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LEONAKD HOUSE, rp ,F. I.KiiNAUD, Proprietor, m. Ann Arhor. Mirli. I IIAYK Ol'HNKI) A NEW FLOUR AND FEED STORE At the south-east comer of Ann and Fourth stir.-ts, nul will Mi at WHOLESALE i EETAIL ! Anything in niy lint. GÖODS PRO.M PtLY DELIVKKED To any part of the city. I. ÜOSS, PllOPRIETOH, Ann Arl)or, ■ - Miclugun HÉ l Now on salean l .Ijrm.' !ln' im.h.1-.. lr_Ti II B II 'lr-l ■■■'"" " TK-ERT4. fn.ii. llCBi ilWji ' w 'Til loral pointj, 10 ill k%3l VER. COLORADO RPÏUNOS, nn.l Ie Hgl PUEÍSLO. AND KETURN, by six lLSt ■5F1I (61 DvrXBXNT BOUTKs, it K i%% IKbM f"'ly low r:il-s The- UrkrtK will 1. IK'feC II!! rf'nl K'"nK' fst within liftten ( 1 ." ' 11 1 Hll dura (rom of tali. and u. retui ■ II JJ f5 II untii Ootobar m.i ro]lowinK. il 8 1 lll 1'iillinan Palare Can run l.y Ikáa ■Ml this fonimny CHICAÜO I: UCTa COUNOlt BÏ,tJPF3. TOPEKAan., EB ■NI KANSAS CITY, furmliii; a iih iHÉSa fTII liut ""' '-lianifo ut .-rs U. DENVER lrH I tl '""1 PUEBLO. DillinK C'iirs II ft I L Jl Hu-liiil u. all throufdl tr-uiH. in wlu.-h IL 5 LBI obUiliud at ILH Hl öllO price of evi-nty-ve cents. I Kor rati'S, fnrthor infornmtion. IHE ril ",1 oiüKimt Mai of Unlt.-.l f1 I nk II stlltuii {rv4, otlilrt-sa, fAJlOEN. PASSRAGT..CB&aR.R H . 1 H Chicago, III. ' IUH ■CSrí5i'í, l)"le WU CTlC0 Chicago & Westers w EAILWAY ís tho OLDESTI IÍEST CONSTRÜOTEDI BESÏ EQUIPPED 1 anü benye the LEADIHG RAILWAY, - - OPT1ÍK ■ WEST AND NORTHWEST! rt is tlio shorl ííuCí best route betweea Chicago and dl! pointsin Northora lillngh, Iowa, Eakota, Wyomk, Nobrasii, California, Oros:?, iliwi, Utah, Colorado, Idaho, taünu, üiTiii, and fcr COUNCIL SLTJFFS, OMAHA DENVER, LEADVILLE, Salt Lake, San Francisco, DEADWOOD, SIOl'X CITY, Celar Baplli, ros Moisés, Cckaius, aai all Fdsti in -is Torritoriat, sal tho West. Also, for UilTauïee, Orooc Bay, jihkosh, Sh57Ean, l!arr:oi;o, 7oni dn Lac, Watirteva, Ho '.jatos, HosLah, Monasni, "t. Eanl, Hinncapolis, Buren. Volji, Tareo, Bismirok. Winona, LaCrtajo, Owatonaa, an -". f ::st: b Miimctota, Daiota, Wijtossla asd tho MCrO. west. AtCounoil Bluift the trainsofthe Chicago A tfoith-Weatern und the ü. P. R'ys depart froui, arrivü at and use the same joint LnioulX'iHL. At Chicago, cl hsc coime 3tions aro made witi tW fake Khore, IfictaisaB (ientral. Baltimore &()hii Kt Wayno and l'onnsjlvania, and C'liic n i. rand Trunk K'ys, and the Kankakec and l'an liandle Routes. ('l'suconneetions tnadeat Jnnction Pointe. Il s the only lino runnig Pullman Hotel Dining Cars umvEfs CHICAGO AND CÜUNCIL BLÜFFS. :AN BLKJCPBBfl ON ALL NIGirTTKAlNS. Insist uhmi 'Jirki-t Ageiitt selling you Ticket "ia iliis rond. Kxainine your tickets, and '- i 1 m y il'thoy do cot rëad Overüio Chicago a s'(rlh-Wosferu Raflway. líyouwkhthc II t trftTelincrAccommoda';nii -ou wil) your tii'kuts by this route, and w&ll .■llii' IIOtM OtlMT. Ail Tickut Anents ell Tickots by this line. JI.ltVIV til . II III, 2sd V. P. & OcailíanB'r, OhloaïO. JACOJ3 HALLER & SON, DEALEB IN WATCHE8, CHOCES. Spectacíes, Plated Ware. Oold Pens and Fino Jevyolry. BpeclalnttentloB given to repairintf atriles and Jcwelry. !■'■! South Main Street. Aun Arlior. fi3 " FOR SALE OR RENTThe wel) tnowo property of the lato T. A. Havilancl loeateü ia the l'iith Ward, II be sold on réésbnable terms. reoted, i.r exchaiiged for ptherdtj proprty. The property embrace lana. Mac-ksmilh stitijis aiil wou.] shops. lf not Bold in a reogBuable time the pronerty wül be lor rent. For particular inquire of Q. 11 iihiMlfs, executor. Aun Arbor, Ulich. MtTSIC STORE. -The chcapest place to biiv Pianos. Ertey Orgáns, Violins. Quita. Hanjos. Tambourines, Drums, rifes, Flageolets Zlthers, Accordeops, J'ian.i, Violln Boxes, [ngtruction Books for all kimls of Instrumenta Sheet Mnsic(neHr), Striura,oel ouality, all kinds; MouthOrgans, Bridges, Bows. Keys and Rosin. Everything In the music Une from u Chicicerinjc Piano to a Jew'a {Tara can be fmiml at J. R. SACE'S Miisic Store, No.4 Washington St., Anu Arbor. OSCAR O. SORG, HOCSE, SKIN, AND Frea Práfli, Al. SO l'AI-i:i! II AStlXi,. SHOP NO. 11 EAST LIBERTY ST., ANK AIÏBOK, JIUIIIGAX. PILES! PILES! PILES ! - o - A Sure Cure Found at Last.- No one Need ouuet, Asnrecure for the lsiind. Bloeding. Uchingand Ulcerated Piles bas been diacovered lv lr Williainsian Indlan remedy), caUed Dr. William's Iridian OinMiient. A single box has i-ured the worst chxonic cases of 28 auilj --;u years1 standing. Kooneneed suffer flvo minutes after applying thiswonderfulsoothing medicine. Lotions, Instruments and Kli'ciuiirii-s do more luiriu thait Kooii. WUliain8 Olntment absorba the tumors, allays the intense telling (parücularly at night aftfr Kt'tting warm in bed), acts M a penltlee; gives instant and païnlesa relief, and is prepared onlyfor Piles, itehing of prlrat parts. and nttthtni; else, Ki'inl what the Bon, .T. H. Cofflnberry, of develan, 1. says about Dr. IVilliam's Indiau Pile i )intmest: 1 have tBed8coresof jjileciires, and it affordsme ploasmv to say thal [have never found anything which eave suoh mmedlate and permanent relief as Dr. William's ludían Pile üiutIlH'Ilt. For sale by all dniKKists. inaileil on receipt of priue.Sl.Su. Jas. E. Davis & Co.. Wholesale Drugsists. Detroit, Mlch., Agenta. For sale by II. J. Brown & Co., Aun Atbor, -Miol). THE CREAT BURLINGTON ROUTE. PNo other line runs Thrce Through Passen(fcr Traina Daily botween Chicagro, Des Holnes, Councll Bluffs Omaha, Lincoln, St. Joseph, Atchison, Topeka and Kansas City. Direct oonncctions for all points n Kansas, Nebraskn, Colorado, Wyominr. Montana, Nevada, New Mexico, Arizonu, Idiiho, Oregou aud aliforniii. Tho Sbortpst, Ppcediost nnd Most Comforta' :■ Route via Hannib&l to Fort Scott, Dentson, Dnüns, Ilouston, Austin, San Antonio, Oalvoston and nll points in Texas. The unequaled inducements offered by thia [ine to Travelers and Xonrista, uro u follows: Phe celchrnted Pullman (Id-whcel) Palnco ïleepinff ('ars. run only on this Line, (, 11. & }. Palace Drawing-Room Cars, with Horton's .tocllning: Chairs. No ertra chnrKC for Seat n Uecllnjoa Cbatn. The fimious C. It. & Q. ?alace Dinitiir Cars. (orjreouR Smoking Cara fltted with Eloe-ant Hiuh-Iluckuil Hattnn volvinsr Chaire tur thc exclusivo use of ílrstclnss pasenfrer9. Stoel Track and Superior Equlpment, combíned with thelr Qrea$ Tbrougli Car Arnttirement, makes thla, above allotherg, the favorita Route to theSuuth, Soutli-West, und tlio Far Wst. - Try it, and yon will nnd travelingr a luxury antead "f a dlscomfort. Throunh Tickets via Hiis Oelabrntod Line or snle ut all offices in the United States and Caimdn. All Information ahout Rate9 of Faro. Sleepng Car Accommodations, Timo Tables, Vc., will ín; i-hfLTfully ífivcn, and will send Pree to any mldress an eieffnnt Cmintj Map of United tít:tU'5, iu colors, by applvin; to. JÁMKS R. WOOT), General Pas.engur Atrent, C'liicaífO. T. 3. POTTER, Ceueral Manatrer, CIjícuBO (fOCa week In yourown town. Term and 86 300iitntsfr't'. Addri-ss, II. Hallktt & Vo. Fortlanil. Mnini ' (h r A WEEK. $12 a day at home easlly m ade 4 ƒ COBtly outflte f i Address, Tm'E . ('o. AugustV Malne.


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Ann Arbor Democrat