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The Legislature

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Juue 2.- Iu the seuate the following bilis and resoiutions of a general character were passed: ainendine sec. 1, of articlei 9 of the constitution, relative to the alarles oí circuit íuJkb; aiueudiiig article relative to couipensatiin) of certain officers iu Wayne county; anii'iiiü!,' MC. T6t53 oompUed laws, relativeto tiurt;liiy : maklog ■ addlUonal appropristion for tlilat boHiil of lieolth; t rt-aulaie (lic Hal of aplritaoua, malt, brewed, ferintüiUil auii vinouB luiuors, and to proliibit the salo of üiiior to minors and othcr persous; to revise and consolídate the drainage laws; ainendiiiK sectioii 10 of uliclo 10 of theconstiuitiou rela Uva to adiiistini-nt of claiuis agaiunt counti; Telative to the electiou of couoty superintendent of the poor; the uoveruor1 uouiiaations for the Imanl of control of the etate reform school for gids were confirined. Juue S.-ta the senate tlie following bilis of general importance passed: Amendinu the act relating to ituinigration; niaking a graut of lands iu the upper península to the Ontonagon and Brule river rauroad company; imnnximie effect; ameiiding the water work act of Detroit; iinmediate effect Ia the house a veto message of the bill to provide for the ineorporatinc of business companies was received froiu the (jovernor. Tlie followinií bilis were passed: For the incorporatiou of union depot; aineuding aectiou H4 of the geni'ral lianking law; to provide for a record of attachuients and tlm discliarge of the aauie; repnalina sections 1 and 2 of Session Laws of lKT'.t, lelative U 8t:te litiraiy; to provide for the Dcorporaüon of churcbes of Uod; ainending sectiou 4407 of oompiled laws, u-la tiB lo effecta of deceased permms; auiendin BecGoQ 4IW of tlm coniilfd laws, relative to the palai ie of sUte illicere; relative to procetidingB ittainst iiiroishees; roliitivi' 1 1 pioctnidintf at;aint dtl)tors by aUachiuent; probibitintf the aiiulteratlon of fod, drink and inclicine; for refunding the Wayno couuty lionds at I1,, pr cent; relatlve to the fera of jurón: aiue.iuüüg the act lelative lo tlie. MOK 0Ola oi chariÜHS. Both houses voted extra iay to a nuniber of their officere. Juno I -In the aiuendinenls to a large uuiulier of bilis were concurrei in. The tax l)ill was returued froin UieMiouae and inade the special order for Tuesday. TIib folli.wins; liills of genera! iuterest were passet): r eueouragu the culture of sugar cano and fie silgar Iwet and th mauufactiire of sugar froui the same; apropriatlug 3f(00 for lmildiiiisat the st;Ue prisoii ; relative to fies aud CDUipensation of couuty cielos; r.n (be protectlon of railroad employés and other peíson. The gveruor conunuBloated to the house aud seuat restectivcly hin approval of a large number if buis. Botb Iimusus adjourned udtil 8 80 p. ui. Monday. June fi- Botb bouses of the Michigan legl latare iiiasseinlilwl. Tlie seuate passed u house tiill relative to the disposition of certaln trnit and MUvvmikee raiuoau ïauos. ne ihmisb passed the following house bilis: relative U salaries of judges of probate; relative to prori'et'.iugs il courta of chaucery. j Jumi7.- ïlie (lampbell bilí, proTiding for purclinsing the Howell coiupilatioo, pasBed boUi liouws. Tlie bouse look upa lariie sbare oí tli aflernoon ecssiou in consiiieriuu senato file 2X1 in counutttee of tbe wJiole - the pólice liqaorbi l.The bill wasa:nende(lbyetriking(ut, „f nectioü two the wonla "oor iu any room on Uut same Üoor in the samo building" iu tli' two place iu which tliey occur, aud then ajiiwit W. ' Tbe seuate passed senate joint resolution file 21, ti mneud sectiou onn of article Diue of the conutitution, relative to salarie. The Rint'ud ment increases the salaries of circuit judges from l,5O0 to $3,501).


Old News
Ann Arbor Democrat