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DRAKE'S OYSTER DEPOT 2O East HuronSt. Oysters Always Fresh and Cheap. l'ure Wlnes nnd I.tqunrr, for medicinal pnrcoses. ChoiCBSt briuids oL ars always on haiM FRED SORG, Dealer In PAMS,OILS,ÏAIS BSDSHBS, WIHDOW 0LA88, And all Pointers' Supplies of tliu liest Quality SHOP AND STORE 26 and 28 East Washington EMU ANN ARBOIL , MICMIÜAN. RINSEY & SEABOLT, No. 6 and 8 Washington st., Bare ou band a complete stock of everythuig in tii. Crocery Line. They buy tlielr Teas, Coffocs, nd Sugars In largo amounts, and at Caslb_ Prices And can sell at Low Figures. The large invuice of Teas tliey Buy and Sell, is a good proof tliut in Quality and Price they Give Bargains. Thcy Koost thpir on fofl'oes every week, und none liut prim aititks are used. Their Bakeryturns out excellent Bread, Cakeí and Crackei-s. Cali and seethi'iu. JÁCKSON URE CLAY CO. Manufacturera of Stone Sewer Pipe - AND-IDIRA-IUST TILE. All mir Drnln Tilo are made of Fins Clay, are of untuual Btrength and Utiht wetQht, which mterlully reduces the breakage and expenso of trmiKiiortation. The dU-liiiK for tliisolasaof tilmKisleaaexpen ülve aathey do uot rtHjnirr tobel&M bi'lowfroat, butonly deep enoiieii t. aampa th ptow. Whilethisis more ii'onüinli'al it also ailfl m obtaiuingia better -fall" or grado to tho druin. A full assortment of all s2es, for sale iu malí quantitlos, or car load lote, at th FERDOfí LUiBER YA1. JAS. TOLBERT, Afrent. gEEDfS U Pi 1 IS A THOROUCH REMEDY In everycase of Halftrial i-vw-r or Feveï and Afüe, while f or disorders oí the Stom ach, Torpïdity of the Uver. Indigestión and (listurbances f the animal forcea, wnich debilítate, IC lias no equivalent, and can havo no suhsticuti. It should imi beconfounded withtrituratedcompounda of eheap pirita and eoBontfaü oOs, aften sold uiitler the name of Bitters. FOK SAU BY C. E. üolmes.Cook hotel block. -- ■ - ■ - - - - ■■■ i ■ V Jñí 1 KENDALL'SSPAVIN CURE. The most successful Remedyw dtsoorered, as it ts certaln in 's effects umi dis not blister. Read Proof Below. PRESEVERANCE WILL TELL. Btoughton, Maas., H&rofa miii, iflBft B. .J. Kknuai.i. A Cb., Ükni.s; hi justiro to y 011 andmyself, 1 bblnk 1 ouhl Ulet yon knw that i nave removed two bone spavina witn "KendaUs Sptivin Cure," i'iit' rry lar tin-; don't know bow long the spavin had been there. l have uu ried toe borne ejght montos. H took me tour nu .ut lis to toke the tafge one off and two for thtBmitU one, l nave uaed ten Ik:1i1i-s. Tbeborae ia entlrety weü, not al all BtnT, .imi no bunoh to be Been ar TnJsIs a. mnvterfnl medicine. Jt is a new tliing here: bul If it does tot all what it ha done for int ils sale will be vi-i-y triat. Kesjwi't fully .yijufs, ('has. K. Park KR. Kkndaix's Kiwvin CinK is Kutfin its effects, mild in its ai'titiii as it does noi Ulster, y#t it is penetrattiig and powerful to reach every deep sr-Hifii pain r i" remove uny bony novth or ut! enlargement gucha8 8pavtn8,8punt8,ciiriM iillous, Kjrains. swfllins, any lanu'iis and all enlaiveaieats of tiUe Joints or llmbs, or rheiiniatisnt in utan iiuii for any purpose fr irhlch a liniiiM'iit is ust'il Cor man OF l't-ast. It is DOW known to be the besl Unlment for man ever u.i, ctJng mild iind yci eertain In its effects. Si-uil addreea íor Dlustrated Circular wliioh we t liink Lvt-K posidre prooi Of ts virtues. N rt'mdy lias ever ml b itli such unqualifled sucoess k oor fenowledge, for beast as sreU as man. Price il. perbottle, orsix bottlea for S-'. All DrugglBts It orean .iífi ii foryou, or tt "iii hei sent t nuv addresa on receipl o prios lv tl' proprieton. ' DB. B, .1. KKNDAI.L &. cO., Bnoa Imi'iiti l'alls, Vcïinont. SOLD Bï ALL DRUGBISTS p. H. DOWNS I VEGETABLE BALSAMIC ELIXIR ï Is a sure cure for Cougho, Colds, I I VVhooping-Cough, and all Lung ■ 9 Diseaset, wheii taken in season. 85 I y because of neglect, when the ■ Ktimel useof tins remed wou ld M B have cured them at once. Fifty-one years ot con-l ■ stant use proyeb the iact that nol H cuugh ttta&dy ha stood the test I Blikt JD o u ti k ' J.ltzir. I l'ric 35c. 'x.K ud (i.Wj iwi buttle. ir ö.ili Krur) wbere. Dr. Baxter's Mandrakel iSlTTEltl ■ Will ture Jaundice, Dispepsia, fi Liver Complaints, Indgestn ■ Smid all du-eaies arising frm 1 J iousnesn Pnce 25 ets. perbottle. I IIKNIIV' áí JUIIINiüON'S ARiaCA AND OIL ïlinimentI #' JTlati and Beaat. The most perfect liniment everB H compounded. Pricp -5c. and 50c. I Vut S.1I1' ywerywhvm.


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