THOUSANDS OF CASES of tho worst forma of thia terrible disaaae have been quickly reiievod, in a short time PERFECTLY CURED. 1 lm buil wondcrfuUucceift, and an inimenM sale in e very part of the Country. Ia hundrede ofcaaoflithaacured whoroall elsO had ' failed. Itia mild, but effloiont, CEBTAIN ■ IN 1TS ACTION, butharmlosa in all otiw. t VI t olean set, Strenthena and cl ♦ New ' Ufe to all the Important organa of the body. , Tho natural aotion of the Kidneya ia reatored. ' The lavor is oleauaedof alldiseaae, and tho ' Bowels movo freely and healthfully. Zn. thia , waythe worst diaeasea are eradioated Crom ' thcBVBtom. ' As it has been proved by thoosanda that 1 is tho moa t effec tual romedy for oleanslnfi? the ,' ■{ systemof allmorbid aecrotiona. Itahooldbo i uaed in ovory houaehold aa as SPRING MEDICINE. . Alwayo cures BLLIOU8NES9, CONSTIPA TION, PILES and all FEMALE Dímmms. , i Ia put up inlry Vegetable Forra, intincans, 'i one pockage of whlchmakeafiquartH medicine. AlbO ia LlQuId Forn, very Concentratedfor ' tho conveuienct! of those whocanimcreadilypro paroit. Itactgwithequal efficiency in citherform. GET ITOFYOÜB DKUGGIST. PRICE, 1.00 , ' WELLS, KICIIAHDSON Co., Prop'8, 1 (Wlll send the dry pot-pid.) BI Rl.lNCTOK, TT. ; DO Yöü TAKE A GOÜNTY PAPER? tL not, and you are about to subscribe for one we invito your attention to the ANN AEBOR DEMOCRAT ! And respectfully Inforrn you that t is the People's Paper. IT PVBLISnES FULL HEPORTS OF ALL IMPORTANT EVENTS [n Washtenaw county. It glves a concise and Interesting sumuiary of THE WORLD'S NEWS, iVweign, American. Congressional, Western nnd Northern. It prints WE NEWS OF MICHIGAN, 3oiled down for brief reading, and gives a ful] synopsis of the doings o( the Lugislature. It chronioles ALL THE HAPPENINGS 0FANNARB0R, Phe county seat, RivinR full and accurate reports of the Circuit Coutt, Political Meetings, Farmers' Clubs, Universily and School Matter, Eto., Eto. IT IS FEARLESS n lts denunciation of monopolies, and all other burdeos thut weigh upon the People; mul slioivg up all frauds regardless of wlio it hita, it ublihes A GOOD S10RY Every week, and has Interesting articles for the roung. EBfite Price is 81.50 Per Ycar, in Advance, And is regarded by its subscribers asi too valuable o loan; so don't try to Iioitoiv. We invite your attention to some of the many coimilimentary hingsthatarebeingsaidof Trnc Ukmocbat: "It evinces shrewdnees, push and abih'ty."- La usina Journal. 'It is makine f riends eve . y day. It Is a wettonducted and readablo .Jieet."- Pont ic liM 'oster. "A . Tery enterp rising, m'de-awake local jour al, full of new and good sayings."- Genene Fltnt) Detnncrat. Jjí,i3aIive' sPicy newspaper. and a valuable uulitlon to the journalisMc list of Washtenaw ounty."- Tecumtteh Honltl. "Editoriallv-, locally and typographically It 1 ne of the nnest looking papers that ever canie mtothis office."- Detroit Evenina News. The Demockat abounds in able and vlgorous ditonals, a groat vuriety of local information and ïnterestinir general news and miscellaneous matter."- Jackson Patriot. 'THE DEMOCRAT" Ia Published Every Thursday Morning.


Old News
Ann Arbor Democrat