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Uro. Sarah MeGrtw, w'io livcs il 16U lort street vm', Detro;t, was ülrnnirleil to UeRth bj beinjr caunlit between tlie rf Ibe huise and n ehelt of a dumb waiter, whili' tijiiiK t go froin 1 1 -.1 bawmeut to Ihv Bnt il tor. She hHcl been ont ciitiintr, aml ou lier mura tu the Ijhihp, roiiinl thftt tlie family liaJ rettred, Sn rIi trled to gaiu idiiiitlaiico to tli house in this way. ObwlM Pope and Willie Skinuer weredrowuiil at MuKkegon. The new Bteamer City of Milwaukee left Detroit, for her mute on Lake MiehiEau, wíth a lar;e party of Detroit people ou board. The executive committeft of the stalo ajfrlcultuial eecirty mot at Lansing and voted to rent the gronuds at Detroit aud inesorve the huildiUKS wliicli :ire atill sUindinp, with a view U holding auotlier fair thmn sooh. Th trial of Dr. Hall, of Davisburg, for the minder of hia wife, Imh been commenced iu tlie Oakland Circuit Conti Uarglara are operatinR at ïekonHha. The Casa county medical society IioIiIb its anunal picnic on Diamond Lake islaiul June 10. They will combine InuiueBs with pleaHure and sevmal esssyn, with discussiou ou tlie sanii1, will be read by various M. Ds. Judge (Jaskill will liear the argument for a chango of veiiue in tbe Ourtiss Baruard murder isfi at Lapeer, Juue 21. A fire in the cane shops at tbe reform BCtanol nt Lausiug, came very near to being a Horious aflair, but fortunately the loss is ouly about $100. The two remaining bodies of the party of ML ('leineiw entleuiBn drowned several weks agcp iu Lake St. Clslr, were found by the steamer M.irieüe. Tlie execntlTO rommittee of the state aricultural (iciety vlelted the state BoriOHltunl cllevr", ;iil fXirBseil itself as highly pleasad with llie oonlifion "f tliat iualituliou. It is romored (bat tho Hou. E. M. Marbl of Michigan is to be made commissiouer of the Keueial land office. The board of regents of the state university, accpted tbe resigiiation of Prof. Moses Ooit Tyler, who gees to Cornell uiiiyeniity. Tlie extent of liis loss in fuliy approdated in the mnversity vvliere lie lias berved so Uuig md do well. James Corliin, a lad nliout fitteen yoars old, was mordered at LudiBgtoi byDanit! McDonulii at, Ciufmr .V Fifcr's mllL .McDon.Ud was discüareed. and ín revenite cut souie belU, wliicli tLe tioy oversaw. He set upon the lad andinjuradliim fatally. McDonald has beu arrested at Manistetf. Hon. Isaac M. Crane, one of tlie most miiínentliiw.wis u Eaton Bapids, aad well Icnown tbiouj.'li(iiit tliestati', ditd at hls home in ttiat city B"d fofty-one. Mrs. l'atrick Hoyle, of Muskegon. wife of tbe coiilractor oí the Chicago and Westeru jMiohii;iin railroad, died trom tlie efTects of moruli ne laku with suicida! iuteut, at the (■atholie cc 111etery. As the Hall murder cas [iroceeds at l'ontiac, damaginK eviduuce ia introduced against the defcudaut The trial will occnpy several days. Mrs. Roberts, the Kalamazoo forger, w;i diHCtiarged on suspended Bentmw. the ottena Of ttie liaMk, in view of lier misfoitoue aud the mitijiüting circuKistaucos of the case, icqiiested the conrl to deal u mereifully with har as possible. The saw-mill owued by Wui. T. Bailey of tiran;l Haven, was liurned. Loss, $H,0W); insumí for $5,000. At the yearly meeting of the Michigan Freewill Baptist churcUes asseuihled at (ireenville. Kev. J. B. Drew of Paw Pay was chnsen intKieniter, Tlif seventli animal convention of the EpiBcopal churcli of the íoiíímm; of western Slichigau concludeii the bebsions ou Tliuruduy urteruoon. At iraim!l ArlhurUrillin, au employé in an Anuden 6üingle iuill, was faught hy the cog gearing and had the upper portion of hi8 head torn off, killing hiin instantly. When McDonald, the alleged murderrr of the lad Jas. Corbin, stepped upon the doek at Ludinglou, from the Mauistw bost, Iih w-aa greeted with j lis nul shouts allusive i.l lynchiug. Four olücers had hlin in charge and entering a l)U8 startfcd up, followed by a mob of 600 or 000. ShoU were fired on botli sides. The harneas gave way and the bus stoppml onc but startetl agaiu. The sherifl kept the crowd atbayand guccesRiully jailetihis man. llier was uo ilftenniueil, premeditated uttenipt to banu the prisoner. Tho brawny doek wollo' prrs liad it iu their power U lyncli hiui had thiíj' chosen. They seenied 6atisfied to t{iv thu prisonor i scare and juddinii from his appearaore as h8 palid fice turued towards Uih Dolgy mot) las miud was not entirely at reRt. No exaininatioii has been held as yet. Iu liis last iuoibpuU tlie lKy said McDona'd ciubhed tiiin aeróse a beqob and tlirew hiui outot sijfht for ileiul because he eaw hiin cut the belts iu the inill. A conductor (,n the Detroit, Mackmac and Marquette rallroaë, by the mtme of LawsoD, feil umin' the whenls of a car at Si. lnact', aad one of bis lef; was cruslied ubove tlie kuee, renderiiig aiuputation nco'ssary. His reoovery i doubtful. Aichie WUson, a !ad 10 years of ag, wliile at play upon soine logs in Black river, in Port Huron, feil into the water aud was drowued Fred. Schullz, aged 13 years, wan instantly killed at (ieo. Wood . Co.'s mili at Bluffton, hy Ketting caught in the elevator bands. J. M. Oolby, register of deeds of Mecosta eouuty, was struck with au ax on tlie head by M. F. Sine atidjeriously Djured. Sine wasarrested, and is uuder$ 1,000 hall until Friday r.exl for asBinlt with inteut to uiurder. The little daugbter of Kc7. Puddefoot, at White ( lond, was insulted and rape atteinpted last ntglit by teamster, name not giveu. The exciteiueut ruus high. The rapiBt is in jail at Newaygo. Balance of cash in the etate treasury, May 21, !1.5iti,0Ui; 08: receipt for ten days ending May 31 were $27,778 84; paymeuts for saiae time $tiO,12K 44; leaviug a balance, May, .'il, 1881, of $1.618,656 83, of wliith S5!K),000 beioug to the Biuking fund, 9220,608 30 are held in tSe tniBt funds, and Ítifl4,ü52 5Ü are available for general purposes. At Ludingtnu, pulilic opinión íh takine : leBson on the bubject of lyuch-law. WhenMc Donald, th moiderer, reaclied there i umi M;uiinte, lm barely scaped lyuchintr t th bands of tbc mob Umt nbwved him. Haui;iu(; was tlionght tho fit pünUhment Tof dellbontely killiuir u Uttle boy. Althouuh uo xaininaliou baa been held, it u now known tbat wben the imirder occiirred atCartier & l'ifei'a mili, Mc l)onald was in Manlstee. It is further a sub ject of 8rious doubt wliether thure bai been any wunler at all. Aa invalid boy on his death-bed gafo utterauce U wild Uilk ,ih to tlm CBOB6 of hls condition, implicating Mcliouald, hul lie bore no oulward niarks of vlolepc. A nuiuber of people at Maniste. ruw McHonnM there about theliourof the supposed huinicidu. There are abo (Mople there wbo expieos doulitsasto tli pioprietyof lyncliinnprisoiii'im as a genera! i ule. The funeral of the lïte Hon. Isaac M. Crane, at latos Kapiilp, was held in ml rilibtm hall, tlie largest churcti being too sinall to rccoid inndato the people. It is nlmiatt'cl that 1,000 persons were lu atteiulauce, maiiy of whom wpre from ahroad. TheRev. J. R. Stevensou officiated, anJ the Masons took charge of the rfinaius, which were buried with mawuiii riWB. ','ciitu a hrillianl wedding oecurred in the CatbaliC Church in Feutou, the CODtractlDg partiep being J?. '. McDonald, a well known dry goods merchant of Cheboygan, aud Miss Muügie, daughter of Edward Murray, of lnton. The uewly weddpd pair left for their new houie iiiiiuediately after the conclusión of tbe wedding reception. Itis runiored from Lansinff that the leuisaltive Biib-eomiuittee wliich investieateil the Iouia Btate hou6e of correction has reprtd that the cha rgC8 aro Kiitstantially proveu and that a GbBBge Ol officials is desirable. IiniuÏKrauts are rapidly settliug up Kalkaskia couiity. Hay City claims to have a inau with a mustache two feet long. Kast Saginaw is discusHing the feambility of coltiliratint; the lorimis 4Ui. The jury in the Hall inurder case at Pontiac have diai;reed. The state convention of the vroinau'x ('linstian u-nicram:( iininti of Michigan aas opened lts sessions in East Sajfinaw. Interesting reports were presented. Th annual address was deiivered ly Mrs. Ii. It. Hudson, president of the stato union. Fires:- At Linden, Tnesday, J. Tickner's cabinet Bhop, Ëueue ('rain's blacksmitti sliop and another builiüng; loss $0,000; itiHured 3,1ÜO. A dispatcli from Kast Satfiuaw sajs a brutl attack was made by a party of rondín attaclieil to Hillard & DeMutt'ü circus opon a crowd of people aësembled at a dance at Chesaning. A number of dtizem wau 6friou9ly iujured. Tliirteenof the Raugof rowlies werearriwtPil. Kiijlit have beeo iioprisonrd in Saginaw county jail, four are in the lock-iip at Chesanlnit, and one was arresUfd near Lausinc. Tiiei hesaninjj people succeeded in (jettiug possoesioo of one of the riotors, a negro, and he may be lynched. Judge M. K. Crofoot, late of Pontiac, who liax been an inmate of ttie iusaue aBylum there, aud wasabout to be tranefenwl to the uylum at Kalamazoo. is DOW at BalttèCKtik, at thu house of WalterClaik, and claims that he has UHver heu iusaue, bul was made delirious by meinbers of his family, by iujeclious of iicu bane aud other poisonous drus, for the pnrpose of tiftt in,' him into au asyluu and taking pessession of his property. An investigatiou 9 in mofjrff to determine whether thie is the tory of an usan man, or whether JndgeCrooot lias really been wmnged as be lielieves. Frank Suiith, a brakeman on the Clneaco unl West iviléhigan railway, feil betwcen two care wliile the train was at full speed, near White Cloud, oiittinc him eo bailly that lic dieü two hours urterwards. H leaes a wife and ,wo childreu at Mvskegou in destituto Circuins lance. Draft No. 1, 311, drawu b] John Borland, of Imlay City. on the Nafwau bank, New York, for CS2, date July S, 1881, payablo to the order nf Wn. Dawsou, Uas been stolen and payuieut thereto stouped


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