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Th American actors, John McCulIough and Billï Florence, wou $35,500 on the capturo of ttie Derby by tbe American colt Iroquois. Archbishep Croko made speeches at Tralee, Ireland, denouncing evictiou aud favoriug tbe land league. In tbe British house of cotnmons, last evening, Sir CharleR Dilke announeed the settlemeut of the Fortune Bay dispute, aud also that it bad btH!i agreed lo mak furtber arrauKi'HitH wilh the unlted Stats wlth regard to tbe fisbery rejmlatíons. Mr. (ladsUum denled tliat auy pniposition for tbesuppnwBiou ef the land league bad Ixnrn conaiilered by tbe cihiimt. AseiioiiR riot occurrtni at Umlvkc, ciiiity Clare, Irelaud. Two land leaerue offlcers have been atreatel il Kiiby, in-ar Keus, i'iiunty Mealb, undcr the coerción act. Tb Italiiin premier l)ttrtis Mys tliat tbe Cuuiitry recjuireR peaco willi lif;uily. The (iermaii reicliHtat; baa rejecUsil tbe t;overnment proposal fora stato ailvauce. The pmpoMd Rgrarhui roforma ín BoasU are defe.i red for the consitleraUon "I" the new adrolnlstraUoit. The popular (ippnsitioii to the revofutlonarï programine of Pnace kucander of Jtulariu is uu the iiicrcusi'. Tbere 8 a growing f riotion Iwt ween tho goviTiiiufiíl and tilt! IiíhIi OMtatMTf of tlio Iioiish UfCOlUIIIODH. The lord diaucellor of Englaud has wrilteu a letter declarinsí that the revisad Tustaineut caunot lc read in the Knlish churdi uutil"authorized BOme snlliciiMit public authoiity," and that any clereyman so usino; t iDCurs tlie riBk of heing held a an offcnder aftainst the law. Archhisliop Croke has heen making a series of speeches tluoiiijh couiity Tipperary au'aiiist tlie laud law" of such a chai icter that he would have heen arreBted if he was uot a bishop. Uu hls return to Thuries he was met hy a lmnd and proOBSNion. The arclihishop has suecoeded in matoriallzloe i' Ireland the performance of a popular American slump speaker. Timothy Harrington, proprietor of tho Kerry Seiiüniil, county Kerry, bas been arrested under the coerción act. The llying column which was seut to cnforcn the eyictions linar New 1 'alias completed its woik without serious inconveuienot. Uu m : th pnpulace mailn noisy and violent deinonclriilunis of oppoeitiou. A larga unmbex or acetia ba ben made in countf Leltrlm, Ireland, under tue coerción act Tiirkiali troops nrar Salónica liare killed 21 biitraiiilB. Tht i !a „'iie in Mespotainia is reported tu have tiffü suppresRed. Pere Hjacinihe and his wire aro coming to tlm United StaUis in Septemlicr. Sir(eor(;e Airy, astronomer royal of Kui;land, Las nelglMd. ,T;unes Maimix and li'u Ron. nf Micliaelstown, Ireland, liave le;n arrestad under thecnerciou ■M-.t. Boyntou Kiys li duesn't waut Uie Uuilod Siniis U ask auy cívuiency for him. ü'Mahoney, anested nuder tlie coerción act and twice rescuttd, finally agreed to (ive himM'lf iipaml kit, hw proinifw. An oflleial orgao at SL Peternbüig aiinniinccs [bat the coup cl'elat of l'riiii-o Alexander ot Bulgaria meets wi'.li approval anionc tlis peoile. The London Time crlHt'.eeH Arclibiahop Croko's spoech in Irelaul a an open defiance r tlm law of tlie laúd, aad say that Parnell'a audacity in repcatlne Iiíh lanuat; in ihts liouse r i-oiiiinoiisis Bimply MtoiltoluDff. Tlie Irisli ribbon lodens are actively carrying out asynteiu of asrarian terroriam. Tlie KuHHian czar is kepta practical prisoner by fear of assassinatiou. A largenamber of arreste were made in beland on Sunday and Mouday under the coerclou act. BiBbop Nulty of Meatli py a tribute to the laúd bilí aud denouncea Uie agitation atca'iust thepaj-meut of all rent. The coup d'etal of the Bufarían priuce Alcxander, bywhlch he has pracucally assuined an autocratie raonarchy, causes intense iudiguatiou in the Liberal party of bis principality, whicU now propoR9 to put Torward Priuci! Waldemar of Denmark for the throne. In response I'rince Alexander has proclaimed the prini'ipality in a state of siege. The land league reporta L1,400 reeeived frora Uie United States Bince tlie previouB meeting. A dynauiite mine has been dlscovered under Ui rails close to the Oatscbina railway stlaion, Russia, connected witli a liattery in the rail■way telograpli ofllce. AU tho teleijraph officials have boen urestod. A letter from KufsU states that alxiut _S00 anny olliceis, inciuiting the colonel of the impurial (tiiaril, have been arrestad in the past month. Aiuoni; the naval olllcers arreited is a relativo of l'rocurenr (ieneral MouraviefI, who conducted the proaocution of Rousakolf and tlm otlit'r niliilistsexecntedfor complicity iu the murder of the The report that l''ather Murpliy of Skull had been wrested provea unfounded. The report howerer tlirew the people Dto a violent forn, ent. Thousands of men anl womoii crowdeil iiitu the village of Skull, wrecked the pólice station and uostofflce, tire down the teJegraph wires, and ent up portions of tlie road. Tbe excltement ww taken up by tlie peopie of Kkiljlmreen, wlio atlastaccounts wereengatfed in a foarful riot. They wrecked the liouso of the car owuer who uad supplW'd cara to Um pólice. Thelr indignaüon became unboundud when they discoYered that a pedal traiu with 300 military had been sent from Cork, and tboy toro down tlio tl;rapli wiros to lialleyhob. SkullisrcporUül inaiP(wsil)ln liy the ordiuary roads, wlách are broken up aud tbe bridge 3 pulled dówn. Kivu liundreil foot goldlerH, 2D diaKoon8 aud 70 service corps raen wiüi oue gun have 'mdi sunt to tlie Bcene froni tlie vet. Fathei Murpliy lias given uo defiu'.te intimation of nis arrest to the public, feariüfj a collislon witli the pólice. The grouuds Coi siispectiují tbat he is uuder arrest a e, accordiugtoa Skibbereeu conespondent, very He was seen with tlis poliw several times M'iiidny wlieu a documunt f somu kind Wís bandfd hiin. A forcé hs been sent into tliw disturbad district fully írovisioned for a montli.


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Ann Arbor Democrat